10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (2024)

I love a good cup of coffee! While a plain home coffee machine brewed cup will work just fine, my favorite coffee is definitely the fancy flavored kinds you get at coffee shops! But while I like how they taste, I often don’t like those coffee shop prices! And sometimes I just don’t feel like traveling out of my way to go get an expensive store-brewed cup. Luckily, you can easily make your own delicious flavored coffee at home! Take a look at these15 Fabulous Coffee Recipes, including bothiced and hot coffees!

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (1)

If you love drinking fancy coffees, you can save a lot of money by making your own instead of going to a coffee shop! Check out these 10 fabulous coffee recipes!

While a Keurig does a good job of making flavored coffee really fast, I still lovestovetop coffee recipes! They take a bit more time, butsometimes you just want the extra flavor that comes from mixing a bunch of fresh ingredients together!

15 Fabulous Coffee Recipes

  • Use a good coffee bean.If you want to make delicious coffee at home, spend a little more on your coffee beans. This will give you a richer flavor to make your drinks even more delicious!
  • Use filtered water.Another way to make your coffee better is to use filtered water. Tap water can contain a lot of added minerals that can change the taste of your drink.
  • Grind your own beans.Many people rave that grinding their own beans is the way to make the best coffee. Give it a try and let me know if it is true!

1. Skinny Caramel Frappuccino

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10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (2)If you’re looking for a decadent iced coffee without a lot of calories, you have to try Averie Cooks’ skinny caramel frappucino!

2. White Chocolate Latte

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (3)

Sometimes you just want a chocolatey drink that’s not hot chocolate. That’s when you should make something like Julie’s Eats and Treats’ white chocolate latte!

3. Crock-Pot Vanilla Latte

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (4)Crock-Pots are so handy, you can even use them to make coffee recipes! Easily make your own homemade coffee in the Crock-Pot by following Kitchen Treaty’s recipe for thisCrock-Pot vanilla latte!

4. Homemade Blended Iced Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (5)This coffee looks like the perfect cool summer drink! Follow 52 Kitchen Adventures’ recipe to make your own blended iced coffee!

5. Copycat Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (6)

If you love drinking fancy coffees, you can save a lot of money by making your own instead of going to a coffee shop! Check out these 10 fabulous coffee recipes!

Isn’t this drink pretty with the pink and white colors? Whip up your own strawberries and creme frappuccino by following Passion for Savings’ recipe!

6. Italian Coffee (Bicerin)

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (7)This looks so delicious! If you’ve never had Italian coffee (AKA Bicerin) before, then you have to followNellie Bellie’s recipe!

7. Mocha Cookie Frozen Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (8)There’s no need to go to the coffee shop when you can make a delicious coffee like this at home! Check out how Sprinkle Some Fun made this yummy mocha cookie frozen coffee!

8. Thin Mint Latte

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (9)Can’t get enough of Thin Mints? Then you have to make Inside Bru Crew Life’s Thin Mint latte!

9. Fresh Mint Iced Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (10)This iced coffee looks so refreshing! How Sweet It Isexplains how to make your own pretty and delicious fresh mint iced coffee!

10. Coffee Smoothie

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (11)

This morning coffee smoothie, from Ambitious Kitchen, will become your favorite post-workout pick-me-up! Loaded with peanut butter and collagen this will boost your mood and energy for the day!

11. RumChata Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (12)

A Couple Cooks makes a yummy RumChata coffee to help you unwind for the day. This is the perfect recipe to warm you up on a cold day!

12. Iced Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (13)

Need a recipe for a chilled coffee drink? This is a classic recipe from A Couple Cooks for a delicious iced coffee!

13. Cinnamon Coffee Smoothie

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (14)

Enjoy this cinnamon coffee smoothie for a yummy breakfast or snack! It is loaded with so many vitamins and good for you foods but tastes like coffee! Check out the recipe from Love and Lemons.

14. Pumpkin Spice Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (15)

Want to make your own pumpkin spice drink? Belle of the Kitchen shows you how to make this delicious drink for way less than your local coffee shop.

15. Coconut Banana Frozen Coffee

10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (16)

Belle of the Kitchen shows you how to make this yummy and cool frozen coconut and banana coffee drink! I can’t wait to try this recipe!

Have you ever made a fancy homemade coffee?

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10 Fabulous Coffee Recipes (2024)


How to make gourmet coffee at home? ›

Follow these steps to make your own gourmet coffee at home:
  1. Buy whole bean coffee. When it comes to coffee, it's OK to splurge. ...
  2. Invest in a scale. ...
  3. Grind only what you need. ...
  4. Store coffee in a ceramic canister. ...
  5. Use filtered water. ...
  6. Brewing methods matter. ...
  7. Clean your coffeemaker often. ...
  8. Know your coffee bean.

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9 Things to Put in Your Coffee to Up the Ante
  1. Cinnamon. If you find yourself ordering autumnal drinks at your closest coffee chain, this powder should be your new at-home staple. ...
  2. Cardamom. This Turkish tradition adds an earthy, almost floral taste to your brew. ...
  3. Mint. ...
  4. Cocoa Powder. ...
  5. Salt. ...
  6. Vanilla Extract. ...
  7. Ginger. ...
  8. Espresso.
Aug 17, 2023

What mixes well with coffee? ›

Whiskey, brandy, rum, and other dark liquors are favorites. They are versatile and easy to use in coffee co*cktail recipes. And if you've got more of a sweet tooth, you can not miss mixing coffee with Irish cream, amaretto, and other flavored liquors to make varied and tasty coffee co*cktails.

How to make a perfect coffee? ›

Add a teaspoon of NESCAFÉ Instant Coffee to your cup. If you like sugar you can add it now. Carefully pour the hot water into the cup, leaving some space at the top. Stir it well to ensure the coffee and the sugar are fully dissolved - this will only take about 10 seconds.

How do you make the best tasting coffee at home? ›

  1. STEP 1: KNOW YOUR COFFEE BEAN. Knowing where your coffee comes from is important. ...

How to make coffee taste like restaurant? ›

Most fine restaurants use a press pot, also known as the French Press, which produces an extremely rich cup of coffee. Press pot coffee is coffee steeped for 3-4 minutes between 195 to 205°F. It produces a thicker and much richer taste than an auto-drip machine can produce.

How do coffee shops make their coffee taste so good? ›

Coffee shops carefully choose high-quality beans from reputable suppliers and roast them to bring out the best flavors. The roasting process can significantly affect the taste of coffee, and different beans may require different roast levels.

Why do people put butter in their coffee? ›

Consequently, butter coffee became popular in Western coffee consuming markets, specifically the UK and the US. Supposedly, the caffeine “mixes” with the oils and the fats in butter to provide the drinker with slow-release energy throughout the course of a day, or an extended workout session.

What is the most delicious way to make coffee? ›

If you're into rich, full-bodied coffee, then the French press is for you. This method brews by soaking ground coffee directly in hot water—sans filter—rather than letting water pass through the grounds.

How can I make my coffee more delicious? ›

Today, if you are looking for things to put in your coffee to reduce the bitterness, salt is a top ingredient. Lightly salted coffee is a big minerals boost and a tasty coffee break option. Studies have showed that the sodium ions in salt suppress the bitterness in coffee and enhances its taste.

How to make the best coffee in the world? ›

Use freshly roasted beans - Coffee beans lose flavor and aroma over time, so it's best to use beans that have been roasted within the past two weeks. Grind the beans just before brewing - The aroma and flavor of coffee are released as soon as the beans are ground, so it's best to grind the beans just before brewing.

What makes coffee gourmet coffee? ›

Gourmet coffee is generally made from 100% Arabica beans, giving the brewed coffee a full body, fine aroma, and rich flavor. Regular coffees use Robusta beans, which are cheaper because they grow faster and are easier to produce.

How to make the best rich coffee? ›

The 7 Keys to Making the Best Coffee at Home
  1. Buy whole bean instead of ground coffee.
  2. Grind the beans immediately before brewing.
  3. Shop for high-quality beans.
  4. Learn the different coffee flavor profiles.
  5. Use filtered water and clean your coffee machine.
  6. Dial-in your ratios.
  7. Store your beans properly.
Mar 6, 2023

How to make a fancy cup of coffee? ›

A teaspoon of vanilla extract, peppermint extract, or even almond extract can totally change your cup of coffee. If all else fails, adding a teaspoon of maple syrup certainly never hurts! It's also never a bad decision to sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, or even cocoa powder on the top of your drink.

How do coffee shops make such good coffee? ›

Cafes use a variety of equipment to prepare high-quality coffee. They often invest in professional-grade grinders, which are essential for achieving a consistent grind size. Espresso machines, manual pour-over setups, and French presses are some of the brewing methods commonly found in coffee shops.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.