(2022) How to Do a Midlife Career Change When You Feel Stuck (2025)

Midlife career change typically involves the desire to update your current career experience or simply retrain whenever you’re stuck in your current role.

AtMentorCruise, a thriving community of mentors and mentees,mid-life career coachescan assist you to recognize possible new positions while modeling you on how to go about the switch.

Once you finally attain ages 40 and above, a couple of things can quickly befall your career: You may get that desire to try out that job you’ve constantly dreamed of? Or you may notice that you’re being nudged/forced into a new line of work by an employer.

Doing a midlife career shift can be fascinating yet scary. The average American changes jobs between 10 and 15 times in their lifetime. Millennials have been called the “job-hopping generation” for changing careers faster than the average to achieve their career goals.

If you desire to start a new career, seek mid-life career change ideas, or find the best mid-life career changes, this article is for you.

In this article, you’ll learn a couple of things, including;

  • Crucial things to analyze before making a midlife career change
  • The best midlife career changes?
  • How to make a midlife career change when you’re stuck

Crucial Things to Analyze Before Making a Mid-Life Career Change

A mid-life career change can be a moment to re-evaluate your work-life discretion, decide to chase your passion, or simply try something different.

Although it isn’t an easy decision, we have seen people successfully and happily go through it with mentorship help atMentorCruise.

Below are a few things to consider that may help you determine whether to pull the trigger and change careers in mid-life or hold onto what you’ve got.

1. Find Out Why You Have a Midlife Career Crisis

Before quitting your job and seeking new positions, consider why you’re having a mid-career crisis. Ask why you are unsatisfied with your current work, and try to find out if it’s the industry or the company culture that’s the problem. Is it your day-to-day responsibilities, or is it a combination of these?

Some people love their industry but realize their new position isn’t ideal for them. For example, do you prefer executing creative tasks, or would you instead manage those doing the work? Sometimes, seeking out the help of a mid-life career coach is the best way to figure out the answer to this question.

After starting a new job, most people soon realize that the company they work for doesn’t align with their values. However, aworkplace culture trend report by LinkedInin 2018 shows that 71% of professionals don’t mind taking a pay cut to work for a company whose values align with theirs. If that’s the case with you, you’re looking for a similar job but a different company.

2. Ensure That You Have More Than Just “Passion”

You probably have heard something like, ‘it takes passion to thrive in a career.’ But unfortunately, the reality is that this is only partially true. In addition to passion, talent and hard work have a significant role. Therefore, before you jump into a new career because you’re passionate about it, try to dispassionately analyze your talent level.

Similarly, examine your eagerness and ability to work hard. Beginning a new career demands a lot of input/energy. Are you ready for that? Do you have such a level of energy? Just as critical, would you want to work that hard?

Many people ages 40 to 50 plus have a lot of things happening in their lives—hobbies, family, travel, just to list a few. As a result, you may have to sacrifice some of your quality time to do the hack obligation of establishing a new business or acquiring a new set of skills.

3. Carefully Analyze Your Financial Position

Typically, a mid-life career change includes getting a pay cut and losing privileges. Can you go by that? Do you fancy a contract with the stress of sticking to a fixed budget for an unknown period?

Health insurance becomes a more significant concern than your average salary as you grow older. Insurance is costly, and if you’re moving from an industry program to self-insurance, make sure you’re equipped. It’s no joke for sure!

Besides, if you have children/dependents, you’ll want to reflect on how a sudden financial change could hit them. This is presumably the primary consideration.

Would your finances set your residence, your kid’s college tuition, or your family’s healthcare coverage at risk?

Summarily, if you have to drill into your small savings, request a new debt, or barter non-liquid assets to finance your mid-life career change, you may be making today’s dream the future’s nightmare. Otherwise, you’re good to go!

4. Own an Emergency Plan

You’ll need time to ramp up in a new career. But how much time will be enough? Even with a thoroughly mapped out business plan or assurance from the new boss, things can still have a twist.

If the deal doesn’t work out as planned, will you be able to return to your original career path? If it’s a business you plan on starting, can you sell it if things don’t work out?

Yes! Indeed engaging in mid-life career change is quite stressful. Yet, deciding to avoid a mid-life career change several years later, with no plan, will even be more stressful.

5. Consider Your Motivation

As we grow older, the quality and significance of our job become more valuable. If you’re stuck in your current job, this will massively weigh on you emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

But the truth is, if you’re not in an ideal financial position to change careers, you will undoubtedly be better off psychologically by gripping the financial hit and getting into the job you love. Endeavor to change only when you must have found something you love, not when you’re enduring something you want to escape.

Most times, though, the desire to change careers is often directly linked with the “grass is greener” syndrome. Just don’t forget that every job has its negatives. You also might not want to get into an entry-level position again.

The Best Midlife Career Changes

You need to think creatively about your relevant experiences and job ideas to shorten the process of a mid-career change. For example:

  • If you want to become adata scientistor asoftware engineer, education platforms like Udacity allow you tofast-track these coursesto gain certification for jobs in 3-6 months.
  • Job platforms likeNo CS Degrees have technical job postings for people without computer science degrees across the world.
  • Your ideal career change job might not be in an office. In this case, you can look for full-time employment that’s fully remote throughAngelListandRemoteOK.
  • Change industries, not jobs. If you are employed in the digital marketing department in the culture and arts industry, you can also take these skills and land a digital marketing job in tech.
  • Suppose you have a sales marketingorbusiness administrationbackground and want to become a software engineer. You have more chances of hitting above average salaryin this new industry by mixing your technical knowledge with your past skills.

Some individuals may choose a more fulfilling career, prioritizing work-life balance above income or status, whereas others will fancy jobs that allow comfort and stability. Where do you fit?

Notwithstanding, the best mid-life career changes that will uniquely suit you depends on the type of skills you have. Typically, you can experience a smoother mid-life career change when you apply transferable skills (from your past or present career to the new one).

Additionally, most of the best second career ideas are further ideally suitable for individuals with preceding career experience. That said, having a degree in marketing or business management isn’t necessary for non-specialist jobs.

Consulting a mid-life career professional who canhelpyou through this process will be the best way to guarantee that you choose the right career and you successfully go through the transition smoothly. You can find help with thishere.

Tips for Midlife Change Careers When You’re Stuck in Current Career

Have you ever wondered why your peers suddenly change their careers and find exciting new jobs within a short period? The one thing they surely didn’t go for - was to listen to the naysayers.

If you’re stuck with your current career and desire to update or change your career experience or just retrain, continue reading to learn how to go about it. This may require going back to graduate school, enrolling in an online vocational course, or just investigating the new company you desire to work for.

Are you confused about which one to choose? Ways to calculate the cost, or you’re afraid it might just fail? Whatever the case, don’t bother too much.MentorCruisegot your back on this. The association comprises professionals in mid-life career change who can transform your dreams or aspirations into an ideal reality.

Nonetheless, we listed a fantastic 9-point plan for how to make a midlife career change when you’re stuck.

1. Change Your Mindset

The mind is a powerful tool that can convince you of many things. Sometimes, it can make you believe a lie and talk you out of essential things you want to do. That’s why the first step to a mid-life career change is changing your mindset. First, overcome the fear that will hold you back from making the changes you need.

Most people let the belief that it’s too late to begin a new career hold them back. The opinion is that there’s not enough time to make a significant change because of family responsibilities and several other commitments. To make the best mid-life career changes, you must first change this mindset.

You can make progress if you start the process today. Unfortunately, most career changes take time, and you have to fight against the fear trying to stop you continually. Below are the best techniques to combat anxiety and begin the process of a midlife career change today.

  • Name the Fear

Be specific in this step. Carry out a self-assessment to identify your fear. It could be worrying about getting embarrassed, failing, or financial responsibilities. Whatever it is, you need to call it what it is.

  • Write Down Your Fear

Most people don’t recognize this, but there’s power in looking at your fear on paper. Write down your apprehensions and stare them down. Speaking aloud to your fear also helps. Say out loud, ‘fear is a liar’ to yourself.

  • Replace the Fear With the Truth

The best way to silence fear is with the truth. If this is a lie, then what is the truth? If you’re afraid of being unqualified for a new career, look at your skills and experience. It will help you realize that you have all the skills necessary to make a significant mid-life career change, or you can start learning the required skills.

  • Repeat the Truth

Now that you know the truth, don’t stop repeating it. Saying it every time you have doubts in your mind will help you overcome your fears. Repeating it often makes it louder than the voices creating doubts in your mind.

When you do this, you’re not just ignoring the fear, which only works to worsen doubts. Instead, you’re addressing the anxiety and dealing with it the best way. Fear will always be a part of the picture as long as you take risks. It’s a healthy process and completely normal.

You’ll never eliminate fear, but you can deal with it in a way that never paralyzes you. Working with a mid-life career coach throughout the career change process can effectively help you deal with your fears.

2. Grant Yourself the Indulgence to Dream the Perfect Job

Once you get hold of the idea to change your career, you may want to be careful with financial responsibilities like house rents, support to the family, buying a car, etc. But, feel free to dream big of a successful career and assess your reasons for wanting to be one of those midlife career changers.

Reflect on what or how your ideal career looks like. Your ideal job title, daily responsibilities, and qualities that would characterize a great boss and or colleague. You may want to draw up a list and refer back to it from time to time as you consider gripping the new opportunities.

3. Understand What You Want in Your Perfect Job

The next thing to do is understand the basics of your new career field so you wouldn’t be exposed to unhealthy surprises later. These include:

  • Explore this new field to check for the average salary, pay packages, educational requirements, and programs.
  • Identify the relevant experiences you can offer; you may just have more transferable skills than you noticed.
  • Your current company might also offer job training packages for professional development, so be sure to take advantage of those. They might also benefit your future career.
  • Retain your day job while preparing for your career shift.
  • See the work-life balance required in the new career.

4. Figure Out Your Next Steps

You don’t want to hate your new job when making career changes. Therefore, research to ensure you know the industry and role you’re looking for. Look out for a job that allows you to do what you do best, what matters to you, and what you love doing.

The best way to find this job and explore the best mid-life career change ideas is by asking yourself the following questions.

  • What are my talents, and which of them am I most passionate about?
  • Which talent makes me feel alive and gives me energy?
  • Which group of people am I looking to help?
  • What problem would I love to solve for these people?
  • Which solution can I provide for people?

When you reflect on these questions, you’ll notice a pattern. These patterns are pretty important because they indicate what your dream job is. If you need help answering, seeking out mid-life career change counseling will help you get a clear idea of who you are. We offer this service at MentorCruise.

Research the job once you answer these salient questions and know the type of role you’re looking for. Stay open-minded throughout your search. You might find positions within your locality or beyond. Sometimes, moving to a new state is worth it when you find the right opportunity.

5. Retrain, Reskill, and Accept Help

Look into digital certifications, advanced degrees, continuing education courses, online programs, or even graduate school to gain the necessary skills for your next career goal. As career changers, a good plan is to ask someone within the industry that you want to get into about how it works.

AtMentorCruise, you can ask someone in the field you want to enter for expert guidance on navigating it or even some advice as a career coach on the very act of shifting careers. Then with them, create a career road map that has a set of goals to achieve.

Of course, you shouldn’t neglect the soft skills required. Assess your natural abilities, communication skills, etc.

6. Imagine Yourself as a Professional Matchmaker

Investigate the job postings for the perfect job in your career field and a tier, two, or three below that, if it demands that you work your way up. Then think of ways by which you’ll adjust your abilities to the new job’s obligations.

Imagine that you are a professional matchmaker and do well to design a match between yourself and a possible employer. Point out and promote those traits that will make you the most desirable for the position. Then, understand how to put your best qualities forward.

Give relatable instances. Effective verbal communication and unswerving integrity are two excellent skills with specific relevance to careers in finance.

Beyond that, it is often a fabulous idea to understand that every job involves associating with people. Therefore, people skills are always in search.

Typically, you will ideally match your skills with what’s required at your perfect job. Therefore, be sure to describe the skills you already have and put a plan in place to acquire the ones you do not possess.

7. Create a Way of Mastering New Skills

Interestingly, the ever-changing nature of several industries can work in your favor.But, before diving into any program, be sure to ask colleagues for recommendations, check out reviews by previous students, and thoroughly read through the course descriptions. You may want to take online courses, continuous education courses, or enroll in career training programs.

8. Pull Notice by Smart Networking

Besides gaining the required skills, you’ll want to step out by ramping up a robust networking crusade. Unfortunately, the greatest percentage of jobs never reach the open market in an online listing. The reason is that positions become filled already before they can even go public.

Once you network, that is, reach out to employers and employees for your dream job, you improve your likelihood of learning about the position long before it ever hits the open market.

Smart networking means networking with a purpose. Hang out in relevant professional communities, go on social media, and look at relevant LinkedIn profiles. Cold email potential companies you want to work for. Create meaningful connections in this new industry. Get out of your comfort zone.

Once you start learning new skills, you’ll likely make new meaningful connections in the industry. Some other ways to network and make new connections are:

  • Informing your friends and family about the new career you’re looking to pursue.
  • Asking your inner circle if they have connections in your chosen industry
  • Finding contacts in your neighborhood, church, gym, and other places you frequent.
  • Reaching out to your new network and sharing your desired future; you can also seek advice from them.

Opportunities will start coming your way once you start networking and making meaningful connections with people in your new career line.

You might get accepted for part-time work that can later become a new career. Job hopping isn’t the solution, but you need to set your foot in the door.

9. Win the Interview Process

The final step to making a significant mid-life career change is applying for jobs. Of course, once you start looking for jobs, the goal is to win the interview. Below are some steps to ensure you ace the interview process.

  • Update Your Resume:You need to tailor your resume to your new career path. For example, if you learned new skills, ensure it reflects in your resume. Additionally, ensure you add a referral from one of the connections you made while networking. This information will set your resume apart.
  • Prepare for the Interview:Another step you need to take is preparing for upcoming interviews.Interview preparation breeds confidence which leads to winning.Get ready to explain why you’re changing your career and your passion to interviewers. Ensure you research the company’s culture and history to confirm it aligns with your goals. Additionally, learn the STAR/CAR interview technique to ace every question in your interviews.
  • Follow Up:Another way you can stand out is to follow up after the interview. Sometimes, it is the only step you need to seal the deal and get an offer.

Get Mentorship at MentorCruise

To conclude, throughout your career transition or change, you’ll be working to efficiently prove that your skills are the excellent skills that your dream industry needs.

Make that change you’ve always desired now! If you are not taking any steps now, the probability is that you will never make your goals happen. So, whether you want to shift careers and become a computer programmer, a data scientist, etc,MentorCruise is there for your mid-career mentorship needs.

(2022) How to Do a Midlife Career Change When You Feel Stuck (2025)


How do you make a successful midlife career change? ›

  1. Determine a new career goal.
  2. Learn the relevant skills.
  3. Try it out.
  4. Update your resume.
  5. Prepare for younger colleagues.
  6. Network within your desired field.
  7. Challenge your assumptions and be confident.

What is the best midlife career change? ›

The 15 best jobs for a midlife career change — and how to make the change
  • Actuary. Average salary: $120,113 (Glassdoor) ...
  • Administrative assistant. Average salary: $43,042 (Salary.com) ...
  • Consultant. Average salary: $112,405 (Salary.com) ...
  • Event planner. ...
  • Financial planner. ...
  • Fundraiser. ...
  • Market researcher. ...
  • Patient advocate.
11 May 2021

What is the best career to start at 40? ›

25 best careers to start at 40
  • Real estate agent.
  • Proofreader.
  • Freelance writer.
  • Translator.
  • Consultant.
  • Job Recruiter.
  • Social media manager.
  • Project or program manager.
1 Jun 2022

What to do when you feel like you need a career change? ›

How to Change Careers
  1. Get specific about what's not working. ...
  2. Identify what you like about your current role. ...
  3. Consider your core values. ...
  4. Assess your strengths and skill gaps. ...
  5. Research popular jobs for career changers. ...
  6. Develop and execute your plan.
24 Aug 2020

What's the easiest career change? ›

Check out these seven quick-change careers:
  • Web Developer.
  • Patient Advocate.
  • Social Media Manager.
  • Massage Therapist.
  • Energy Consultant.
  • Pharmacy Technician, Medical Assistant or Dental Assistants.
  • Technical Writer.
23 Jul 2013

What is the happiest career choice? ›

Take one step outside and chances are you'll see many buildings that construction workers finished. Construction workers are the #1 happiest job for a reason—they do what humans are built for! They plan, move and use their bodies, and get to see their creative works come to life.

What is the best career choice for 2022? ›

Here are the 10 best U.S. jobs in 2022, according to Indeed, along with the full list of the top 20 jobs here.
  1. Registered nurse. Average salary: $84,074. ...
  2. Optometrist. Average salary: $118,389. ...
  3. Site reliability engineer. ...
  4. Real estate agent. ...
  5. Pharmacist. ...
  6. Over-the-road truck driver. ...
  7. Software engineer. ...
  8. Nurse practitioner.
12 Jul 2022

What is the peak age for career? ›

Although it can be tough realizing you are no longer the youngest generation in the workplace, you are entering your peak earning years. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers earn the most when they are between the ages of 35 and 54.

What is a good career to start at 45? ›

What are the best careers to transition into at 45? The top five high-paying jobs that are great for career changers at 45 are real estate agent, web developer, personal financial advisor, writer, and sales manager. However, we recommend that you choose a new career based on your skills and personal interests.

How do you jumpstart a career at 40? ›

How to change careers at 40
  1. Information is power. Make sure you know what you're stepping into. ...
  2. Be clear on why you're looking for change. Take a moment — more than a few moments — to reflect on why you want to leave. ...
  3. Experiment. ...
  4. Identify your transferable skills. ...
  5. Keep developing your skills.
15 Apr 2022

How do I restart my career? ›

These 10 steps can show you how to reboot your career:
  1. Prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Accept that you need to start over. ...
  2. Think carefully about your next step. What do you love to do? ...
  3. Research your options. ...
  4. Assess your strengths. ...
  5. Make new connections. ...
  6. Find a mentor. ...
  7. Set some goals. ...
  8. Be flexible and realistic.

How do I stop regretting my career choices? ›

How to Deal With Career Regret — Even if You're a "Success Story"
  1. Don't bury your head in the sand.
  2. Take a break.
  3. Seek out advice from a third party.
  4. Don't be afraid of a consider a career change.
7 Jul 2022

How do I stop feeling lost in my career? ›

Motivation (or the lack thereof) can be a key influencer when you're feeling lost in your career. One of the best ways to keep motivation going (or instill some in yourself if you've run out) is to get involved with organizations that include people you admire.

How do I switch careers without starting over? ›

Luckily, there are ways to change careers without starting from scratch.
6 Ways to Change Careers Without Starting Over
  1. Climb the Ladder. ...
  2. Change Industry. ...
  3. Pivot. ...
  4. Get a Side Gig. ...
  5. Deliver Consulting/Professional Services. ...
  6. Work Remotely.
26 Feb 2021

What is the hardest career to become? ›

1. Military. All military roles have their difficulties, but challenging roles such as a marine and mercenary are among the hardest in the world.

What is an easy job that pays a lot of money? ›

House Sitter

If you're looking for easy high paying jobs, don't discount house sitter. Your main responsibility is simply to be present, ensuring a home doesn't sit empty. Usually, there will be a few more duties, like watering plants, checking the mail, and maybe some light cleaning.

What are five careers from 50 years ago that no longer exist? ›

Many occupations that were commonplace in the past no longer exist on resumes today.
Here are 41 jobs that are no longer around:
  • Leech collector. ...
  • Knocker upper. ...
  • Hush shopkeeper. ...
  • Alchemist. ...
  • Gandy dancer. ...
  • Human computer. ...
  • Caddy butcher. ...
  • Phrenologist.

How do I pivot my career at 50? ›

Your next move: think about these five final tips to make a career change at 50
  1. Update your resume to reflect all of your accomplishments and skills.
  2. Get on social media and create a LinkedIn profile to stay connected.
  3. Consider all of your options with care.
  4. Take your rejections with stride and stay motivated.
17 May 2022

How do I find a career I love at 50? ›

6 Ways People Over 50 Can Find Jobs They'll Love
  1. Make it a project. If you don't need a new job right away, forget about job hunting until your target is clear and specific. ...
  2. Become a career detective. ...
  3. Focus on your strengths. ...
  4. Research jobs that seem to fit. ...
  5. Conduct a smart job search. ...
  6. Persist.
19 Jan 2012

What is the most relaxing high paying job? ›

Top Low Stress Jobs That Pay Well in 2021
  • 15 of the Best High-Paying Low-Stress Jobs. There are a variety of jobs in fields such as business and healthcare that are reported to be low-stress. ...
  • University Professor. ...
  • Audiologist. ...
  • Operations Research Analyst. ...
  • Radiation Therapist. ...
  • Statistician. ...
  • Biomedical Engineer. ...
  • Art Director.
28 Sept 2021

What is the least stressful job? ›

These are the best low-stress jobs:
  • Web Developer.
  • Occupational Therapist.
  • Occupational Therapy Assistant.
  • Computer Systems Analyst.
  • Actuary.
  • Statistician.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Software Developer.
11 Aug 2022

What is the most peaceful career? ›

Hand sewing is probably one of the most relaxing jobs in the world. You have to use threads and needles to join parts of toys, garments, and books. Doing this does not require any brain complication or physical activity.

What is the most promising career? ›

Here are the best jobs of 2022:
  • Information Security Analyst.
  • Nurse Practitioner.
  • Physician Assistant.
  • Medical and Health Services Manager.
  • Software Developer.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Financial Manager.

Which jobs will be in demand in 2022? ›

According to research, the top 10 in-demand jobs profiles of 2022 will include:
  • Data Scientist.
  • Data Analyst.
  • Blockchain Engineer.
  • UX Designer.
  • Cyber Security Engineer.
  • Cloud Developer.
  • DevOps Engineer.
  • Digital Marketing Specialist.
22 Sept 2022

What is the most needed jobs right now? ›

  • Actuary.
  • Industrial Engineer.
  • Data Scientist.
  • Information Systems (IS) Manager.
  • Information Security Analyst.
  • Financial Manager.
  • Registered Nurse (RN)
  • Physician Assistant (PA)
24 Jan 2022

What age is too late to change career? ›

It's never too late to change career paths. In fact, countless people change careers, many of them later in life. Still, you need to weigh your priorities in life to answer the question of whether it's worth it. For many people, yes, rebooting your career is definitely worth it.

Do jobs look at your age? ›

Unless you list your birthday somewhere on your resume, the employer should not ever see your age.

At what age should you make six figures? ›

The average person does not start making a six-figure salary until they are in their 30s. While there is no specific average age to make six figures, Americans over 30 are generally more likely to make a six-figure salary due to their experience.

Is 57 too old to start a new career? ›

Being 50 or over can be a great age to choose a new career. You have lots of skills and experience and the agility of mind to learn new things. While many people are happily settled in their careers, others may want to change theirs for a variety of reasons, such as: A desire to learn new things.

Is 47 too old to change careers? ›

It is never too late to switch careers. Indeed, many people change careers, often later in life. Still, you must weigh your life priorities to determine whether it is worthwhile. Yes, for many people, restarting your career is well worth it.

Which course is best after 40 years? ›

Here are some career after 40 years age
  • Teacher. Don't get North American nation wrong, teaching is very demanding and difficult work. ...
  • Hairstylist. ...
  • Dietitian. ...
  • Cybersecurity. ...
  • Social Worker. ...
  • Veterinary Technician. ...
  • Marketing Manager. ...
  • Patient Advocate.
31 Mar 2019

What jobs can you do without qualifications? ›

Jobs With No Qualifications No Experience jobs
  • Care Assistant. ...
  • Support Worker - No Experience Required. ...
  • Factory Machine Cleaner ( Nights ) ...
  • Live-in Care Assistant. ...
  • Care Support Worker - Studley - NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. ...
  • Care Support Worker- CO12- No Experience Required. ...
  • Food Machine Operator ( Days or Nights ) ...
  • Warehouse Staff.

What might motivate a middle aged person to change to a completely different career? ›

5 Common Reasons to Change Careers
  1. Salary. The EdX survey also found that 39% of those who thought about or had already changed careers did so for a salary increase. ...
  2. Career Satisfaction. ...
  3. Unsatisfactory Leadership. ...
  4. Work Flexibility. ...
  5. Changing Philosophy and Goals.

How long is too long for employment gap? ›

If you took two or three months between jobs, it's usually not considered an employment gap but rather a job searching period. However, stretch that period to nine or ten months and most employers would consider that a full-fledged employment gap.

Can I get a job after 8 years gap? ›

Yes, it is definitely possible to get a job after a long gap, you just need to be determined and have perseverance.

How do you reinvent your career and start over? ›

Want To Reinvent Your Career? 2022 Is the Year To Do It—Here's How
  1. Utilize the time you have right now. ...
  2. Think about where you want to go. ...
  3. Check out what others are doing. ...
  4. Take stock of your experience and how it might apply outside of your role. ...
  5. Map out your next steps. ...
  6. Enroll in an online course to learn a new skill.
4 Jan 2022

What to do if you feel like you chose the wrong career? ›

What to do if you chose the wrong career
  1. Reevaluate your conclusion. Before making any decisions, allow yourself to reevaluate what's making you feel pessimistic or upset about work. ...
  2. Rank your priorities. ...
  3. Define qualifications. ...
  4. Research potential careers. ...
  5. Begin transition.
13 Apr 2021

Why do I feel guilty about changing careers? ›

Remember that trying another career means learning.

You might fear starting from scratch in terms of knowledge, skills, and fitting in with the new co-workers you'll be with, so you feel guilty about quitting your job. Don't be fooled by this fear. Instead, focus on the learning that you're gonna get when you shift.

How do you bounce back from a career setback? ›

Here are 7 ways to deal with a career setback based on input and advice from career coaches and those who have experienced setbacks of their own.
  1. Face the Facts. ...
  2. Learn From the Experience. ...
  3. Focus on the Positive. ...
  4. Cultivate a Growth Mindset. ...
  5. Reach Out to Your Network. ...
  6. Avoid Negative Influences. ...
  7. Stay Healthy.

What are the signs of career burnout? ›

Job burnout symptoms
  • Have you become cynical or critical at work?
  • Do you drag yourself to work and have trouble getting started?
  • Have you become irritable or impatient with co-workers, customers or clients?
  • Do you lack the energy to be consistently productive?
  • Do you find it hard to concentrate?

How do I get excited about my career again? ›

7 Tips For Getting Excited About Your Job Again
  1. Realize your own power. ...
  2. Establish a pleasant morning routine. ...
  3. Find the joy before you start. ...
  4. Have fun with work friends. ...
  5. Remember why you started. ...
  6. Don't complain without purpose. ...
  7. Help someone else. ...
  8. Tell Us What You Think.
30 Apr 2018

How do you drastically change careers? ›

How to change your career path
  1. Take a personal inventory. Start a journal. ...
  2. Decide if you want to change industries. ...
  3. Brainstorm careers. ...
  4. Research potential job matches. ...
  5. Make an action plan. ...
  6. Rebrand yourself. ...
  7. Use your network. ...
  8. Consider educational resources and develop new skills.

How do I start a new career later in life? ›

The after-50 career change
  1. Know yourself. Explore your personality and what you need to be happy. ...
  2. Take time to think. ...
  3. Seek professional help. ...
  4. It's not about the money. ...
  5. Self-actualization. ...
  6. Deal with the fear. ...
  7. Be realistic about what you can do. ...
  8. Don't hate them because they're younger.

How can I accelerate my career after 40? ›

‌10 Ways to Reinvent Your Career at 40
  1. Determine why you're considering a new career.
  2. List your current skills.
  3. Look into educational opportunities.
  4. Leverage military skills.
  5. Take note of musical skills.
  6. Seek support from Family and friends.
  7. Rebrand yourself.
  8. Try it out.
28 May 2021

What is a good career change at 45? ›

What are the best careers to transition into at 45? The top five high-paying jobs that are great for career changers at 45 are real estate agent, web developer, personal financial advisor, writer, and sales manager. However, we recommend that you choose a new career based on your skills and personal interests.

What is an easy career that pays well? ›

18 Easiest Jobs That Pay Well and are Achievable
#CareerMedian Salary
1Groundskeeper or Landscaping Assistant$31,730
2Taxi Driver or Chauffeur$32,320
3Virtual Customer Service Representative$35,830
4Phlebotomy Technician$36,320
14 more rows
5 May 2022

How do you pivot into a new career in 2022? ›

How to pivot to a new career in 2022
  1. Get comfortable with risk. ...
  2. Reach out to connectors. ...
  3. Overcome feeling stuck. ...
  4. Show that you have the right skills. ...
  5. Review how financially ready you are. ...
  6. 6 American cotton farmers are making half a million pairs of luxury jeans.
23 Dec 2021

What should you not do after 40? ›

Things to Never Do After Age 40, Say Health Experts
  • Forgetting to Train the Brain.
  • Poor Posture.
  • Starting a Workout Program Too Fast.
  • Stop Smoking.
  • Not Monitoring Blood Pressure.
  • Gaining Weight.
  • Not Getting Screening for Low T.
  • Ignoring Prostate Health & Not Getting Screened.
23 Dec 2021

How do I rediscover myself at 40? ›

I have used these practical strategies to reinvent myself over and over again.
  1. Investigate career options based on your strengths. ...
  2. Take up new hobbies and learn something new. ...
  3. Start living a life of intention. ...
  4. Experiment with new styles of clothing. ...
  5. Find new habits and get rid of old self-defeating habits.
31 Oct 2021

Is 43 too old to change careers? ›

You may be worried that it's too late to make a career change. Although it may sound trite, it's never too late. That doesn't mean your transition will be simple or that you can make it without a great deal of effort. Change is hard, even if you prepare well for it.

Is 45 too late to start over? ›

Age is just a number. You're never too old for a new start. Let go of preconceived notions about where you should be and start building the life you want to live.

Is 62 too old to start a new career? ›

It is never too late to switch careers. Indeed, many people change careers, often later in life. Still, you must weigh your life priorities to determine whether it is worthwhile. Yes, for many people, restarting your career is well worth it.

Why is it so hard to change careers? ›

The No. 1 roadblock to changing careers is the ability to market yourself successfully without a track record of success in the career you want to pursue. Employers like to hire proven professionals. For them, it's always safer to hire someone with existing industry experience.

Is 58 too old to change jobs? ›

While younger workers may be quick to make a change, workers over the age of 50 may feel that the only choice they have is to “stick it out” until retirement. A common misconception exists that after a certain age it's “too late” to make a career change. Quite the opposite is true, however.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6236

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.