.gitignore file - ignoring files in Git | Atlassian Git Tutorial (2024)

Git ignore patterns

.gitignore uses globbing patterns to match against file names. You can construct your patterns using various symbols:


Example matches



Example matches



You can prepend a pattern with a double asterisk to match directories anywhere in the repository.


Example matches

logs/debug.logbuild/logs/debug.logbut notlogs/build/debug.log


You can also use a double asterisk to match files based on their name and the name of their parent directory.


Example matches



An asterisk is a wildcard that matches zero or more characters.


Example matches

debug.logbut notlogs/debug.log


Prepending an exclamation mark to a pattern negates it. If a file matches a pattern, but also matches a negating pattern defined later in the file, it will not be ignored.


Example matches

debug.logbut notlogs/debug.log


Patterns defined after a negating pattern will re-ignore any previously negated files.


Example matches



Prepending a slash matches files only in the repository root.


Example matches

debug0.logdebugg.logbut notdebug10.log


A question mark matches exactly one character.


Example matches

debug0.logdebug1.logbut notdebug10.log


Square brackets can also be used to match a single character from a specified range.


Example matches

debug0.logdebug1.logbut notdebug2.logdebug01.log


Square brackets match a single character form the specified set.


Example matches

debug2.logbut notdebug0.logdebug1.logdebug01.log


An exclamation mark can be used to match any character except one from the specified set.


Example matches

debuga.logdebugb.logbut notdebug1.log


Ranges can be numeric or alphabetic.


Example matches



If you don't append a slash, the pattern will match both files and the contents of directories with that name. In the example matches on the left, both directories and files named logs are ignored


Example matches



Appending a slash indicates the pattern is a directory. The entire contents of any directory in the repository matching that name – including all of its files and subdirectories – will be ignored


Example matches



Wait a minute! Shouldn't logs/important.log be negated in the example on the leftNope! Due to a performance-related quirk in Git, you can not negate a file that is ignored due to a pattern matching a directory


Example matches



A double asterisk matches zero or more directories.


Example matches

logs/monday/debug.loglogs/tuesday/debug.logbut notlogs/latest/debug.log


Wildcards can be used in directory names as well.


Example matches

logs/debug.logbut notdebug.logbuild/logs/debug.log


Patterns specifying a file in a particular directory are relative to the repository root. (You can prepend a slash if you like, but it doesn't do anything special.)

** these explanations assume your .gitignore file is in the top level directory of your repository, as is the convention. If your repository has multiple .gitignore files, simply mentally replace "repository root" with "directory containing the .gitignore file" (and consider unifying them, for the sanity of your team).*

In addition to these characters, you can use # to include comments in your .gitignore file:


You can use \ to escape .gitignore pattern characters if you have files or directories containing them:


.gitignore file - ignoring files in Git | Atlassian Git Tutorial (1)

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Git ignore rules are usually defined in a .gitignore file at the root of your repository. However, you can choose to define multiple .gitignore files in different directories in your repository. Each pattern in a particular .gitignore file is tested relative to the directory containing that file. However the convention, and simplest approach, is to define a single .gitignore file in the root. As your .gitignore file is checked in, it is versioned like any other file in your repository and shared with your teammates when you push. Typically you should only include patterns in .gitignore that will benefit other users of the repository.

Personal Git ignore rules

You can also define personal ignore patterns for a particular repository in a special file at .git/info/exclude. These are not versioned, and not distributed with your repository, so it's an appropriate place to include patterns that will likely only benefit you. For example if you have a custom logging setup, or special development tools that produce files in your repository's working directory, you could consider adding them to .git/info/exclude to prevent them from being accidentally committed to your repository.

Global Git ignore rules

In addition, you can define global Git ignore patterns for all repositories on your local system by setting the Git core.excludesFile property. You'll have to create this file yourself. If you're unsure where to put your global .gitignore file, your home directory isn't a bad choice (and makes it easy to find later). Once you've created the file, you'll need to configure its location with git config:


You should be careful what patterns you choose to globally ignore, as different file types are relevant for different projects. Special operating system files (e.g. .DS_Store and thumbs.db) or temporary files created by some developer tools are typical candidates for ignoring globally.

Ignoring a previously committed file

If you want to ignore a file that you've committed in the past, you'll need to delete the file from your repository and then add a .gitignore rule for it. Using the --cached option with git rm means that the file will be deleted from your repository, but will remain in your working directory as an ignored file.




You can omit the --cached option if you want to delete the file from both the repository and your local file system.

Committing an ignored file

It is possible to force an ignored file to be committed to the repository using the -f (or --force) option with git add:




You might consider doing this if you have a general pattern (like *.log) defined, but you want to commit a specific file. However a better solution is to define an exception to the general rule:





This approach is more obvious, and less confusing, for your teammates.

Stashing an ignored file

git stash is a powerful Git feature for temporarily shelving and reverting local changes, allowing you to re-apply them later on. As you'd expect, by default git stash ignores ignored files and only stashes changes to files that are tracked by Git. However, you can invoke git stash with the --all option to stash changes to ignored and untracked files as well.

Debugging .gitignore files

If you have complicated .gitignore patterns, or patterns spread over multiple .gitignore files, it can be difficult to track down why a particular file is being ignored. You can use the git check-ignore command with the -v (or --verbose) option to determine which pattern is causing a particular file to be ignored:


The output shows:


You can pass multiple file names to git check-ignore if you like, and the names themselves don't even have to correspond to files that exist in your repository.

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.gitignore file - ignoring files in Git | Atlassian Git Tutorial (2024)


How do I ignore changes to ignored files in git? ›

You can use various mechanisms to let Git know which files in your project not to track, and to ensure that Git won't report changes to those files. For files that Git doesn't track, you can use a . gitignore or exclude file. For files that Git does track, you can tell Git to stop tracking them and to ignore changes.

How do I ignore certain files in git? ›

If you want to ignore a file that you've committed in the past, you'll need to delete the file from your repository and then add a .gitignore rule for it. Using the --cached option with git rm means that the file will be deleted from your repository, but will remain in your working directory as an ignored file.

Where to put .gitignore file? ›

Typically, a .gitignore file gets placed in the root directory of the repository. The root directory is also known as the parent and the current working directory. The root folder contains all the files and other folders that make up the project. That said, you can place it in any folder in the repository.

How do I force add ignored files in git? ›

Ignored files reached by directory recursion or filename globbing performed by Git (quote your globs before the shell) will be silently ignored. The git add command can be used to add ignored files with the -f (force) option. Please see git-commit[1] for alternative ways to add content to a commit.

How does .gitignore work? ›

The purpose of gitignore files is to ensure that certain files not tracked by Git remain untracked. To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached to remove the file from the index. The filename can then be added to the .gitignore file to stop the file from being reintroduced in later commits.

How to clean ignored files and folders in git? ›

To remove all untracked files, whether they are ignored or not, use the command git clean -f -x instead. The -x option removes all untracked files, including ignored files.

How to ignore all idea files in git? ›

You'll need to do git rm the offending file(s) first, then add to your . gitignore. Add . idea/* to your exclusion list to prevent tracking of all .

How to ignore class files in git? ›

The easiest and most common way to ignore files is to use a gitignore file. Simply create a file named . gitignore in the repository's root directory. Then, add names and patterns for any files and directories that should not be added to the repository.

How to ignore .gitignore itself? ›

Also, you can make the . gitignore file "ignore itself" so that it's not posted publicly and works normally - but it's possible only if it was created manually, touch . gitignore.

How to use gitignore to ignore a folder? ›

How to Add Folders to gitignore. gitignore can also be used to ignore entire directories, along with any files and subdirectories in the directory. To ignore a specific directory, append a / symbol to the end of the directory name.

How to untrack files in gitignore? ›

To stop tracking a file that is currently tracked, use git rm --cached to remove the file from the index.

How to hide files in gitignore? ›

To create a Git Ignore File, save an empty file named . gitignore into the base folder of your Git repo using your code editor. Files starting with a period (.) are hidden in Unix-based operating systems like macOS.

Why files in gitignore are not ignored? ›

Files Are Already Tracked or Committed Before Being Added to Gitignore. Sometimes, you may add files to Gitignore after they have already been tracked or committed. In such cases, Git will continue to track those files even if they are listed in Gitignore.

How to ignore all csv files in gitignore? ›

gitignore files and represents a wildcard. E.g. *. csv will ignore any csv file in your folder and subfolders. The asterisk can precede a file format in which case it will ignore all the files with that format (e.g. ignore all csv, fastq, sam, bam, xlsx, pdf, etc.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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