Works of Dr. John Tillotson, Late Archbishop of Canterbury. Vol. 10. - Christian Classics Ethereal Library (2024)

Table of Contents
INDEX II. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. V. W. X. Y. Z.


Of the principal Matters contained in these Ten Volumes of ARCHBISHOP TILLOTSON’s Sermons.

*** The Numerical Letters denote the Volumes, the Figures the Pages.


ABOMINATION of desolation, what meant by it, ix. 503.

Abraham, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, what the expression denotes, ii. 322.

Abraham’s religion, the antiquity of it, ii. 468.

Abraham, the excellency of his faith, and obedience in offering up his son, iv. 28. the reasonableness of it, 35. objections against it answered, ibid. 36-39.

Abraham, the nature and reason of his trial, iv. 27.

Abraham, an example of submission and obedience, iv. 47-49.

Abraham’s offering up his son a type of Christ, iv. 49.

Abraham’s bosom, why paradise so called, vi. 195.

Absolution of the priest, how far available, ix. 380-382. the papists abuse of this doctrine, iv. 127. vi. 184, 185. vii. 312. viii. 192.

Adam, the first and second, ii. 481, 482.

Addition of any thing to the Christian religion as necessary to salvation, the evil and danger of it. v. 1. 13, 14. the pretence of infallibility no war rant for this, 6. the church of Rome, how far chargeable with this, 15-18. Christians capable of judging when such additions are made, 8.

Adoptions of Christians, what, vi. 52, 53.

Advocate, Christ our advocate in heaven, ix. 158 160. how this is a ground of comfort to Christians, 160163.

Æons, or ages, what they signify, iii. 286.

Afflictions, how to be borne, ii. 77, 78. why sent, i. 525, 526. ii. 4, 5. whence, ii. 516. arguments for patience under them, iv. 461, 462. 478. v. 62. vi. 214, 215. ix. 124, 125.

Afflictions of good men no argument against the providence of God, vi. 445, 446.

Afflictions, their end and usefulness, vi. 451. vii. 24, 135.

Afflictions, how reconciled with the goodness of God, vii. 24, 25.


Age, the gospel or last, i. 408.

Age, the impiety of our, v. 463. vi. 42.

Allurements of the world, iv. 115-123. how to be overcome, ibid.

Alphonsus, his blasphemous speech concerning the creation of the world, vi. 433.

Ambition, the temptation of it, v. 54, 55. 118. remedies against it, ibid. how resisted by our Saviour, viii. 254, 255.

Amelius, the Platonist, a more indifferent judge of Scripture than the Arians and Socinians, iii. 284.

Anabaptists, their abuse of Christ’s commission for baptism, vi. 144.

Ananias and Sapphira, the severity of their punishment accounted for, vii. 98.

Angels and blessed spirits, their joy at the repentance of sinners, ii. 155. their knowledge of human affairs, 163. their appearances, 342. why our Saviour did not assume their nature, 343.

Angels or demons, iii. 364, 365.

Angels, their existence, iv. 379. their nature, 380-382. the several orders of them, 382. their office and employment, 383-386.

Angels, good, their special office towards good men, iv. 387, 388, 392.

Angels, the worship of them forbidden, iv. 312, 313. 332-336. the practice of the church of Rome in this matter, 399, 400.

Angels, the doctrine of guardian angels, iv. 386.

Angels, present at our devotions, iv. 391, 392.

Angels, “Say not before the angel that it was error,” (Eccles. v. 6.) explained, iv. 390, 391. the woman to have “a veil over her head because of the angels,” (1 Cor. ix. 10.) explained, 391. Michael the archangel disputing about the body of Moses/ (Jude ver. 9.) explained, 392, 393.

Angels, the divinity of their ministry, iv. 394, 395. God’s goodness, 396, 397.

Angels, good, how to be imitated by men, iv. 400, 401.

Anger, the folly and sin of it, 427.

Anthropomorphites, their error, vii. 180.

Antichrist, the character of him, iv. 481 484.

Antinomian doctrine disproved, v. 335-338.

Antiquity, the vanity of the pretences of the church of Rome to it, ii. 538.

Antoninus, an excellent saying of his about the consideration of our ways, ii. 100.

Anxiety, about worldly things, remedies against it, vi. 440, 441. the vanity and folly of it, 456.

Apollinaris and his followers, their heresies concerning our blessed Saviour, iii. 282. 345.

Apostacy, the nature of that sin, ii. 185, 186. iv. 203. the degrees of it, 203. the heinousness of it, 210. the danger of it, 210-213. vi. 77-82. an exhortation against it, iv. 214-217.

Apostacy from the reformed religion, the danger of it, iv. 214. vi. 88, 89


Apostacy of the church of Rome, iv. 207.

Apostles, the import and design of their commission, vi. 137. how far it was limited, 146-148.

Apostles, Christ’s promise—to be with them “always, even to the end of the world,” the meaning of it, vi. 147. this promise cleared from the interpretation of enthusiasts and papists, 150-153. no warrant for in fallibility, 154, 155. the conditions of this promise to the pastors of Christ’s church, 158, 159. the danger of not performing them, ibid.

Apostles, credible witnesses, why, ix. 545, 546. their testimony, how sufficient for belief, 547. what assurance after-ages have of it, ibid. 548-555.

Apostles, the practice of our church in commemorating them vindicated, iv. 414. abuse of it in the church of Rome, 415.

Apostles, their example to be imitated, iv. 417.

Apotheosis, or canonization among the heathen, iii. 364.

Appearance of Christ after his resurrection, viii. 308, 309. 313-315. his first appearance to the women, why not taken notice of by St. Paul, 310. his appearance to the five hundred brethren, a difficulty about it cleared, 311, 312. his appearing to James, why mentioned by St. Paul only, 312, 313. why he appeared to his followers only, and not to the unbelieving Jews, 315-317.

Arguments, how to be used, i. 314, 315. 321.

Arians, on what texts of Scripture they ground their error of Christ’s being a mere creature, iii. 295. their heresy, and that of the Socinians, confuted, ibid. 296, 297.

Arian heresy, that the greatest part of the Christian world fell into it, x. 337.

Aristotelian atheist, i. 331.

Aristotle, the first who asserted the eternity of the world, i. 335. v. 165. vii. 165. ix. 273, 274. his error fully confuted, i. 336-338.

Armies, how employed by the Romans in time of peace, iv. 296.

Arnauld, his methods of demonstrating doctrines rejected, ii. 434. his absurdities concerning transubstantiation, ibid. 451.

Arts and learning, their original and benefit to mankind, i. 340.

Ascension of Christ, the circ*mstances preceding it, viii. 360. the circ*mstances of it accounted for, 361-367. the benefits of it, 368-370. how a confirmation of our faith, 370. ix. 473, 474, et. seq. what ground of comfort to Christians, viii. 373. what influence it ought to have upon us, ibid. 374. its effects, iv. 359-362.

Asia and Africa, the defection of the Christians there, x. 341.

Assemblies, the danger of forsaking the public assemblies, iv. 205.

Assistance of our duty to be asked of God, viii. 443, 444. this more fully discovered by the gospel, ix. 558.

Assurance of our spiritual condition a how to be attained, ii. 131-140. Astrology, the vanity of it, vi. 400.

Atheism, the kinds of it, i. 330-332. the unreasonableness, danger, and folly of it, and especially of speculative atheism, 369-371, 385-388, 400, 401. ii. 66, 67. v. 165. vi. 335. vii. 36. ix. 273. its progress and 466power, i. 421. destructive of human society, ii. 456. the incivility of it, i. 398. when confined to Italy, 420, 421. by whom chiefly promoted, ix. 623. x. 4-6.

Atheists, their great danger if their opinions prove false, i. 399-401. their misery here and hereafter, ibid. their vain opinions when clearly discovered, iii. 216. the fallacy of their arguments, vii. 111. their partiality, ix. 602.

Atoms, Epicurus, his theory, of the formation of the world from their fortuitous concourse, examined and confuted, i. 345, 346. 375.

Attributes of God, iii. 234. vi. 284, 285. the happiness arising from a firm belief of them, iii. 235-240. rules for regulating our opinions concerning them, vi. 291-294.

Attrition, what, iv. 127.

Augustine, St. traditional truths, how carefully delivered by him, x. 440.

Auricular confession, not of absolute necessity, vii. 285. the doctrine of the church of Rome herein, ibid, their design in this doctrine, vi. 265.

Augustine, the monk, his character, and an account of his pretended planting the gospel in England, ix. 8.


Babylon, modern and mystical, iii. 245.

Babylon the great, Rome papal, iii. 479-484.

Baptism, the engagements therein, i. 493-495. 499, 500. infant baptism to be administered at church if possible, iii. 492, 493. whereon the benefit of that holy sacrament depends, ii. 438. how it succeeded circumcision, v. 362. why called illumination, viii. 467. Holy Spirit, how conferred in it, 436, 437. the sin and folly of neglecting it, 458.

Baptism, the office of, some objections against it answered, viii. 437.

Baptism, “buried with Christ in baptism,” what meant by this expression, viii. 345. Vide vi. 142, 143. “Baptizing with the Holy Ghost and with fire,” what meant by this expression, viii. 381.

Basilides, his heresies, iii. 285.

Beast with ten horns, in the Revelations, what meant by it, iv. 481, 482.

Becanus, his notion concerning Divine revelation, the absurdity of it, ix. 206.

Becket, Thomas, his saintship, iv. 424, 425. ix. 9.

Belief, and believers, of what comprehensive signification these terms are in Scripture, i. 319.

Belief, in religion, the proper grounds of it, ii. 273 276.

Belief, nothing that implies a contradiction, the object of our belief, iv. 41. Vide Faith.

Belief, saving, how the gift of God, vi. 251, 252.

Belief, a persuasive to live answerably to it, ix. 341. the danger of the contrary, 345, 346.


Believing, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, what it includes, ix. 295. this proved to be Christian faith, 300303.

Bellarmine, his errors about transubstantiation, ii. 430, 431. his two goodly marks of the true church, universality and splendour, 465, 466.

Berengarius, his recantation of the error of transubstantiation, ii. 432.

Bertram, or Ratramus, the doctrine of transubstantiation opposed by him, ii. 435.

Bishop of Rome. Vide church of Rome.

Blasphemous thoughts, how mistaken sometimes, ii. 287.

Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, what, i. 175-177.

Blessed, “More blessed to give than to receive;” this saying of our Saviour considered, ix. 80.

Blessedness of our future state, vii. 365. wherein it consists, iv. 460, 461. vii. 387. viii. 139, 140.

Blessing, our Saviour’s blessing to his disciples, viii. 362.

Blood of Christ, whence called “the blood of the covenant,” iii. 397, 398.

Body, how raised up at the last day, vii. 389. viii. 142 144.

Bonaventure’s corruption of Isaiah lxiii. 3. ix. 339.

Books, pious, the charity of giving them, ii. 345.

Brute animals, the common notion of their souls, vii. 565, 566. what probably becomes of them after death, 566-568. the difference between the souls of men and beasts, ibid.


Cabbala of the Jews called Gematry, x. 391.

Cabbala, or oral tradition of the Jews, ibid.

Caesar, (Julius) a remark of his, iii. 1-10.

Cain and Abel’s sacrifice considered, ii. 328.

Calamities, the great calamities that have befallen mankind, how consistent with the goodness of God, vii. 30-34.

Calling, diligence of it, apart of religion, v. 260. viii. 114, 115. our obligation to it, ix. 66, 67. none exempted from some calling, 68. the duty of those of a high calling, 66, 67.

Canaan, land of, a type of heaven, iii. 85. woman of Canaan’s faith, why commended by Christ, iv. 44.

Canaanites, their extirpation, the severity of it accounted for, vii. 33.

Capacity, that God requires nothing above our capacity, iv. 78.

Care of our souls the one thing needful, iii. 55-75.

Cares, what it is to cast them upon God, vi. 438. motives to it, 440. about this life, in what sense forbidden by our Saviour, v. 69.

Carpocrates, his heretical denial of the Divinity of our Saviour, iii. 285. vii. 75.

Casaubon (Dr.) vindicated from cavils, x. 423.

Casuists of the church of Rome, their looseness, v. 48, 49. 240. Sir Thomas Move’s censure of them, v. 49.


Catechism, Romisb, set forth by the council of Trent, what it teaches of oral tradition, x. 410.

Catechising, the necessity and advantages of it, iii. 514, 515. bad effects of the neglect of it, 514.

Caution in our behaviour, iv. 276.

Censors of doctrines at Rome, x. 414.

Censures, how good men may be supported under them, viii. 82.

Censuring of others, the sin of it, ii. 161. arguments against it, viii. 82.

Centurion’s faith, why commended by Christ, iv. 43.

Ceremonies of the Jewish religion, ii. 486. of the church of England, ibid. of the church of Rome, their number and vanity, iii. 451, 452.

Ceremonies, external, their indifferency, vii. 183. how much relied on by the church of Rome, 185. why commanded to the Jews, 186. how far complied with by our Saviour, viii. 246.

Cerinthus, his heresy, iii. 285.

Certainty, wherein it consists, viii. 246. absurdity of the church of Rome in this point, ibid.

Chaldean philosophy, the antiquity of it, iii. 286.

Chance, that the world could not be made by chance, i. 346 348. human affairs not subject to it, iii. 105. miserable state of human nature on the supposition of no other superior being besides chance, 115, 116.

Changes, or revolutions, that preceded the coming of Christ, iv. 295, 296. providence of God remarkable in them, ibid.

Changes in religion, why so hard to be brought about, vi. 2, 3.

Character of a good and bad man, ii. 123 150.

Charity, an essential mark of the true church, ii. 54.

Charity, want of, in the church of Rome, ii. 165, 166.

Charity, the abuse of it, ii. 198, 199. profit of it in this life. 213. nature of it, 237, 238. vi. 537.

Charity to our neighbour, iii. 121. the promises made to it, ii. 333, 334.

Charity to the poor, iii. 65, 121. to be joined with religious fasting, 192. directions for it, and the benefits of it, i. 435, 436. ii. 344.

Charity to the souls of men, how to be exercised, ii. 191, 192.

Charity, whence to be learned, iii. 408.

Charity, difference between concessions of charity and necessity, ii. 471.

Charity, in what sense a new commandment, ii. 237. the degrees and measures of it, 238. the obligations to it, 239.

Charity of the primitive Christians, ii. 244. vi. 30, 31.

Charity to the poor, the wisdom of it, iv. 475, 476, 564. v. 123, 124. motives to it, v. 143. 247, 248, 249. 294, 295. 317. vi. 203, et seq. 553-555. vii. 280. viii. 114. ix. 61, 82, et seq. x. 52. men’s pretences against it answered, v. 125-127. vi. 209.

Charity to our persecuted brethren, iii. 30. 566. iv. 121, 122. v. 248, v. 548. vii. 319. ix. 583, 584.


Charity, the extent of it, vi. 541-549. excellency of that virtue, 539-541. degrees and measures of it, ii. 238, 239. vi. 549-552. pleasure of it, 553. advantage of it in this world, 554-556. reward of it in the next, 557. ix. 91, 92.

Charity, rules for bestowing it, vi. 542-547. a persuasive to perseverance in it, ii. 237-239. vi. 550, 551.

Charity of Christ a pattern for our imitation, viii. 243. ix. 93-95.

Charity, the want of it. Vide Uncharitableness.

Charity, the neglect of it, in what cases most heinous, vi. 191, 192.

Charles the Second, his restoration, vi. 532, et seq. viii. 359. 376.

Chastity, necessary to a Christian, i. 413, 414. iii. 502.

Child of God, the marks of, vi. 316.

Children, that it is the duty and interest of parents to be careful of their education, iii. 464, et seq.

Children, their tempers to be studied, in order to their education, iii. 517. persuasives to the pious education of them, 541-551.

Children of Abraham, who, ii. 125. of the devil, ibid. of God, ibid.

Children not fit for the examination of religion, iv. 76. how far this allowed by the law of France, ibid. 77.

Children of this world, and of the light, who, vi. 260, 261.

Children of this world, in what respects wiser than the children of light, vi. 233-269. this accounted for, 271-275. inferences from thence, 275-282.

Chiliasts in the time of Justin Martyr, their opinion held by all orthodox Christians, x. 397.

Chillingworth, of his writings, i. ccxcvii. why called a Socinian, ix. 271.

Chinese, their account of years not hard to be reconciled with the Septuagint, i. 337.

Choice, what place it ought to have in religion, iii. 444.

Christ, that he was in the beginning with God, Justin Martyr’s explication of this, iii. 290. his incarnation, the nature and manner thereof according to Scripture, 339 381. objections against it answered, 350-353.

Chirst, his Divine and human nature, iii. 344-346, 389-391. his Divinity proved from Scripture by the most ancient fathers, expressly asserted in Scripture.

Christ, “the first-born of every creature,” (Coloss. i. 15.) iii. 292, 293. Socinus, his interpretation of these words rejected, ibid.

Christ, his existence before his incarnation proved from sundry texts of Scripture, iii. 317, 318.

Christ, his unspotted innocence and perfect obedience, iii. 387. his incarnation, to what duties the consideration of it ought to lead us, 376-381. the benefits of it, ibid. our only Mediator, inferences from that consideration, ibid.

Christ, his humility, iii. 348, 349. his sufferings, ii. 197. his sacrifice, exceptions against it answered, iii. 403, 404.


Christ, the inestimable benefits gained by him to mankind, ii. 189, et seq.

Christ, his example, the imitation of it recommended, i. 490, 491. ii. 203.

Christ, the lateness of his appearance accounted for, vi. 11, 12. how men saved by him before his coming, 13.

Christ, as a man, how called the Son of God, vi. 50. his unlimited authority, 137, 138. his offices, 465, 466.

Christ, his humiliation, how fitted to the work of redemption, vi. 466. the several parts of it, 465.

Christ, the case of such who never heard of him, v. 492-494. the unreasonableness of men’s prejudices against him, 571. ix. 604.

Christ, his extraction vindicated from the prejudices of the Jews, v. 572. viii. 604. the meanness of his outward condition considered, v. 575. v. 8. his miracles cleared from the exceptions of the Jews, v. 575, 576. ix. 477. the freedom of his conversation vindicated, v. 576.

Christ vindicated from the charge of profaning the sabbath, v. 577, 578. ix. 608. an answer to the objection made by the Jews, that none of the rulers believed on him, v. 578. ix. 606, 607.

Christ, that his doctrine superseded the religion of the Jews, no just objection against it, v. 578, 579.

Christ, his commission to the apostles, the import of it, vi. 137, et seq. Vide apostles. St. Francis’s mistake about it, ibid.

Christ’s coming, what meant by it in Scripture, viii. 100, 101.

Christ, in what sense called “the first-fruits of them that slept,” and “the first-begotten from the dead,” viii. 138.

Christ, his Divine authority how evidenced to those that heard him, ix. 435, et seq. how evidenced to those that heard his doctrine from the apostles, 544, 545. how evidenced to after-ages, 551.

Christ, false Christs foretold by our Saviour, ix. 493, 512. this prediction considered and defended against the objections of atheists, 540, 541.

Christ, proofs of his prophetic spirit, ix. 483, 499, et seq.

Christ and his doctrine, why called Light, ix. 469.

Christ, his mediation, iv. 70, et seq. Vide Mediator.

Christ, his humility, v. 564, 565. viii. 241. his charity, 244, 245. his peaceable temper, 246. his contempt of the world, 242. the humanity of his behaviour, 263. his patience, 268, 269. how far in these virtues a pat tern for our imitation, 231, et seq.

Christ, his sufferings. Vide Sufferings.

Christ, encouragements to suffer for him, iv. 435-446. the danger of denying him for fear it, iv. 447-452.

Christ, his gospel designed for the benefit of the whole world, ix. 592, 593.

Christ, how the Author of eternal salvation. Vide Salvation.

Christians in Asia and Africa, account of their defection, x.

Christian religion, the excellency of it, i. 444, et seq. ii. 159, 160. 218.


Christianity, the clearness and perfection of its law, i. 444, 445. 461, 462. 491. ii. 337, 338.

Christians, why called the children of God, vi. 52, 53. their obligations to holiness, iv. 303-305. the aggravation of their sins, 304. v. 292, 293. vi. 84. vii. 516, 517. viii. 13, 14. 414. ix. 401.

Christian, the marks of a true Christian, viii. 481-483.

Christians, how the like means of salvation to them as to the Jews, x. 39. the season of their continuance uncertain, 40, 41. our duty of improving them, 42. the danger of the neglect of this, 43 45.

Christians, their degeneracy, v. 207, 208.

Christian, the character of a speculative, a formal, and an hypocritical Christian, v. 483, 484.

Christians, wicked, their lives how a reproach to Christianity, vi. 42, 43. this argument enforced, 44-47.

Christian, what it is to die a true Christian, iv. 458. viii. 136.

Christian religion, the sin and danger of adding to it. Vide Addison. the design of it, vi. 4. viii. 563-566. the clear evidence of the truth of it, iv. 372-374. v. 559. vi. 16, 17. viii. 214. ix. 357. 367. 433. this a reproach to wicked Christians, 369. want of demonstration to confirm it, no objection to the truth of it, vi. 7. its excellency and advantages above all others, iv. 370. vii. 252. ix. 44. 401. 595. the danger of rejecting it, 598-600. a persuasive to the firm belief of it, vi. 47.

Christian religion, its innovation considered, vi. 1. the simplicity of it vindicated from the exceptions of the gentiles, 6, 8. the prejudices of the present age against it considered, 10, 11, 12.

Christian religion, its doctrines authentically transmitted down to us, ix. 551-553. its effects upon mankind an evidence of its Divinity, vi. 30-32. ix. 552. the danger of not living up to its precepts, 564-566.

Christianity, how it fulfilled the law of Moses, 578, 579. its tendency to advance the practice of holiness, 344-347. vi. 30-32. viii. 564-566. the powerfulness of its motives, vi. 39. ix. 417, 418. the reasonableness of it, 347, 348. 371. 485. the difficulty of converting infidel nations, viii. 322, 323. 393, 394.

Christianity, how well attested by miracles, iii. 481.

Christianity, the restraints it lays upon us no objection against it, vi. 19, 20. divisions among Christians no objection against it, 27-29. wicked lives of Christians no objection against it, 29-31.

Christianity, the belief of it how a remedy against worldly trouble, ix. 129, how valuable upon that account, 168, 169.

Christianity, its effects upon the lives of the primitive Christians, v. 207, 208. vi. 31. the want of those effects now accounted for, iv. 375, 376. vi. 36. ix. 554. the good effects it still has upon mankind, vi. 37, 38.

Christmas, how to be celebrated, iv. 306, 307. ix. 580-584.

Chronology of the Scriptures, how reconcilable with the Chaldean, Egyptian, and Chinese, i. 337.

Churches, building or endowing them a noble charity, ii. 194.


Church of Rome, separation from it defended, iii. 456. et seq. the hazard of salvation in it, i i. 37, et seq. its uncharitableness, 279.

Church of Rome, her infallibility proved, by the papists, from Scripture, and the truth of Scripture proved from the infallibility of the church, x. 413. her universality, ii. 464. her share of charity less than that of any other church, 548. her pretence of being the only true, infallible church, considered, v. 42-45.

Church, the western church, when most erroneous and ignorant, x. 366.

Church, Christ’s promise to the pastors of the church, vi. 147-151. the conditions of it, 159, 160.

Church, how far being members of the true church will avail to salvation, vi. 184-185.

Church of Christ, how protected, viii. 372. ix. 163. the peace of it how zealously to be endeavoured, ix. 44. Church, its ancient discipline, v. 89, 90.

Circumcision, not necessary under the gospel, v. 362. why submitted to by Christ, ibid.

Civility, motives to it, vi. 198.

Cloud, Christ taken up in a cloud, what represented by it, viii. 364, 365.

Commandment, the meaning of the tenth commandment, v. 76-80. the second, why left out of the popish catechisms, iii. 576. iv. 172.

Commentators on the Scriptures, how to be considered, x. 397.

Communication, the evil of corrupt communcation. Vide Discourse.

Communion, a persuasive to frequent communion, ii. 374-406.

Communion in one kind, ii. 47. iv. 103. iii. 491.

Conception, how Christ called the Son of God upon account of his conception, v. 50, 51.

Conditions of the gospel, the possibility of performing them, vi. 114, 115.

Confession of sin, what it implies, vii. 261, 281. how far necessary, 282.

Confession to God, the nature and necessity of it, vii. 271-273. 281. how far available, vii. 273. 398. an exhortation to it, 277-279.

Confession to men, in what cases necessary, vii. 261. 269. 284. how encouraged among protestants, 270. how abused by the papists, 285.

Confession to the priest, as practised by the church of Rome, vii. 24, 26. their arguments for it examined, 262, 263. not of Divine institution, ibid. its antiquity considered, 266. universality considered, 267. the mischiefs of it, 268.

Confession, auricular. Vide Auricular.

Confidence in ourselves, cautions against it, v. 245, 246. vi. 83. viii. 352, 353.

Confidence, the danger of a groundless confidence in God’s goodness, vii. 39-41.

Confirmation, the great use of it, iii. 517.


Conformity to Christ in his resurrection, what, vi. 50, 51.

Conscience, peace of, how to be preserved, i. 328. misery of a guilty 329. 99. 332. 505. 509, 510. iii. 161, 162. 240. vii. 358.

Conscience, to be reverenced, iii. 166, 167.

Conscience, the notion of it, iii. 151, 152.

Conscience, void of offence, iii. 148, et seq.

Conscience, the danger and mischief of a misguided, iii. 153, 154. iv. 513, 514. 524. 525.

Conscience, the comforts of a good, iii. 165, 166. iv. 283, 284.

Conscience, how far we are obliged to act according to, iv. 513, 514. how far a misguided conscience extenuates a crime, 510. 525. the necessity of informing it aright, 530.

Consent, the general, of mankind about good and evil, v. 287. this, one direction to our duty, ibid. 288.

Consideration, the proper act of reasonable creatures, ii. 97. the nature and benefit of it, 83, et seq.

Consideration, necessary in religion, i. 380. some arguments to, ii. 99, 100-102. the advantage of, iii. 23. a remarkable story to this purpose, 496. the want of it one of the greatest causes of men’s ruin, iv. 70. vii. 497. motives to, iv. 198. vii. 494-496. viii. 53, 54.

Consideration, the wisdom of considering our latter end, iv. 270. how a means to prevent mischiefs, vii. 495, 496.

Constancy in the profession of our faith, in what case our duty, iv. 73-182.

Constancy in the true religion recommended, iv. 47. vi. 90. against the confidence of men, iv. 95. against the allurements of the world, 116. against the terrors of it, 119-123. against vain promises of a more certain way of salvation, 126. against the cunning arts of busy seducers, 128, 129.

Constancy, how necessary in our Christian course, vi. 170.

Constancy of the primitive Christians, iv. 366, 367.

Contentment, how acquired, i. 430-432. 457. 472. ii. 69. a remedy against covetousness, v. 121. our Saviour an eminent example of, viii. 266. motives to, vii. 46. viii. 223, 224. 266, 267.

Contingencies, future, foreknown to God, vi. 376, 377. objections against this doctrine answered, 381 386.

Contradictions, not objects of our faith, iv. 44-46.

Contrition, the nature of, vii. 300.

Controversies in religion, how to be handled, ii. 203, 204. iii. 440. who the proper judges of them, ii. 264. indecent warmth in them, what it betrays, iii. 310, 311. necessity of an infallible judge for the decision of them, v. 5 1.57, 58.

Controversies of the church of Rome, v. 55-57.

Conversation, what sort proper before children, iii. 531.

Conversation, civil, rules for, ii. 267-270.

Conversation, heavenly, the happiness thereof, i. 508-531.

Conversation, ordinary, the baseness and corruption of it, iv. 16. 262.


Conversion, how wrought, ii. 94, et seq. in what sense called a new creation, v. 363, 364. not always effected by irresistible grace, 371, 372. men not merely passive in it, 378. this doctrine cleared from Pelagianism, 382. the ill consequence of the contrary opinion, 380, 381. 388-391. Vide Regeneration.

Conversion, how the grace of God operates in the conversion of a sinner, v. 392, 393. 399, 400. 414, 415. the several opinions about it considered, 393-397.

Corruption of the best things the worst, iv. 527.

Covenant of the gospel, what, i. 495, 496. its nature and conditions, ix. 329, 330.

Covetousness, the nature of this vice, v. 67-80. the danger of it, 67. the evil and unreasonableness of it, 81. men’s proneness to it, whence, 67. a cause of irreligion, 82. 87. the temptations to which it exposes men, 89, 90. the root of all evil, 89. endless and insatiable, 92. that it hinders men from the enjoyment of what they possess, 99-101. arguments against it, 81, 82. 112-116. the folly of it, especially in old age, 118, 119. the unprofitableness of it, vii. 307.

Councils, what sort of interpreters of Scripture they are, x. 297.

Councils, general, absurd citations of the papists from thence, x. 290, &c.

Council of Trent, their errors, ii. 447. their rule of faith, iv. 112-115. their new articles of faith, v. 16.

Council, definitions of, no sure help against error, v. 53-56.

Counsels, Divine, most safely judged of according to Scripture, iii. 359.

Counterfeits, that they always suppose something true, which is counterfeited, i. 357, 358.

Country, being born in a particular, no prejudice against a good man, v. 573, 574. ix. 605-607.

Courage, the effect of religion, vi. 22, 23.

Cranmer, Archbishop, his fall and glorious recovery, v. 230.

Creation of the world unaccountable upon the atheists scheme, i. 331, 332. how a proof of the existence of God, and of his power and goodness, iii. 557, 558.

Creation of the world, account of it in Scripture, how it might be interpreted according to Socinus, iii. 312314. 326, 327.

Creation, an instance of God’s goodness, vi. 567-571. wisdom of God in, 423. a proper subject for our praises, 435, 436. an argument for our trust in God, 438-440.

Creation, or making something out of nothing, cleared from contradiction, vii. 162-164.

Creator, the duty of remembering him, iii. 552576.

Creatures, God’s goodness to them, vii. 12. their variety, order, and end, the effect of God’s goodness, 23. their imperfections accounted for, 21, 22. sufferings of the brute creatures accounted for, 22, 23.


Credible relation, a sufficient ground of assurance, ix. 551-553.

Credible witnesses, their testimony a sufficient ground of faith, ix. 547, 648.

Credibility of many things, whose manner of existence we cannot comprehend, iii. 426-428.

Credulity, in what cases blamable, ix. 220-222.

Creed of Pope Pius the Fourth, v. 16.

Crellius, the Scripture, how wrested by him, iii. 327, 328.

Criminals, dying, their repentance, the validity of it considered, vii. 132, 133.

Cross, taking up our, what it signifies, iv. 223.

Cruelty of papists, ii. 220,221.

Curiosity about the affairs of others, iii. 260.

Custom, its power, i. 480. ii. 501. iii. 537, 538. 547. vii. 173, 174.

Custom of sinning, the difficulty of leaving it, ii. 111. 159. 300, 301. 482, 483. iii. 61.

Custom, in what cases not to be followed, iii. 456, 457.

Cyrus, his answer to a question of Xenophon’s, iii. 505.


Damnation, to eat and drink our own, (1 Cor. xi. 29.) what meant by it, ii. 418-420.

Damned, no room for their repentance, ii. 224. their state unalterable, ibid. their misery, ibid. 225. vii. 354, 355-357. x. 64-66. 83-85.

Demons of the ancients, what, iii. 365.

David, St. of Wales, legendary miracles of his, ii. 348.

David, King, that Jesus was of the seed of David, proved against the objections of the Jews, ix. 445-449.

Day, Lord’s, how to be observed, v. 133.

Dead, the power of raising from the, why bestowed upon the apostles, ix. 378, 379.

Dead, one risen from the, for what reasons unlikely to convince men, vi. 244-247.

Dead, that Christ was really, while in the grave, viii. 137. 313, 314. ix. 474.

Dead, in what sense wicked men said to be, iv. 553-555.

Death, of preparation for, ii. 118. 360. 554. iii. 73, 74. 161, 162. viii. 110-112. 225-228.

Death, sudden, to what sort of men desirable, ii. 349.

Death and destruction, the signification of these words in Scripture, and in profane authors, iii. 86.

Death-bed, the severe reflections of sinners on their, x. 68 71.

Death-bed repentance, ii. 33. Vide Repentance.

Death, remedy against the fears of, i. 528.

Death of Christ for sin, how expressly declared in Scripture, iii. 395, 396.


Death, unreasonableness of the fear of, iv. 280. how made easy to us, viii. 227-229.

Death, the wisdom and advantage of meditating upon, viii. 213. what influence the consideration of it ought to have upon us, ibid.

Death, the folly of delaying to prepare for, vii. 661. directions for preparing for, ibid.

Death, why called a sleep, vii. 117. this no argument for the soul’s sleeping till the resurrection, 129.

Death, the blessedness of good men after, iv. 460-462. this a ground of comfort under present afflictions, ibid, a great motive to piety, 475-479.

Death, what meant by abolishing, vii. 522, 523. how this effected by Christ, 525-528.

Death-bed, the severe reflections of sinners on a, x. 68-71.

Death of Christ, how difficult to be understood by human reason, viii. 393, 394. how concealed by the popish missionaries, 394. ix. 396.

Death of Christ, the design of it to promote holiness, viii. 568. how this is a motive to repentance, vii. 256.

Death of Christ foretold by himself, ix. 483. how this is an argument of his prophetic spirit, 535, 536, et seq.

Deceitfulness and danger of sin, ii. 19-36.

Decrees of God with relation to the state of men, ii. 139, 140. how to frame our opinions about them, vi. 294-296. 310.

Degrees of future happiness and misery, iii. 82-85.

Degrees of future happiness, the consideration of them a motive to diligence, iv. 466, 467. ix. 75.

Delay in matters of religion, the excuses for it removed, ii. 104-122.

Deliberation, rules for, ii. 87-95.

Delights, worldly, the vanity of, i. 512, 513.

Deluge, universal, the severity of it how consistent with God’s goodness, vii. 32.

Delusion, why permitted by God, ix. 215.

Demonstration of doctrines, the Romish absurdities therein, ii. 435, 436.

Demosthenes, how he cured the impediment in his speech, iii, 538.

Deposing of kings by the pope, ii. 46.

Desire of grace not grace itself, ii. 129, 130.

Despair, remedies against, ii. 182, 183. 508, 509. iii. 53. 67. vii. 70, 71. one great aggravation of the miseries of the damned, vii. 362, 363. the reason of the despair of Judas and Spira, vi. 78.

Devil, his delight in sin and sinners, ii. 164, 165.

Devil, how overcome by Christ, iii. 354.

Devil, his power over bad men, ii. 508-510.

Devils, our Saviour’s casting them out, how perverted by the Jews, ii. 175.

Devil, why called “the god of this world,” ix. 431, 432. his ways of 477tempting men to sin, ix. 423, 424. the power of his temptations, v. 541-553. ix. 423, 424.

Devil, his temptations no excuse for infidelity, ix. 255. 561 . how far the author of it, 558, 559. by what means he holds men in it, 560.

Devil, his temptations resistible, v. 543. ix. 561. his advantages over evil men, v. 542.

Devil, not the author of all our sins, v. 544. how far restrained by God, ix. 425-427.

Devil, his power over our minds, vi. 373. that he has no knowledge of our thoughts, 374. his power of working miracles. Vide Miracles.

Devils, the power of casting out, how bestowed on the apostles and first Christians, ix. 386. why this power has ceased in the church, 389, et seq.

Devotion, that it ought not to exclude charity and good works, ii. 201. external, the insufficiency of it, 137. public and private, iii. 60.

Devotion, motives to seriousness in, iv. 391, 392.

Devotion, external, how far acceptable, vi. 183. viii. 504. 524. how apt men are to rest upon, iv. 276. this the fault of the church of Rome, ibid.

Die, what it is to die a Christian, viii. 135, 136.

Differences among protestants, how unreasonable, viii. 547, 548. how pernicious, vi. 267.

Differences in the church of Rome, v. 56, 57. how better managed than among protestants, vi. 266, 267.

Difficulty of reclaiming the wicked, whence, ii. 499.

Difficulty of religion, a recommendation of it, ii. 159, 160.

Difficulties of religion, whence they proceed, vi. 164, 165. by what means to be conquered, 168. no just encouragement to our endeavours, 170-173.

Difficulties of religion, the rewards of it opposed to them, vi. 174.

Digby, Sir Everard, his sayings concerning the gunpowder plot, ii. 226, 227.

Diligence, essential to the character of a great man, iii. 497.

Diligence in the business of religion, how necessary, vi. 169. ix. 62. wherein it consists, ix. 62-65. motives to it, 69-79.

Diligence in our particular calling. Vide Calling.

Diligence in our worldly concerns, how far necessary, vi. 439, 440.

Discipline, ancient, of the church, vi. 89.

Discourse, the evil and danger of lewd and filthy, ix. 100-102. how it grieves the Holy Spirit of God, 111, 112.

Diseases, bodily, often the occasion of melancholy thoughts, ii. 187.

Diseases, the gift of healing, bestowed upon the apostles, ix. 377. the power of inflicting, how bestowed upon them, 386.

Disobedience, wilful, why inexcusable, vi. 115.x. 130, 131.

Dispensations of the law and gospel, their correspondence, viii. 377. ix. 373, 374.

Disputes about religion, how to be managed, iii. 158-160. the vanity of them, iii, 396.


Disputes in religion, commonly occasioned by misunderstanding expressions, iii, 404, 405. who ought not to engage in controversy, ii. 266, 267.

Dissimulation, the folly of, iv. 11-17. 19. viii. 224.

Dives, his charity to his brethren, iv. 353. vi. 200.

Divination, what the heathens thought of, vi. 377, 378.

Divinity of Christ. Vide Christ.

Divisions among Christians, ii. 247, 248. iii. 437. 479, 480. the destruction brought by, on the Jewish nation, 137, 138. the mischief of, viii. 248.

Doctrines, Divine, how distinguished, v. 24, 25. their evidence, ix. 405-409.

Doctrine of devils, what meant by, iv. 130, 131.

Dominic, St. his character, viii. 515.

Donatists, their schism, ii. 52. 549. their groundless conceit of the catholic church, ix. 606.

Doubting, the doubts of good men concerning their future state, their causes and remedies, ii. 139-146.

Drunkenness, the deformity of, vii. 331, 332.

Duelling, the evil of, vii. 310.

Duties of natural religion, v. 277-281. how discovered to us by God, 281, 282. the goodness and obligation of, 284, 285. their tendency to our convenience and interest, 285-288.

Duties, moral, what, v. 304.

Duty, the reasonableness of our, iv. 250. how more fully taught and enforced by the gospel, vi. 95 100. motives to the faithful discharge of it, vii. 197-200. vii. 223. ix. 44.

Duty of man, wherein it consists, i. 328-330.

Duty to parents, the want of, objected to our Saviour, answered, viii. 277, 278.


Early piety, the advantages of, iii. 552-576. v. 267.

Easter, the antiquity of this festival, iii. 234. the time of its observation how hotly disputed in the Christian church, iv. 502, 503.

Ebion and Cerinthus, their heresy, iii. 285.

Education, pious, the happiness of, i. 480. ii. 159, 160. iii. 464. 535. of children, what it chiefly consists of, iii. 476-517.

Education, prejudices of, strongest in religious matters, iv. 364, 365. vi. 3. viii. 322. ix. 352, 353.

Egyptian and Chaldean chronology, with what others irreconcilable, i. 337.

Eleazer’s faction before the siege of Jerusalem, iii. 138.

Election, how to be made sure, ii. 147, 148.

Eli, his indulgence to his sons, iii. 510, 511.

Emanations, Divine, iii. 286.

Employment, none exempted from some, v. 260. the proper employment of the rich and great, ibid. 261.


Encouragement to virtue, i. 475-477.

End, a good, necessary to a good action, ix. 38, 39. not to be pursued by unlawful means, iv. 526. v. 241.

End, the wisdom and usefulness of considering our latter, viii. 210-211. what influence it ought to have upon us, 213-225. motives to prepare for, 226-228. the folly of delaying, ibid, directions for, ibid.

Endeavours, sincere, to be used in religion, i. 482.

Enemies, who they are, iii. 33-35. love of them commanded by Christianity, i. 453. iii. 29.

England, church of, a character of it, ii. 58.

Enthusiasm, how to be avoided, ii. 58, 59. iv. 95, 96. viii. 509.

Envy, the sin of, ii. 202, 203. the mischiefs of, vii. 302.

Epictetus, his patience and submission, ix.454, 455.

Epicurean atheists, their account of the existence of the world, i. 345, 346.

Epicurus, his notion of true pleasure, ii. 487. of the Divine nature, vi. 331, 332. 563. of God’s eternity, vii. 204. of the world’s being made by chance, vi. 433. vii. 165. of the soul of man, vii. 564. of the soul’s immortality, viii. 3.

Epiphanius, worship of the blessed Virgin, how called by him, ii. 50.

Equivocation, the sin of, ii. 303.

Erasmus and Thuanus, character of, and their writings, ii. 228.

Error, in what cases faultless, iv. 78. freedom from all, not necessary in our present state, v. 36, 37. honesty the best security against, 19-50.

Errors, damnable, easily discerned, v. 38, 39. the provision God has made for our security from them sufficient, ibid. 40. better than an in fallible church, 41, 42. the objection, of men’s falling into dangerous errors notwithstanding tin’s provision, answered, 58-60.

Error, an infallible security from all, inconsistent with the nature of religion, v. 38.

Error, not equally dangerous to all, and why, v. 58. why men are generally so tenacious of, 567, 568. in what cases God may give men up to fatal errors, iv. 524, 525.

Esau, what meant by his finding “no place for repentance,” ii. 268.

Essenes, among the Jews, how strictly swearing was forbidden by that sect, ii. 295.

Estates best promoted by religion, i. 432, 433.

Eternity, ancient description of it by the Jews, iii. 289, 290.

Eternity, the wisdom of providing for, viii. 213-216.

Eternity of God, what meant by it, vii. 202. proved from natural reason, 203-205. from Scripture, 205-207. inferences from it, 207-210.

Eucharist, idolatry of the papists in worshipping it, ii. 48.

Eusebius, his character of unwarranted tradition, x. 393.

Eutychian heresy concerning Christ’s human nature, iii. 345.

Events do not constantly answer probability, iii. 103.

Events, future, foreknown to God, vi. 376, 377. what notions the 480heathens had of this, 377, 378. objections against the doctrine answered, 381-402.

Events, future, known by none but God only, vi. 386 .

“Everlasting,” and “for ever,” the meaning of these words in Scripture, iii. 78, 79.

Evidence, assent, how grounded thereupon, ii. 261, 262. properties of good, x. 283.

Evidence, what, sufficient in Divine things, x. 303, 304.

Evidence, the certain, of the Holy Scriptures, x. 245, 246.

Evidence, necessary in order to faith, ix. 269. what kind of evidence ought to be accepted as reasonable and sufficient, vii. 533.

Evil, to depart from, what, i. 322.

Evil, “Whence comes evil?” that question answered, vii. 18 20. the several sorts of, in the world accounted for, 21-27.

Evil, good and evil, their intrinsic difference, vii. 551, 552.

Evil-speaking, the nature of, iii. 251, 252. extent of, 252-256. the evil of, 256-264. arguments against, 265-267. directions for the prevention and cure of, 267-271. refutation of the pleas usually made to excuse, 271-274.

Evil spirits, iii. 170.

Exaltation of Christ, viii. 365. how it contributed to our redemption, vi. 471. an argument for heavenly-mindedness, viii. 354, 355.

Examination, self-examination considered, ii. 85-91. iii. 60.

Examination in matters of religion, who fit for, ii. 277. the benefit of, iii. 169-171.

Examination before the sacrament, ii. 396-404.

Examination of religion, why necessary, iv. 78, 79. v. 10-14. the advantages of, iv. 85, 86. this disallowed by the church of Rome, 80. v. 17, 18. x. 613. their unreasonableness herein, ibid. 614. iv. 79, 80. v. 13, 14. how far examination of religion is encouraged by protestants, iv. 87, 88. x. 12, 13.

Examination, the necessity and usefulness of self-examination, viii. 315.

Example, the power of, ii. 101. 194, 195. iii. 472. 507. iv. 116. viii. 252. 282-284.

Example of parents, the great influence of it upon children, iii. 507, 508.

Example of Christ, i. 490. arguments to follow it, ii. 203. iii. 381.

Example of Christ, a pattern for our imitation, vi. 99. viii. 213-287. how a support under worldly troubles, ix. 149, 150.

Example of God and Christ in doing good, ii. 194-200. iii. 38-41.

Example of forefathers not always a rule for us, vi. 3, 4.

Example of superiors, how far a rule for us, x. 607.

Example of the primitive teachers of Christianity to be imitated, iv. 121-126. wherein, 426-429. encouragements to it, 429-432.

Excommunication, highest act of, the notion of it among the ancient Jews, ii. 178.


Excommunication, in what cases to be dreaded, iv. 521, 622. abuse of it among the papists, 520, 521.

Expiation for sin, iii. 382408.

External rights of religion, v. 342. how multiplied by the papists, ibid. how far to be regarded in the worship of God, vii. 183-186.


Faith and good works inseparable, i. 464, 465. iii 275. vain notion of, without works, i. 497-507.

Faith, Christian, the proper notion of, ii. 202.

Faith, the necessity of, ii. 519.

Faith, impossible to please God, or attain salvation without, iii. 58.

Faith, Rule of, x. 228. mistakes concerning, ibid.

Faith, how the true properties of the Rule of, agree to the Scripture, not to oral tradition, x. 238, 239.

Faith, the fundamental differences amongst the papists themselves about, x. 410, &c.

Faith, the nature of, in general, iv. 3840. the power of, 191, 192. ix. 175. the subject of, 184. the cause of, ibid, the various degrees of, 185. the efficacy of, 187. the several kinds of, 188, 189. persuasives to, iv. 198, 199. ix. 266-268.

Faith, how the gift of God, ix. 248, 249. this no excuse for infidelity, 255.

Faith, the great principle of religion, ix. 258. want of it the cause of irreligion, iv. 47. 64, 65. ix. 265, 266.

Faith, evidence necessary in order to, iv. 226, 227. impossibilities no matter of faith, ix. 270-272.

Faith, the use of reason in matters of, iv. 41, 42. the absurdity of the contrary opinion, ibid. 43.

Faith, assurance of it inferior to that of sense, iv. 188.

Faith, a principle sufficient for governing our lives, iv. 193.

Faith of Abraham, the excellency of it. Vide Abraham.

Faith, the Rule of. Vide Scripture. A new rule of, set up by the papists, iv. 158-160. 165, 166.

Faith, obedience included in, vi. 47.

Faith, religious and Divine, what, ix. 190-209. infallibility not essential to, 237. absurdity of the church of Rome in this point, 236-241.

Faith in God, how far acceptable, viii. 559. motives to, vii. 200. 208. 225. how a remedy against worldly troubles, viii. 124, 125.

Faith “towards our Lord Jesus Christ,” the reason of this appropriation, vii. 244.

Faith, Christian, what it implies, iv. 425. ix. 280. iii. 446. the nature of it, 281-284. the benefits of it, 285, 286. its tendency to a good life, viii. 569, 570.


Faith, Christian, all necessary points of it contained in the gospel, ix. 289.

Faith in Christ, the nature of, vii. 245 247. effects of, 247. 251. why necessary to be preached among Christians, 253. how a remedy against worldly troubles, ix. 125.

Faith, the governing principle of a Christian, iv. 185.

Faith and repentance, the sum of the gospel covenant, v. 193, 194. vii. 244 247. necessity of, 248, 249. what it is to preach, 253.

Faith without works unavailable, viii. 535. ix. 12, 13. 23, 24. 339, 340. St. Paul and St. James reconciled in this matter, 461. ix. 23.

Faith, justifying and saving, the nature of, v. 422-424. ix. 23-25. good works consistent with, 12, 13. mistakes about, 316-318. that it comprehends the whole of the Christian religion, 314.

Faith, not the instrument of our justification, ix. 311.

Faith, sanctifying, what, ix. 303-305.

Faith, primitive, how to be imitated by us, iv. 426.

Faith, the necessity of contending for the ancient, v. 18.

Faith, a qualification of effectual prayer, x. 106.

Faithfulness of God, vii. 500-505. objections against it answered, 505-508. how a pattern for our imitation, 515-513.

Faithfulness towards God and men, our obligation to, vi. 516, 517.

Falkland, Lord, of his writings, i. ccxcvii.

Family-religion, iii. 464-482.

Fashion and example, the power of, iv. 116.

Fast, religious, the nature of, iii. 172-197.

Fasting to God, what, iii. 174.

Fasting and abstinence, ii. 78. iii. 120, 121 .

Fasting and outward mortification, how far pleasing to God, iv. 6, 7. viii. 510, 511.

Fasts of the fifth and seventh months observed very solemnly, and why, among the Jews, iii. 172.

Fate, doctrine of, i. 458. vi. 378.

Fathers, the most ancient fathers appeal to Scripture for proof of their doctrine, x. 246, 247.

Fathers, their interpretations of Scripture, how far to be regarded, iii. 297. x. 246, 247.

Fear, the atheists abuse of that principle against religion, i. 349-351. “Fear the Lord,” and “depart from evil.” synonymous terms, and what they signify in Scripture, i. 318-320. their fitness to describe religion, 320-322.

Fear, a proper argument of religion, x. 87, 88. Fear, God the great object of our, x. 74, 75.

Fear of God, motives to it, vii. 43, 44. 196. 222, 223. in opposition to the fear of men, x. 76. this the best antidote against the fear of men, x. 91.

Fears, the natural fears of mankind an argument for the soul’s immortality, vii. 556. of a future judgment, viii. 26.


Fears, groundless, of good men, how to be eased, vii. 40, 41.

Festivals in honour of the apostles and martyrs, vindicated, iv. 414, 415. this practice abused by the papists, 416. how such days ought to be celebrated, 416, 417.

Flattery, the nature of, iii. 170. iv. 11. the mischiefs of this vice, ibid. 12.

Flesh, what that word often signifies in Scripture, iii. 282. 340.

Floods, how used as an evasion by the atheists, i. 340.

Flood of Noah, the severity of it reconciled with the goodness of God, vii. 32.

Folly falsely charged on religion, i. 377, 378.

Foreknowledge. Vide knowledge.

Forgeries of the church of Rome, three gross ones, iv. 175.

Forgiveness of sins, iii. 29. 285. not fully declared but by the gospel, v. 344. conditions of it, 416. Vide Pardon.

Forgiveness of injuries, iii. 29. motives to it, vii. 69, 70. the difficulty of this duty, whence, viii. 261. how strictly enjoined by our Saviour, ibid. 262. Christ an eminent example of forgiveness, 262.

Fortune, its power in the affairs of men, iii. 227. the Roman notions of it, 110, 111,

Forsaking of sin, what it comprehends, vii. 273. a necessary condition of pardon, 272. an exhortation to it, 276-279.

Francis, St. his mistake concerning Christ’s command to “preach the gospel to every creature,” vi. 139. his character, ix. 515.

Fraternal correction, iii. 253, 254.

Fraud in dealing, the evil and folly of, iv. 12, 13. the unprofitableness of, vii. 307.

Free, how we are made free by the gospel, x. 22-30.

Friends, how we may be comforted upon their death, ii. 360.

Fundamentals of religion, where to be found, x. 299, 300.

Future rewards and punishments, ii. 279. Vide Happiness.

Future state, how men may judge of their, ii. 132, 133.

Future state, its certainty, iv. 266. the infinite concernment of it to mankind, 197, 198. folly of neglecting it, ibid, blessedness of it, 461 463. vii. 385. viii. 139, 140. sufficient persuasion of it attainable in this life, iv. 195. what influence the belief of it should have upon us, viii. 356-358.

Future rewards and punishments, more clearly discovered by the gospel, viii. 595.


Galileans, whom Pilate slew, who they were, x. 133.

Games and recreations of children, iii. 529.

Gematry, a Jewish cabala, x. 391.

Genealogy of the heathen deities, iii. 287. 412-414.

Genealogy of Christ in the gospel, how it proves him of the seed of David, ix. 445, 446. St. Matthew and St. Luke reconciled in this point, 446, 447.


Gentiles, their prejudices against our Saviour considered, iv. 364. vi. 2-10. viii. 295, 296. grounds of their prejudices, 292. 295, 296. unreasonableness of them, 299, 300.

Gentiles, the preaching of the gospel to them, why not revealed till after the descent of the Holy Ghost, viii. 418-421.

Ghost, Holy. Vide Holy.

Gibborim, or giants, iii. 108.

Giving, the blessedness of, more than that of receiving, ix. 80-95.

Glorifying God, i. 406.

Glory of God, what it implies, ix. 33, 34. to “do all things to the glory of God,” what it implies, 36, 37. when we may be said to do so, 37-39.

Glory of God, how far it is to be aimed at in all our actions, vii. 234. whether an actual intention of God’s glory be necessary in every action, to make it acceptable to God, ix. 40, 41.

Glory of God, whether in any case to be preferred to our own eternal happiness, vi. 236. ix. 41. the instances of Moses and St. Paul accounted for, 42.

Glory of God connected with the good of men, ix. 43.

Gnostics, their heresy of two Gods, whence, i. 447. the original of that sect, ii. 124. iii. 286, 287. that they used many of Plato’s words and notions, ibid.

Gnostics, their arrogance, ix. 7. an account of their heresy, 408, 409. 574.

God, his existence, i. 346-348. 396, 397. iii. 412. consequence of the belief of it, ii. 83, 84.

God, his nature and attributes, i. 343. vi. 98. that he is a Spirit, iii. 315. vii. 170, 171. this but once said in Scripture, why, vii. 171.

God, his nature the true idea and pattern of perfection and happiness, iii. 238.

God, a most necessary and desirable being, i. 362-373.

God, author of the universe according to the most ancient philosophers, i. 334, 335.

God, not the author of men’s ruin, but they themselves, ii. 484.

God, his unity, iii. 419. his unity of essence the primitive and general belief of mankind, 411.

God, his nature most clearly discovered by the Christian revelation, i. 444-447.

God, the advantages of knowing and delighting in, i. 324.

God, the necessity of the belief of his existence to human society, i. 417, 418.

God, his being the God of any person, what it implies, with the particular notion of the Jews in that matter, ii. 319-321.

God, the original of that word, vi. 564. why by the heathens styled Deus Opt. Max. 415. 564.

God, this title given to our Saviour, viii. 134.

God, his being, by what arguments to be proved, ix. 192. proofs of 485it, 273-276. his existence vindicated from the objection of his delay in punishing sinners, vii. 110, 111. the folly of disbelieving it, 36, 37, &c. Epicurus, his notion of God, vi. 331, 332.

God, his attributes and perfections, vi. 284, 285. rules for governing our opinions concerning them, ix. 405. how far to be imitated by us, 291-296. imitation of God the truest religion, 313, 314.

God, why in Scripture represented by the parts of men’s bodies, vii. 178, 179. how man is said to be made after the image of God, 178.

God, his justice, vide Justice. His goodness, vide Goodness. His mercy, vide Mercy. His truth, vide Truth. His holiness, vide Holiness. His happiness, vide Happiness. His knowledge, vide Knowledge. His wisdom, vide Wisdom. His omnipotence, vide Omnipotence. His omnipresence, vide Immensity.

God, his majesty and glory, vi. 414, 415. inferences from it, 416, 417. his sovereignty and dominion, ibid. &c. mistakes about it rectified, 417-421. inferences from it, 422.

God, his unchangeableness, vi, 346, 347. this proved to be essential to the Divine nature, 347-350. an objection against it answered, 352. this how a terror to the wicked, 354. how an inducement to repentance, 355. how matter of comfort to good men, 356.

God, that he is invisible, vii. 178. what to be understood by Moses and others having seen God, ibid. 179.

God, that he is living and immortal, vii. 179. that he is incomprehensible, 195. omniscient, ibid, omnipotent, ibid, that he is self-existent, necessary, and immutable, 207.

God, not to be worshipped by any image, vii. 180, 181.

God, the first Cause and last End, explained and proved, vii. 226-230. inferences from thence, 230-240.

God, the knowledge of him natural, v. 449. this denied by Socinus, 450. his arguments against it considered, ibid. 451. arguments for proof of it, 451, 452. Scriptures how in this case wrested by Socinus, 454, 455. the sin of acting contrary to this knowledge of God, 446. 457, 458. aggravations of it to Christians, 447. 458.

God, nothing repugnant to his nature to be received as from him, ix. 433.

God, his presence an awe to sinners, vii. 196. 339, 340.

God, what it is to “see God,” viii. 154. what meant by seeing “him as he is,” 156-159. the fitness of this metaphor to express our future happiness, 161, 162.

God, likeness to him why a necessary qualification to our future happiness, vi. 323. 338, 339. viii. 166, 167. our likeness to God in our future state, wherein it shall consist, 165-169.

God, his nature more clearly discovered by the gospel, ix. 573. right notions of God the foundation of religion, 574. viii. 517.

God, to be obeyed rather than man, iv. 236. x. 93, 94. Socrates an eminent observer of this rule, 93.

God, his love to us in Christ Jesus, iv. 551-562. propounded to our imitation, 563, 564.


God, his Spirit, 1iovv it acts upon good men, viii. 427, 428. how more powerful than the devil, 425.

God, why to be reverenced by us, vii. 196. 221.

Godliness, a form of it, wherein it consists, viii. 503-516. power of it, wherein it consists, 517. a form of it without the power, marks of it, 524-529. how insignificant, 530, 631. disadvantages of it, 538-540. inferences for it, 541-550.

Godliness and morality inseparable, ix. 13. 18, 19.

Godfathers and godmothers, their duty, iii. 486.

Gods, heathen, iii. 412-414.

Good, the diligence to be used in doing, ii. 197-200. the great de light and excellence thereof, 205, 206.

Good and bad men, the distinguishing marks of, ii. 123-150.

Good, temporal, of mankind, how to be industriously studied and promoted, ii. 197-199.

Good and evil, their essential difference, i. 417-419. the difference and degrees of them to be early taught, iii. 523, 524.

Good, what it is to do, vi. 538. ix. 48, 49. extent of this duty, ibid. excellency of it, vi. 539. ix. 82, 83. to do good, “especially to those of the household of faith,” what it implies, 545. Vide Charity.

Good, doing good to others how acceptable to God, viii. 240. our Saviour how an eminent example of this, 244-246.

Good, what it is to be followers of that which is, ix. 48, 40. how this a security against the injuries of men, 50, 51. exceptions against this rule accounted for, 58.

Good, motives to do, iv. 401, 402. 475. ix. 58. 63, 64

Good, all the good that is in us to be ascribed to God, ix. 255.

Good and evil, their difference, vi. 524. vii. 115, 116. ix. 256.

Good man, the Jewish distinction between a good and a righteous man, vi. 561, 562.

Good men, the particular care of Providence, ix. 52, 53. their being involved in general calamities accounted for, vi. 480. their present afflictions how consistent with God’s justice, 494.

Good men, happy in the lowest condition, ix. 126, 127. not to be despised for their poverty, iv. 399.

Good men, why so apt to be censured, iv.407, 408. why the providence of God permits it, 411, 412. how secure of a good name after death, 412, 413.

Good men, their imperfections, iv. 406. the ground of the enmity of wicked men against them, 408, 409.

Good men, the different end of good and bad men, viii 185. whence this difference proceeds, 193. some exceptions against it answered 189-191.

Good men, their future blessedness, iv. 453-468, vii. 385. how like to God in their future state, viii. 164-168.

Good men, how illuminated by the Divine Spirit, ix. 415.

Good name. Vide Reputation.

Goodness, what it is, and wherein evident, iii. 238, 239. how necessary 487apart of religion, 478-480. ix. 12. excellency of it, iii. 416. ix. 50, 51. how apt to be envied, iv. 399. 408, 409.

Goodness of God, the proper notion of it. vi. 561. proved from the light of nature, 562, 563. from Scripture, 564. from the perfection of the Divine nature, 565. effects and extent of it, 567-572.

Goodness of God to his creatures, vi. 568. in giving them being, ibid. in the variety, order, and end of them, vii. 2-5. in the preservation of them, 5-7. in providing for their welfare, 7, 8. this matter of praise and thanksgiving, 9.

Goodness of God to mankind in particular, vii. 8. in giving us such an excellent being, 9. in ordaining so many creatures for our use, 10, 11. in his tender love and care for us, 12, 13. in his provision for our eternal happiness, 15, 16.

Goodness of God, objections against it answered, vii. 17-35. some inferences from it, 36-50.

Goodness, a necessary perfection of God, vi. 571. blasphemous mistake of the stoics in this point, 572.

Goodness of God compared with that of our earthly parents, x. 101, 102. danger of the abuse of it, vii. 39. how a support under our fears and troubles, 40-42. this a powerful motive to our duty, 43-46. how far to be imitated by us, 46, 47.

Goodness of God, how the foundation of our hopes, vi. 334-339. vii. 46.

Gospel, the best book in the world, i. 462, 463.

Gospel dispensation, how well suited to the weaknesses and prejudices of mankind, iii. 361, 362.

Gospel, the only rule of faith. Vide Faith.

Gospel, the reasonableness of its doctrine, vi. 472, 473. ix. 579, 580. the excellency of it, ibid. 595. danger and unreasonableness of rejecting it, 598. 620, 621.

Gospel, its advantages above the law, v. 342-351. our obligations to live answerably to them, 351. 353. danger of impenitence under the gospel, viii. 503-519.

Gospel, its efficacy for our salvation, v. 427, 428. how well fitted for the advancement of piety, 350-352. vi. 472-474. viii. 567, 568.

Gospel revelation, designed for the general good of all mankind, ix. 585, 586. the benefits and conditions of it how variously expressed, v. 356-358. benefits of it, why represented by light, x. 20. by life, 21. by liberty, ibid. 22.

Gospel, why called the law of faith and grace, vi. 127, 128. the bare profession of it unavailable, 131, 132.

Gospel-covenant explained, ix. 328-330. that it is conditional, ibid. the necessity of asserting this doctrine, 330-332.

Gospel dispensation unalterable, iv. 301. perfection of it, 303. obligation it lays upon us to obedience, 304.

Gospel, the doctrine of it, how it may be said to make us free, x. 22-30. advantages of it to Christians, 39, 40. the necessity of improving them, 42. danger of our neglect therein, 43-45.


Gospel, by what means God may be provoked to deprive us of it, x 46-48. the way to prevent this judgment, 450. an exhortation to set about it, 50-53.

Gospel, that it contains all things necessary to salvation, ix. 289. this denied by the papists, ibid.

Gospel, the danger of adding to it, v. 1. that this is preaching an other gospel, 4, 5. no pretence of infallibility sufficient to warrant this, 6, 7. Christians capable of judging when such additions are made, 8, 9. no authority in the church a sufficient warrant for this, 10. no visible judge to whom submission in this case is due, 11, 12. the preachers of another gospel accursed by St. Paul, 15. the church and bishop of Rome how far guilty of this, 16-18.

Gospel, what evidence we have of the truth of it, ix. 430, et seq. how evidenced to those who heard our Saviour, 437. how evidenced to those that were taught by the apostles, 545-550. how evidenced to after-ages, 551, 552. what discoveries it has made to us, 572, 573.

Gospel, the general publication of it by the apostles, iv. 358. ix. 502. the discouragements and opposition it at first met with, iv. 364-367. this foretold by our Saviour, ix. 521, 522. the strange success of it, iv. 359, 360. this likewise foretold by our Saviour, ix. 532, 533. how this an argument of his prophetic spirit, 533.

Gospel, the causes of its prevalency and success, iv. 370-372.

Gospel, the plainness of its doctrine no objection against it, viii. 304. the propagation of it recommended, 395, 396.

Gospel, the belief of it, how ascribed to the Spirit of God, ix. 243-257.

Gospel, the case of such to whom the gospel was never preached, ix. 563.

Gospel of St. John an Appendix to the others, ix. 283. the last chapter of it not written by himself, ibid.

Government, the forms thereof, i. 338. the belief of a God useful for it, 353, 354. 417-419.

Government, the benefits of, iv. 536-538. how far a protection to religion, 539, 540. our obligation from hence, 541-550.

Government, the excellency of the English, iv. 547.

Governors, spiritual obedience due to them, ii. 266.

Governors, why more especially to be prayed for by us, iv. 536-540. our obligation to it, 541-550.

Gouge, Mr. Thomas, his excellent character, ii. 340-349.

Grace of God, what persons it is withheld or withdrawn from, ii. 181, 182.

Grace of the Holy Spirit, the efficacy of it, vii. 336. Vide Spirit.

Grace of God, how necessary for our assistance in our duty, vi. 116-121. how ready to assist us, vii. 443, 444. viii. 489. this promised by the gospel, vi. 118, 119. viii. 574. x. 100. how this is an encouragement to piety, x. 127-129.

Grace, how consistent with human liberty, viii. 462, 463. the freeness 489of it how consistent with the gospel conditions of justification, vi. 127, 128. ix. 321. the doctrine of the papists in this matter, ix. 322.

Grace, not irresistible, v. 371, 372. viii. 462, 463. men not merely passive under it, v. 378, 379. that it does not exclude our own endeavours, viii. 495. this doctrine freed from Pelagianism, 558-560. how consistent with the glory of God’s grace, 561-566.

Grace, irresistible, not necessary to repentance, vii. 512. Grace, the manner of its operation in the conversion of a sinner, v. 394-396. the several opinions about it considered, ibid, the operation of it gradual, 401-406. motives to grow in grace, vii. 95. the possibility of falling from a state of grace, vi. 186, 187.

Grace, the supernatural, of Christ, what, viii. 489. preventing grace, what, ibid, assisting grace, what, ibid, persevering, what, ibid, the effects of such supernatural, ibid, the necessity of, 490. whence derived, 496. inferences from this doctrine, 497-500.

Grace, to be asked of God, viii. 456. 497, 498. how to be asked for by us, x. 106, 107. an objection about it answered, 117-121.

Grace of God, how received in vain, viii. 499. Gravity, a Christian duty, ix. 114, 115.

Guardian angels, the doctrine of, iv. 388.

Guilt, what it is, ii. 67. iii. 153. vi. 329. 533. the trouble and uneasiness of it, vi. 339-341. x. 8.

Gunpowder-plot. Vide Plot.


Habits, the nature of all, ii. 501. the difficulty of restraining vicious, and the method of doing it, ii. 96, 97. 501-508. vi. 165. viii. 492, 493. x. 32, 33.

Habits, evil, how the cause of unbelief, ix. 559, 560, 561.

Haggai, the first prophet after the captivity, iv. 287. his prediction of the Messias explained, 288-294. how fulfilled in our blessed Saviour, 294-303.

Hair, long, thought a great sin, iii. 529.

Happiness, God the only, of man, iii. 198-223.

Happiness, man’s chief interest, and how attained, i. 328. 619. ii. 71-74. the eternity of, i. 370. how much disregarded, and why, ii. 549, 550.

Happiness, of this world, wherein it consists, v. 98. riches and abundance not necessary to, 98-102. to be measured according to our lot in this world, vi. 445-447. the vanity of all worldly, iv. 262-265.

Happiness, perfect, what, vi. 327-330. essential to God, 330-332. how far creatures are capable of, 333, 334. by what means they may be made partakers of, 340, 341. wherein their happiness must consist, 338, 339.

Happiness of God, the foundation of our happiness, vi. 333, 334.

Happiness of our future state, wherein it consists, iv. 460 465. vii. 388-390. why called life, 385, 386.


Happiness, future, unchangeable, vi. 221, 222. the eternity of, vii. 893. how we are to qualify ourselves for, vi. 323. vii. 394-396. viii. 173-175. 561, 562. how a support to good men under their present evils, vii. 394.

Happiness, future, the circ*mstances of it unknown at present, vii. 392. enough of it discovered to encourage us in our duty, ibid. 393. the vanity and presumption of any farther inquiries about it, 393.

Happiness, future, that it consists in the vision of God, viii. 154, 155. what meant by this expression, ibid, the fitness of it to express our future happiness, 161. inferences from it, 176-179.

Happiness, future, capable of improvement, vi. 305-309. motives to care and earnestness in seeking after, v. 145-150. certainty of it to those that do so, 151, 152. Cardinal Wolsey’s observations about this, 152. that men come short of it by their own fault only, vi. 277.

Happiness, that God desires the, of all men, vii. 488-490. the reason why all do not attain, 490-492.

Happiness, eternal, the loss of it one ingredient of the miseries of the damned, vii. 360.

Happiness, eternal, to be willing to renounce it upon any account no part of Christian self-denial, iv. 227, 228. the instances of Moses and St. Paul in this case considered, 229, 230.

Happy, good men only, viii. 341, 342.

Harden, how God is said to harden men, v. 519, 520.

Hastiness in condemning, one cause of infidelity, ix. 612.

Health, bodily, how best preserved, i. 430, 431.

“Heart deceitful above all things,” (Jer. xvii. 9.) how these words to be understood, ii. 135.

Hearts, our, known to God only, vi. 367-373. inferences from this, 393396.

Hearts, how carefully to be kept, vi. 391. the uncharitableness of judging other men’s, 398-400.

Heathens, their sins how far against knowledge, v. 444, 445. 452. their guilt, 496.

Heathens, their virtues how to be esteemed, ix. 18, 19. the possibility of their salvation, 18.

Heaven, the happiness of, i. 510-520. how to be qualified for, iii. 475.

Heaven, whence called a city in Scripture, i. 509, 510.

Heaven, men’s false claims and pretensions to it considered, vi. 177-187. viii. 176, 177.

Heavenly things, how little regarded by mankind, vi. 263, 264. this accounted for, 272.

Heavenly-mindedness, what, viii. 346-349. arguments for, 351. an exhortation to, 351-355.

Hebrews, the Epistle to the, thought by some of the ancients to be written by St. Paul, iii. 294. divers passages in it freed from the false glosses of the Socinians, 327-329. St. Jerome’s note on this Epistle, x. 279, 280. design of it, ix. 173. the authority of it rejected for some time 491by the church of Rome, vi. 65, 66. this an argument of their fallibility, 66.

Hell torments, the eternity of, iii, 76-97. vi. 195-200. vii. 358-363.

Heresy, the protestant religion, by whom called “the northern heresy,” ii. 464.

Heresy, which the greatest, iii. 63. the original and progress of, x. 339.

Heretics, ii. 549. iii. 63. whom the papists account, 337.

Heretics, baptism of, x. 393.

Heribaldus, bishop, his opposing transubstantiation, ii. 435.

Herod Agrippa, the severity of his punishment how reconciled with the patience of God, vii. 98.

Heroes, and semi-dei of the heathen, iii. 414.

Hierocles, his caution against rash swearing, ii. 300*

High priests under the law, iii. 388.

History, the validity of its evidence, i. 338, 339. its evidence and that of Scripture compared, x. 294.

History, credible, a sufficient ground of faith, ix. 290, 291. 551, 552. the sin of disbelieving the gospel thus attested, 291, 292.

Hobbes, his notion of obedience to magistrates in religious matters, iv. 233, 234. his notion of God’s spirituality, vii. 177.

Holiness, the necessity of, i. 521. ii. 93.

Holiness, the excellency and perfection of, vi. 524-528. the unreasonableness and evil of despising, 529.

Holiness, a necessary condition and qualification of happiness, v. 140. 423, 424. vi. 339-341. 532. viii. 171-175. 561. inferences from this doctrine, 176-179. motives to it, iv. 476, 477. vi. 530-533. vii. 396, 397. viii. 171-175.

Holiness, the general notion of, vi. 519.

Holiness of God, what it implies, vi. 520-522. perfection belongs to God, proved, 523, 524. inferences from it, 524-530. how to be imitated by us, 530-533.

Holy Ghost, speaking against the, the nature of that sin, ii. 171-188.

Holy Ghost, the procession of the, x. 354.

Holy Ghost, that he is a person, viii. 397-400.

Holy Ghost, the gift of the, one benefit of Christ’s ascension, viii. 367, 368. the happy effects of it, 405. the wisdom and goodness of God in it, 411, 412. the necessity and expedience of Christ’s leaving the world, in order to the coming of the Holy Ghost, 399, 400. 438, 439. inferences from this, 411-415.

Holy Ghost, how an advocate for Christ, viii. 399, 400. how a guide to the apostles, 416, 417. what those things were, which Christ left to fed revealed by the, 418-421. inferences from thence, 423-426. what meant by that promise, That he should guide them into all truth, 422. this no ground for infallibility, 425-430.

Holy Ghost, the gift of the, what, viii. 433, 434, his extraordinary gifts, 492what, 383, 384. why confined to the primitive church, 436, 437. his ordinary gifts, what, 435.

Holy Ghost, how conferred in baptism, viii. 436, 437. in what manner bestowed upon the prophets of old, 438.

Holy Ghost, the miracle of his descent how an evidence of our Saviour’s divinity, ix. 480. his descent foretold by Christ, 482. this how an argument of his prophetic spirit, 483.

Holy Ghost, the miraculous power of it in the first preaching of the gospel, iv. 370, 371.

Holy Ghost, his ordinary influence upon the minds of Christians, viii. 435. 441. the necessity of it, 444. Vide Grace; the effects of it, 449-453. the extent of it, 453, 451. inferences from it, ibid. 455, 456. his influence how consistent with human liberty, 462, 463.

Holy Ghost, the sin against the, vi. 74-76. why pronounced unpardonable, 87. what sins come nearest to it, ix. 292, 293. advice to those who fancy themselves guilty of it, vi. 87.

Holy life, the present advantages of it, vii. 375-382. the future reward of it, 385. 393. inferences from this subject, 394-396.

Holy, to be, as God is, what, vi. 301.

Honest, an honest mind the best preservative against dangerous errors, v. 19-50. best qualified to make a right judgment, 22. Providence concerned to preserve such, 30, 31. St. Paul an eminent instance of this, 31.

Honesty, the best policy, vii. 308. the general want of it among men, viii. 546, 547.

Honour, the precariousness of, ii. 104. how to be attained, iii. 348, 349. desire of it in young people, to what use it ought to be put, iii. 566.

Honour, the true notion of, vi. 416.

Hooker, his character of the authority of the church quoted, iii. 454, 455.

Hope, the power of that passion, i. 483. how hope and fear work, x. 246. how men’s hopes and fears are wrought on in the gospel, i. 455, 456.

Hope, the sure ground of a Christian’s, vi.514.

Hope, the natural hopes of men, an argument of the soul’s immortality, vii. 554. and of a future judgment, viii. 26, 27.

Humanity, wherein it appears, ii. 205.

Humanity, the excellence of that virtue, vi. 322.

Humanity, of our Saviour’s conversation, viii. 264.

Humiliation of Christ, the several parts of it, vi. 465, 466. how wisely fitted for the work of our redemption, 465.

Humility, the advantages of, i. 472. iii. 159. how taught by Divine Providence, 111, 112.

Humility of Christ, vi. 213. viii. 241.

Humility, the best disposition for receiving the truth, v. 569, 570. motives to, vi. 392, 393. vii. 168, 169. 223. vii. 64.

Hypocrisy, the folly of, ii. 139. iv. 19. vi. 396. viii. 224. the sin and 493danger of, i. 505. iii. 18. the trouble and uneasiness of, viii. 538, 539. the aggravation of, 539 541.

Hypostatical or personal union of Christ, iii. 346, 347.


I am, the proper name of God, and its signification, iii. 323.

James, St. his prohibition of rash swearing, how rendered in some ancient copies, ii. 300.

Japan, people of, their remarkable manner of education, iii, 501.

Idleness, the ruin of children, iii. 498.

Idolatry, i. 357. iii. 334. Egypt probably the first and chief seat of it, ii. 327. an account of the ancient, iii. 362. argument from its antiquity how used by the gentiles, ii. 464. plea of the heathens for their idolatries, iii. 412-414.

Idolatry of the heathens, its effect upon their morals, i. 499, 500.

Idolatry and polytheism, how introduced and advanced, iii. 412-415.

Idolatry, the original of, iv. 318. how much it prevailed, 369. how effectually destroyed by the Christian religion, 316.

Idolatry of the church of Home, ii. 440-442. iv. 173, 174. vii. 181.

Idols, the apostle’s discourse of things offered to, ix. 28-30.

Jeremiah the prophet, the sum of his prophecy and Lamentations, iii. 181, 182.

Jerusalem, account of its final destruction from Josephus, iii. 138-140.

Jerusalem, our Saviour’s prediction of its destruction, ix. 486. how punctually accomplished, 490. the signs preceding and accompanying it foretold by Christ, how exactly fulfilled, 492-513. reflections upon it, 515-519. this prediction of our Saviour’s a convincing proof of his prophetic spirit, 516. 526.

Jerusalem, the sad circ*mstances of its destruction, ix. 507-513. the monstrous impiety of it when destroyed by the Romans, 443, 444. 522, 523. their civil dissentions, 509, 510. what those sins were, which brought such calamities upon them, 522.

Jerusalem, the history of its destruction how punctual and credible, ix. 517. the end of the Jewish dispensation how plainly signified by it, 503, 504. 524.

Jesus Christ, the necessity of firm belief in, i. 327-330.

Jesus, his example in doing good to be followed by us, ii. 189-211.

Jesus, the Son of God and true Messias, viii. 297, 298. how proved by his resurrection, vi. 56-60. the meanness of his outward circ*mstances no objection against this, viii. 297, 298. Vide Christ. His doctrine how confirmed by his resurrection, vi. 60, 61.

Jesus, men’s prejudices against him and his religion, v. 571-580. Vide Christ.

Jesus, what meant by his appearing, vii. 521, 522. that he was of the seed of David proved, ix. 445, 446.


Jesus Christ, that he is the judge of the world, proved, viii. 40 42, Vide Judge. This a motive to repentance and obedience, 49, 50. how a comfort to good men and a terror to the wicked, 50, 51. viii. 232, 233.

Jesus, the life of, how perfect a pattern of holiness, vi. 99-102. how far an example to us, 233-237. objections against it answered, 273-277.

Jesuits, authors of the gunpowder plot, ii. 226, 227. their pretended power of conversion, iii. 108. their writings, 312.

Jewish cabbalist, iii. 286.

Jewish religion, i. 447. iii. 361, 362.

Jewish religion, what advantages it had above the light of nature, v. 339, 340. ix. 596, 597. the defects and imperfections of it, v. 340-349. ix. 596, 597. how fully supplied by the Christian religion, 599, 600.

Jewish revelation, not designed for a general law, ix. 588.

Jewish dispensation, the abrogation of it, why not revealed till the coming of the Holy Ghost, viii. 420.

Jews, ancient, their prosperity, i. 413. Divine patience towards them, iii. 136, 137.

Jews, crucified in great numbers by Titus at the final destruction of Jerusalem, iii. 139. their wickedness at that time, ibid.

Jews, their sins and those of Christians compared, iii. 141, 142.

Jews, their exceptions against our Saviour considered, v. 571-580. Vide Christ.

Jews, their nation how remarkably devoted by God to destruction, ix. 519. their calamities how clearly foretold by our Saviour, 507. their dispersion, 513.

Jews, still remarkably punished, ix. 526. the severity of their punishment how consistent with the goodness of God, vii. 33, 34.

Jews, their infidelity, ix. 562. 601, 602. their partiality to our Saviour, 602, 603. their unreasonable prejudices against him and his .doctrine, 604. their childish perverseness, 609. their hastiness in condemning the doctrine of our Saviour without examination, 612. their rudeness and passion, 616. their persecuting spirit, 616, 617. these the grounds and concomitants of their and all infidelity, 601, et seq.

Ignorance, wilful, the guilt of, i. 463, 464.

Ignorance and folly of sinners, i. 327.

Ignorance, sins of, i. 464.

Ignorance in the church of Rome, ii. 267. their sin, who keep men in ignorance of religion, 521.

Ignorance and superstition, in what ages of the church they prevailed most, ii. 434.

Ignorance, the several sorts of, vi. 493. what kind of ignorance excuses men from guilt, ibid. 494, 495.

Ignorance, invincible, what, vi. 493. wilful, what, 494, 495. this no excuse for men’s faults, 495, 496. in what gases it may extenuate them, 496, 497.


Ignorance, how the gospel frees men from, x. 22-26. the guilt of those who keep men in, vi. 498, 499.

“Ignorance, the mother of devotion,” a maxim of the church of Rome, vi. 466. the unreasonableness of it, ibid. 467-480.

Ignorance, the mother of superstition and irreligion, vi. 478. 497, 498.

Ignorance, by some assumed as a form of religion, viii. 515.

Image-worship, in the church of Rome, ii. 48. 429. iii. 415. 459.

Image-worship, unlawful, iv. 98. 170, 171. vii. 180, 181.

Imitation of Christ’s example, the obligation and benefit of it?” iii. 407. Vide Example.

Imitation of God, wherein it consists, iii. 234, 235.

Imitation, primitive teachers of Christianity, how far patterns for our imitation, iv. 421-429. motives to induce us to imitate them, 429, 430.

Immensity of God, what, vii. 189. this attribute proved to belong to God, 190, 191. objections against it answered, 193, 194. inferences from it, 194, 195. improvement of this subject, 195-200.

Immodest discourse, the evil of, ix. 100-102.

Immortality, “life and immortality,” what meant by them, vii. 524, 525. what by “bringing them to light,” ibid, how this effected by our Saviour, 528, 529.

Immortality, what evidence we have of, vii. 529. viii. 72, 73. what effect this doctrine had upon the primitive Christians, 20, 21. what effect it should have upon us, 21, 22. the belief of, how a support under our present sufferings, iv. 438. how powerful against the temptations of this world, 451.

Immortality of the soul. Vide Soul.

Impenitency, the misery and folly of, vi. 475, 476. the danger of, x. 157, how aggravated to Christians, vii. 514-518. the punishment of, unavoidable, v. 465.

Importunity, a necessary qualification of prayer, x. 106, 107.

Impositions of men in indifferent matters, the unreasonableness of violent zeal against, iv. 505.

Impossibilities, not matters of faith, viii. 326, 327.

Impossibility, how that word is frequently to be understood in Scripture, ii. 500.

Impropriations, the bestowing of them upon the church a great and excellent charity, ii. 194.

Incarnation of Christ, iii. 339-357.

Incarnation, the abasem*nt of the Son of God in his, iv. 559. the freeness of God’s grace and mercy in, 561, 562.

Incarnation of Christ, how wisely fitted for the work of our redemption, vi. 465. how designed to reform the manners of men, viii. 570, 571.

Inclinations, their diversity, ii. 477. how amended, 481483.

Incomprehensibleness of God, what meant by it, vii. 212. that attribute proved to belong to the Divine nature, 213-221. inferences from it, 221-225.


Inconsideration, the danger of, ii. 492-494.

Inconsideration, how the ground of a wicked life, vii. 368, 369.

Indecency of an unholy life, i. 497, 498.

Indifferency in religion, a kind of apostacy, iv. 204, 205.

Indulgences, doctrine of, very profitable to the papists, ii. 43. viii. 176.

Industry, commendable, i. 414. 432. 480, 481. iii. 105. Vide Diligence.

Infallibility of the church of Rome, the opinion of divers modern authors concerning it, x. 310, &c. Chillingworth’s notion of it vindicated, 314.

Infallibility of the church of Rome, confuted, ii. 270, 271. i. cccii–ccciv. absurdity of that church in believing that they have it, though they can not determine in whom it is seated, ii. 41. 52, 53. the vanity of that doctrine, 451. iii. 235.

Infallibility of the church of Rome examined, iv. 97, 98. 151. 167. 218. v. 20. 55, 56. viii. 425, 426. 458. ix. 236, 237. 367, 368. 397. 411. how confuted by the contradictory definitions of several popes and councils, iv. 167. this no warrant to add new doctrines to the Christian religion, v. 6.

Infallibility, not absolutely necessary for the well-being of the church, viii. 427, 428. the necessity of it for the decision of controversies, the weakness of this pretence, v. 50, 51. 55 57. its pretended security against errors examined, 42. 54. an infallible rule as useful in this case as an in fallible judge, 51, 52. 55, 56.

Infant-baptism. Vide Baptism.

Infants, concerning admitting them to the holy communion, x. 393.

Infidel nations, what evidence necessary for their conversion, viii. 322. 393. what reason there is to hope for their conversion before the end of the world, 323, 324. what helps may yet be expected by those who at tempt so good a work, 322. 393. an exhortation to it, 395, 396. an in stance of the insincerity of the Jesuit missionaries in this matter, 394.

Infidelity, how advanced, iii. 162, 163. the guilt of, ii. 187, 188.

Infidelity, the sin and unreasonableness of, v. 168, 169. ix. 598, 599. 601. the characters and properties of, 602-617.

Infidelity, an inquiry into the cause of, ix. 556-558. why attributed to the devil, 556. this no excuse for, ix. 561.

Infidelity, the cause of irreligion, vii. 365, 366. ix. 265-267. the danger of it where the gospel is preached, 292-294. 562. 622, 623. the aggravations of, 294. cautions against, 266, 267. a caution against practical, 616-618.

Infidelity, vice the ground of, ix. 618, 619.

Injuries, the duty of forgiving, i. 472. ii. 217. iii. 29-54.

Injuries, the readiness of our Saviour to forgive, viii. 259, 260. the difficulty of this duty whence, 261, 262. how strictly enjoined by our Saviour, ibid. motives to it, ibid. vii. 68, 69.

Injustice, the inconveniences of this vice, vii. 307. Vide Oppression.

Innocence, the natural comfort of, v. 283.

Inquisition, Romish, the cruelty of it, v. 218, 219. the great design of it, ix. 13.


Inspiration, Divine, how known, ii. 257-262. ix. 212, 213. men’s pretences to it vain, viii. 509. ix. 367.

Inspired, how far the penmen of the Scriptures were, ix. 231.

Instinct, natural, what, v. 282. how it directs men to the knowledge of their duty, ibid.

Integrity, that good men often appeal to their, in Scripture, ii. 134. the comfort of it under afflictions, iii. 164-166.

Intemperance, the mischiefs of this vice, i. 43. ii. 487. vii. 303.

Intention, that a good intention does not justify a bad action, v. 241. how far the church of Rome chargeable with the contrary doctrine, ibid.

Intercession of Christ, v. 50. the benefits of it, vi. 104. viii. 368, 369. how a remedy against worldly troubles, 400.

Intercession of Christ, how founded in his sacrifice, iv. 321, 322. ix. 158-160. how this overthrows the doctrine of the church of Rome, 159, 160.

Interest, the force of its temptations, iv. 117. how apt to pervert men’s judgments, v. 556. how great a prejudice to truth, 567.

Invocation of saints and angels, the unreasonableness of, iv. 178. how contrary to the doctrine of the Christian religion, 327. how contrary to the practice of the primitive church, 329. the present practice of the church of Rome herein how much altered from what it was, ibid. 330, 331. when this practice began, 337. the idolatry of it proved, 350.

Invocation of saints, needless and useless, iv. 349. dangerous and impious, 355, 356.

Job, how supported by his integrity, iii. 164.

Job, Book of, its excellency and antiquity, iii. 231. the author of, who, vii. 398.

John, St. the Evangelist, why, according to Eusebius, he wrote his gospel the last, iii. 321. Vide Gospel.

John Baptist, his sending to Christ, to ask whether he was the true Messias, accounted for, v. 556, 557.

Josephus, his observation of the antiquity of the Books of Moses, i. 336. his observation, that Jerusalem was sacked on the same day of the month by Titus Vespasian, as by Nebuchadnezzar, iii. 124. his account of its final destruction, 138 140.

Joy, the great, in heaven at the repentance of a sinner, ii. 151-170.

Irenaeus, his testimony concerning tradition, and against the worship of angels, iv. 332.

Irreligion, a just ground of fear, viii. 195, 196. the folly and unreasonableness of, 208. this confirmed by the testimony of wicked men themselves, 200, 201,

Irresolution, and delay in religion, the danger thereof, ii. 110-115.

Isaac, a type of Christ, iv. 49.

“Israelite indeed,” who, iv. 1, 2.

Israelites, their rebellion in the wilderness, a type of what, iii. 85.

Judaising Christians, their error, v. 354.

Judas, the reason of his despair, vi. 78.

Judge, no visible, to whom absolute submission is due, v. 11, 12.

Judge, Jesus Christ the Judge of the world, viii. 40-42. the reasons of this dispensation, 42-45. inferences from it, 49-51.

Judged, the actions for which men shall be, viii. 69-76. inferences from thence, 77-82.

Judging, in religious matters, to whom that privilege allowed, ii. 264-267.

Judgment, how that word to be understood, when referred to God in Scripture, iii. 234.

Judgment, future, who and what they are who scoff at, ii. 391-393.

Judgment, future, signs of, i. 408. the preparation for, ii. 116. 554-556. the manner of, 336, 337. 285, &c. the reward of charity to the poor at the last, ii. 209.

Judgment, future, the circ*mstances of, v. 439. the certainty of, proved, vi. 215, 216. viii. 24-32. inferences from, 32-37. what effect the consideration of it ought to have upon us, iii. 76, 161, 162. v. 468, 469. viii. 35-37.

Judgment, future, none exempted from, viii. 55-58. this confirmed from the nature of man, 59-61. from the nature of God, 61, 62. inferences from this doctrine, 62-67.

Judgment, the sentence of the last, viii. 83. what influence it should have upon us, 93-99.

Judgment, the day of, mistakes concerning it, vii. 94, 95. the distance of it no argument for deferring our repentance, 130.

Judgment, the day of, known to God only, viii. 103-104. not known to the Son, what meant by that, 105, 106. the uncertainty of, 106. this a motive to watchfulness, 107. to prayer, 120.

Judgment, the goodness of God in concealing the time of it from us, viii. 108.

Judgments, that have befallen this nation, v. 294-296. the way to avert such national, 296.

Judgments, the equity and impartiality of God’s, vi. 486-489.

Judgments, the wrong use men are apt to make of God’s, upon others, x. 136, 137. the rash conclusions they are apt to draw from them, 141. the unreasonableness of such conclusions, 148-150.

Judgments of God upon sinners, why sometimes deferred, x. 142. the unreasonableness of censuring those that suffer under any signal judgment, 148. 155. the end of God’s inflicting them upon particular persons, 150. the use we should make of God’s judgments upon others, 151. 156, 157.

Judgments of God, to be adored by us, x. 155.

Julian the apostate, Christ styled the Messias by, iii. 285.

Julius Caesar, his saying of fortune, iii. 110.

Just persons, who, ii. 155-157.

Justice, wherein consists, iii. 505, 506. v. 278.

Justice of God, vi. 478, how reconciled with the calamities of good men, 480-482.

Justice of God proved, vi. 483-490. how far essential to God, as to the 499punishment of offenders, 491-493. objections against God’s justice answered, 493-497. inferences from it, 497. 498.

Justification, what, ix. 305-310.

Justification, the condition of, under the gospel, v. 363. 416.

Justification by faith, what it implies, viii. 554. 555. that it includes obedience, ix. 16, 17, 313, 314. St. Paul’s doctrine of it explained, 21. how reconciled with that of St. James, 23, 24. 318, 319. how reconciled with the freeness of God’s grace, 321, 322. this how different from the doctrine of the papists, 322. the bad consequence of the contrary opinion, 322, 323.

Justification, faith not the instrument of, ix. 312-327.

Justified, how that word to be understood, (1 Cor. iv. 4.) iii. 164.

Justifying faith, the nature of, ix. 24. 307-310. false notions about, 311. the abuse of metaphors in this doctrine, 324-326. controversies about it how needless, 327.


“Key of knowledge,” (Luke xi. 52.) what, ii. 517, 518.

Keys, the power of the, ix. 380, 381. this conferred on the apostles in a very extraordinary manner, 381-383. in what sense conferred on ministers at ordination, 382, 383. the papists abuse of it, vide Absolution.

“Kingdom of God,” how to be understood in Scripture, ii. 79. v. 129, 130.

“Kingdom of heaven,” how to be understood, ii. 518, 542.

Kingdom of God, what it is to “seek the kingdom of God,” v. 132-136. what to seek it first, 137, 138. directions for this, 139-144. arguments and encouragements to this, 145-155.

Kingdom, the temporal, of Christ, the mistake of the disciples about it, viii. 418, 419. why not convinced of their mistake till after the corning of the Holy Ghost, 420.

Kings, the Romish doctrine of deposing, ii. 46.

Kings, our obligation to pray for, iv. 541-550.

Knowledge and practice, how they promote one another, iii. 523.

Knowledge in religion necessary, ii. 277. v. 472, 8cc.

Knowledge, to be valued for its object, usefulness, and necessity, i. 327-330.

Knowledge, human, its imperfections, ii. 225. iii. 286.

Knowledge, separated from religion, described, ii. 205.

Knowledge, what is the proper, of mankind, i. 318, 319.

Knowledge, in religion, easy, iii. 58, 59. the atheists abuse of, i. 318, 319.

Knowledge of the Scriptures, the necessity of, ii. 517-541.

Knowledge, the end of all, what, ii. 279.

Knowledge, in heaven, of what sort, ii. 512-514.

Knowledge in religion, not thought necessary by the church of Rome, v. 474. their reasons for this doctrine answered, 475-481.

Knowledge and practice of religion often separated, v. 481-484.

Knowledge, without practice, insufficient, v. 485. vi. 180, 181.


Knowledge, the practice of our duty necessary in proportion to our, v. 499.

Knowledge of our duty, the advantages of it in order to the practice, v. 500. what obligations it lays upon us to the practice, 501. the aggravations of their sin who neglect it, 499, 503-506. vi. 84. this applied to the Christians, 85, 86. to us of this nation especially, 86.

Knowledge contradictory to practice, vain and false, vi. 297, 298.

Knowledge of God, what it implies, vi. 360. that this attribute belongs to God, proved from natural reason, 361-364. from Scripture, 364, 365.

Knowledge of God, that it extends to our most secret actions, vi. 365-367. inferences from this, 393, 394. that it extends to our hearts and thoughts, 367-374. this knowledge the peculiar prerogative of God, 375. inferences from hence, 396, 397.

Knowledge of God, the perfection of it, vi. 388-392. inferences from it, 392, 393.

Knowledge, God’s foreknowledge in future events, vi. 376. vii. 140. objections against it answered, vi. 381-386.

Knowledge, God’s foreknowledge no restraint upon the liberty of the creature, vi. 385. vii. 142, 143.

Knowledge, human, its imperfections, vi. 387. the goodness of God in concealing some things from our knowledge, viii. 107, 108.

Knowledge, our, of God in our future state, wherein it shall consist, viii. 155-160.


Lacedemonians, their manner of educating children, iii. 524.

Lateran council, ii. 46, 47.

Law, Christian, why called “the law of liberty,” vii. 374. how a more perfect law and rule of life, ix. 576-577.

Law of Moses, how fulfilled by our Saviour, v. 325, 326. the obligation of it how far taken away by the gospel, 360-362.

Laws, ecclesiastical and civil, to be put in execution, iii. 184.

Laws against profaneness, iii. 120. 184.

Laws of Almighty God, their reasonableness, and how promoted, i.468. iii. 383.

Laws and government, how supported, i. 417, 418.

Laws, in what instances subordinate to one another, v. 304.

Laws, civil or judicial, what, v. 327. how fulfilled by Christ, 328.

Laws, Jewish, their defects and imperfections, v. 334, 335. how supplied by Christ, 339-353.

Laws, moral, how fulfilled and perfected by our Saviour, v. 330. an inference from this, 332, 333.

Laws, natural, their obligation, v. 286, 287.

Laws, ritual and ceremonial, what, v. 328. how fulfilled by Christ, ibid, 329. why to cease at the death of Christ, 329, 330.

Laws of God, our obedience to them to be universal, iv. 6.

Laws of God, not impossible to be observed, vi. 420.


Laws of the second table, their obligation and excellence, iv. 8, 9. how apt men are to overlook them, ibid, the danger and bad consequence of this, ibid.

Lawful, things in themselves, in what cases our duty to refrain from them, ix. 39, 40.

Learning and arts, their original, i. 340, 341.

Legends of the church of Rome, ix. 393.

Lessian diet, absurd, iii. 503.

Lewd discourse, the evil and danger of, ix. 102107.

Lewd books and pictures condemned, ix. 113.

Lewdness, the mischiefs of, vii. 302, 303, 308, 309.

Liberty, the benefits of the gospel how fully represented by this metaphor, x. 21, 22. in what respects obtained by the gospel, 22-30.

Liberty and pleasure, the true nature of, ii. 486-488.

Liberty, Christian, the nature of, x. 31. motives to assert, ibid, 32 34.

Life, holy, the obligation of Christians to it, i. 488-507.

Life, holy, or gospel conversation, motives to engage us to it, i. 490. 497-507. how maintained, 335-338.

Life, wicked, the fatal consequences of it, ii. 91 . how much encouraged by the Romish doctrines concerning repentance, 74.

Life everlasting, ii. 76.

Life, our, at God’s disposal, iv. 35, 36.

Life, how a state of pilgrimage, iv. 255-259. the troubles and unhappiness of human life, 260-265. how it tends to a future settlement, 265-268. what influence these considerations should have upon us, 268-270, 273-285.

Life, the folly of being over fond of, iv. 280, 281.

Life, this, the only time of our probation, ix. 76-78. the uncertainty of, v. 118. a remarkable story of Seneca’s to this purpose, ibid, what influence this consideration ought to have upon us, viii. 213-225.

Life, care and industry about this, how far commendable, v. 69-71.

Life, a good, how indispensable a part of religion, viii. 520. 557. wherein it consists, 520, 523. an exhortation to, ix. 25-27. the comfort of it at last, 74. the bitter remembrance of an ill-spent life, ibid.

Life, the benefits of the gospel how fitly represented by, 579. iv. 553-555. ix. 285. x. 21.

“Life and immortality brought to light,” what meant by this phrase, vii. 524, 525. how this effected by Christ, 528, 529. viii. 13-16.

Life of Christ, how well fitted to incline men to holiness, vi. 466-468. viii. 567, 568.

Life of Jesus, a pattern to us, vide Jesus.

Life, future happiness why called, vii. 385, 386.

Life eternal, promised by the gospel, v. 186. the conditions of, 190, 191. this a powerful motive to obedience, 204. ix. 12, 13. the folly of hazarding it for any temporal advantage, x. 54-71.

Light, Christ and his doctrine why so called, ix. 569-572. x. 20. 36, 37.

“Light come into the world,” what meant by this phrase, ix. 569, 570. how abused by the quakers, 571.


Lipsius, Justus, the mean opinion he expressed of the Stoic philosophy upon his death-bed, i. 461.

Literal interpretations of the Scriptures, ii. 258.

ΛΟΓΟΣ, God so called by some of the ancients, iii. 284-287. 291.

Long-suffering of God, how abused by sinners, vii. 108-110. whence this comes to pass, 110. the false conclusions sinners are apt to draw from it, 111-117.

Long-suffering of God a mercy to sinners, vii. 135-137. the abuse of it by sinners no objection against this, 139. God’s foreknowledge of this no objection against it, 140.

Long-suffering of God, inferences from it, vii. 143. the folly and danger of abusing it, 145. how a motive to repentance, 146, 147.

Lord, “The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand,” &c. how the Targum of Jonathan renders these words of the Psalmist, iii. 284.

Lord’s day, how to be observed, iii. 478. v. 133.

Lot’s wife, her punishment accounted for, vii. 98.

Love, the power of that passion, i. 483. love and fear, their efficacy to obedience, ibid.

Love of God, iii. 36. how attained, ii. 71. motives to it, vii. 43. 224.

Love of one another, ii. 234. iii. 30. the degrees of it, ii. 238, 239. motives to it, iv. 563-565. vii. 46, 47. the want of this among men, vii. 547.

Love in heaven, i. 513.

Love of God and our neighbour, how comprehensive those duties are, iii. 150.

Love of this world, how far allowable, v. 69.

Love of God to mankind in their redemption, iv. 551-562. how far a pattern for us, 563-565.

Love of Christ, a pattern for our imitation, viii. 243, 244.

Lucifer, his sin, vi. 300.

Lust, the mischief of this sin, vii. 303, 304.

Lusts, the grand enemies of religion, i. 393, 394.

Lusts of men their greatest tempters, v. 544-546.

Lusts of men, how far voluntary, and in their own power, vii. 341, 342. how far a hindrance to the embracing of truth, ix. 559-618.

Lusts, their tyranny, x. 27. our freedom from it, how purchased by the gospel, 28-30.

Luther, his character of the pope and cardinals, iii. 458. among whom religion is most in danger, according to him, ix. 607.

Luther, “Where was the protestant religion before Luther?” the folly of that question, ii. 464-469.

Lycurgus, his care about the morals of youth in their education, preferably to learning, iii. 524.

Lying, to be corrected in children, iii. 501.

Lying, the guilt of, vi. 515, 516. the sordidness of, vii. 332, 333.


Maccabees, their apprehensions of a future state, ii. 318, 319.


Macrobius, his plea for the idolatry of the heathens, iii. 413.

Magicians of Pharaoh, ii. 262. Vide Miracles.

Magistrates, their duty and power, i. 419. ii. 457, 458. iii. 183, 184.

Magistrates, our Saviour’s carriage towards them cleared from exception, viii. 275, 276.

Magus, Simon, his miracles, ix. 365. 455.

Mahomet, whence he seems to have drawn his idea of Paradise, ii. 312. calls Jesus the Word in his Alcoran, iii. 285.

Mahomet, his pretended miracles, ix. 366. 461. his religion by what means planted, iv. 369.

Maimonides, his rule concerning oaths, ii. 294, 295. his relation concerning the oral tradition of the law, x. 392.

Malice, the sin of, ii. 188. vii. 302.

Mammon of unrighteousness, what, iv. 476.

Man, his misery by nature, iii. 201-204.

Man, the wisdom of God manifest in the creation of, vi. 427, 428.

Man, the excellent frame of his soul and body, vi. 428, 429. other parts of the creation made for his use, 430. his excellency above the other creatures, vii. 9. this how an argument of God’s goodness, 10, 11.

Man, how said to be made after the image of God, vii. 178.

Man. the case of fallen, vi. 462, 463. his misery and the means of his recovery, how fully discovered by the gospel, ix. 575, 576.

“Man of sin,” (2 Thess. ii. 3.) ii. 443.

Manichees, their heresy of two Deities, absurdity of it, iii. 416. vii. 20. ix. 431.

Marcion, his heresy about the incarnation of Christ, iii. 342. ix. 431.

Martyrs, their history one of the pillars of the protestant religion, ii. 318, 319. iii. 515.

Martyrs, their blood how the seed of the church, iv. 367. the practice of the chuck in commemorating them vindicated, 414. abuse of it in the church of Rome, ibid, their piety to be imitated by us, ibid.

Martyrdom, how the attestation of a truth, ix. 466, 467. 546.

Mary, Virgin. See Virgin.

Mass, the absurdity of the doctrine of it, and how contrary to Scripture, iv. 103.

Matter, an article of the atheist’s creed concerning, i. 375.

Mede, Joseph, his mistake concerning Justin Martyr’s writings about the Millennium, x. 399.

Mediation of Christ. Vide Intercession.

Mediator, or Intercessor, no other besides Christ alone, iii. 365. iv. 311, 312. what effect this doctrine ought to have upon us, iii. 376-379. 409, 410. this doctrine most agreeable to Christianity, iv. 314. how evident from the nature of the thing itself, 321. the worship of the church of Rome how contrary to this doctrine, 326.

Mediator, the necessity of a, between God and man, the common notion both of Jews and gentiles, iv. 318, 319. Christ our only Mediator by virtue of his sacrifice, 322, 323. ix. 160.


Mediator, of redemption and intercession the same, iv. 325, et seq.

Mediators, the notion of the heathens about, iii. 412, 413.

Mediators, among the papists, who, iii. 365, 366.

Meekness of Christ, viii. 55. a pattern for our imitation, 259, 260.

Meekness, the difficulty of this virtue, whence, viii. 255.

Meekness, the best disposition for truth, v. 569, 570.

Melancholy, sometimes unjustly charged upon religion, ii. 79. the state and remedy of religious melancholy, 144, 145. how occasioned frequently, 186, 187.

Menander, his heresy against the Divinity of our Saviour, iii. 286.

Mental reservation, the guilt of, rather greater than that of perjury, ii. 304.

Mercies of God, their proper effect, iii. 7.

Mercy, wherein it consists, v. 279. why called humanity, ibid.

Mercy, “I will have mercy and not sacrifice,” the sense and reason of this expression, v. 299, 300. ix. 608.

Mercy, our Christian obligation to, iv. 393, 394. motives to, vii. 67.

Mercy of God, what, vii, 51, 52. this perfection proved to belong to God, 52, 53.

Mercy of God, the greatness of it, vii. 353-355. the several kinds of it, 57. what influence it should have upon us, 59, 60.

Mercy of God, compared with that of men, vii. 60, 61.

Mercy of God to sinners, vii. 258, 259. the conditions of it, 260.

Merit, the doctrine of, confuted, ii. 558-560.

Merits, the doctrine of the merits of Christ against papists and Socinians, vi. 103-106. viii. 116, 117. ix. 334-338. why called satisfaction, vi. 103. how far to be relied upon, viii. 116, 117. abuse of this doctrine, 176.

Merit, none in our own works, viii. 116, 117. ix. 314, 315. the doctrine of the church of Rome in this point, ix. 10. 322. 338.

Messiah, anciently by the Jews called the Word, iii. 286, 287.

Messiah, Jesus, the true, proved by his miracles, v. 558-563. by the prophecies of the Old Testament, 563-565. ix. 438, 439. objections of the Jews to this answered, 440, 441. farther proved by his resurrection, vi. 56.

Messiah, the general expectation of him at the time of our Saviour’s coming, iv. 297, 298. v. 554. ix. 444. the changes foretold to be before the coming of the Messiah, how fulfilled, iv. 295. that he was to come while the second temple stood, 299, 300. this acknowledged by the ancient Jews, 288, 289.

Messiah, his coming the last dispensation, iv. 301.

Messiah, a temporal, expected by the Jews, viii. 293-295. 361. the unreasonableness of such an expectation, 297.

Metaphors, the use and abuse of, v. 371, ix. 324, 325. 571.

Millennium, Justin Martyr, how to be understood concerning it, x. 399.

Ministers of the gospel, their succession and maintenance, ii. 194. how commanded to call men to repentance, 27. their duty, iii. 185.


Ministers of the gospel, their proper business to promote the salvation of others, v. 261, 262. vi. 159. how they are to effect this, ibid, the honour and happiness of such an employment, v. 262, 263. the reward of it, 264. motives to faithfulness, 264-266.

Ministers of the gospel, Christ’s promise to them, vi. 147-156. conditions of it, 158-160.

Ministers, to be earnest in persuading sinners, viii. 52. their peculiar obligations to piety, vi. 160. viii. 551, 552. ix. 26.

Ministry of angels, iv. 383-385.

Miracles of Christ, the heinous sin of speaking against them, ii. 175, 176.

Miracles, their use, ii. 261.

Miracles, real, how discerned, ii. 440. x. 404-406. what necessary to a miracle, ii. 440.

Miracles, assurance of, destroyed by the doctrine of transubstantiation, x. 404-406.

Miracle, transubstantiation shewed to be no miracle, ii, 439. ix. 355, 356.

Miracle, what it is, ix. 352. the conditions of a true, 355, 356.

Miracles, how a sufficient proof of a Divine revelation, ix. 219-221.

Miracles, doubtful and unquestionable, what, ix. 221, 222. how to be distinguished, ibid.

Miracles, the proof of the authority of Moses and Christ drawn from them, ix. 226-229.

Miracles, in what circ*mstances sufficient for the proof of a Divine doctrine, ix. 229-231. 355. what assurance they give us of the Divine authority of the Scriptures, 458, et seq. how far they give testimony to the truth of Christianity, 357-359.

Miracles, the principal external proof of a Divine doctrine, v. 561, 562. ix. 357, 358. 413. 454.

Miracles, how far possible to work, for confirmation of a false doctrine, ix. 362. how such miracles may be distinguished, 363-365.

Miracles, not always the effect of Divine power, ix. 352, 353. how far in the power of the devil to work them, 353, 354. how such distinguished, 455, 456.

Miracles of Moses, upon what accounts more to be credited than those of Pharaoh’s magicians, ix. 222. 353, 354. 365. 455, 456.

Miracles of Christ, how a sufficient testimony of his Divine authority, v. 559, 560. ix. 357-361. 466-470. the exceptions of the Jews against them considered, v. 575, 576.

Miracles, related in the gospel, still a sufficient ground of faith, ix. 291. how a motive to obedience, viii. 414. ix. 401.

Miracles necessary to the propagation of the gospel, ix. 349.

Miracles of our Saviour, the convincing circ*mstances of them, ix. 459. how beneficial to mankind, 462. the instances of his permitting the devil to go into the swine, and his cursing the fig-tree accounted for, ibid. 463.


Miracles, the power of working, why necessary to the apostles, viii. 321, 322. ix. 369. 594.

Miracles, why now ceased, iv. 375, 376. ix. 388-392. the church of Rome’s pretences to them considered, iv. 376. ix. 367, 368. 389. 392-400. 455.

Miracles of the heathen temples, ix. 365. of Mahomet. Vide Mahomet.

Miracles, in what cases yet not unreasonable to be accepted, viii. 322, 323.

Miracles, how powerful to bring men to repentance, vii. 509, 510. God not always obliged to work miracles for the conversion of sinners, 510.

Miraculous gifts of the Holy Ghost, the nature and end of them, iv. 372, 373. viii. 385. 433, 434. the gospel how confirmed by them, iv. 373, 374. Vide Miracles.

Mirth, sensual, arguments against, viii. 66, 67.

Misery, future, the principal ingredients of, vi. 223, 224. vii. 358-361. how aggravated, 362, 363.

Mishna of the Jews, x. 392.

Missions for the conversion of infidels, encouragements to them, viii. 323. 395. how far the church of Rome is to be commended herein, viii. 395. ix. 396.

Modesty, in our opinion of ourselves, motives to it, iii. 496. vii. 222.

Modesty in our behaviour, motives to it, ix. 114, 115.

Monica, mother of St. Augustine, how effectual her prayers for him were, iii. 526.

Μονομενὴς and Πλὴρωμα, the import of these words among the ancients, iii. 286.

Moral evidence, i. ccxcix. x. 303.

Moral expressions and comparisons how taken and applied, ii. 158, 159.

Moral duties, the principal end of the Jewish law, v. 306 309. 331, 332. this indispensable obligation, 310-312. how a necessary part of Christianity, v. 312-314. viii. 476, 477.

Moral duties, always enjoined by revealed religion, v. 314-316. the practice of them how helped by Christianity, 316. the church of Rome’s abuse of them, 321. their presumption in releasing men from them, ibid. the bad consequence of their neglect herein, iv. 7, 8.

Moral duties, to be preferred to positive or ritual, v. 300. 316-318. vi. 319. the violation of them not to be justified by zeal for any positive institution, v. 320, 321.

Moral virtues, the fruits of the Spirit, viii. 473-475. the same with Christian graces, 476.

Moral, good and evil, the reasons of them eternal, vi. 524.

Morality, how far to be preached up to Christians, ix. 19. the primary part of religion, ibid.

Morality of the heathen, how far to be esteemed, ix. 18. 196.

More, Sir Thomas, his censure against the Romish casuists, v. 49.


Moriah, the mountain where Isaac was to be sacrificed, the same with Mount Calvary, iv. 49, 50.

Mortification, how far pleasing to God, iv. 7, 8. viii. 510, 511. how far practised by the church of Rome, ibid.

Mosaicus gradus, what, v. 238.

Moses, his law suited by God to the prejudices of the Israelites, iii. 361, 362. the high esteem the Jews had for his writings, ii. 316.

Moses, his history, the most ancient in the world, i. 336. the Divine authority thereof, ibid.

Moses, some account of his life, iv. 51, 52. 57. why he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 52. his self-denial, 53-56. a story of him related by Josephus, 57. his integrity vindicated from the objection of his persuading the children of Israel to cheat the Egyptians, ibid. 58. the prudence and reasonableness of his choice, 59-63. how it comes to pass that men make a contrary choice, 67-70.

Mothers, their duty of nursing their own children, iii. 487-490.

Motives of Christianity, how powerful, vi. 39. 47. ix. 417. 579.

Municipatus noster” the meaning of that phrase in Tertullian, i. 509.

Murder, ii. 82, 83.

Mysteries in religion, particularly the Christian, iii. 361, 362. incomprehensible, 331, 332. how to think of them, 429.

Mysteries in religion, of the like nature, with regard to their necessity and reason, as miracles, iii. 360. 362.


Nadab and Abihu, the severity of their punishment accounted for, vii. 98.

Name, what it is to take God’s name in vain, ii. 305.

Name of religion, that it will not carry a man to heaven, ii. 65, 66.

Name, what is understood by “naming the name of Christ,” (2 Tim. ii. 19.) i. 449.

Name, a good. Vide Reputation.

Names of distinction to be laid aside among Christians, iii. 144.

National sin to be lamented as well as personal, iii. 8, 9. 179-183.

Nativity of Christ, how to be celebrated, iv. 306, 307. ix. 582-584.

Natural religion, whence, iii. 217.

Natural knowledge of God. Vide God. This the foundation of revealed religion, vi. 451. of the notions of good and evil, 454. the sin and danger of acting contrary to it, 459-462. how aggravated to Christians, ibid.

Natural notions of God, how the surest ground for reasoning in religion, v. 530. vi. 310. whatever contradicts these to be rejected, ibid. ix. 433, 434.

Natural religion, the principles of it, what, ix. 190. the persuasion or belief of them properly called faith, ibid. 191. by what arguments the 508belief of them is wrought, 192. the degrees of it, 195, 196. the proper effects of it, 196, 197. in what sense this said to be a Divine faith, 198.

Natural religion, the practice of it how far available, ix. 196-198. a persuasion to the belief of its principles, 273. the reasonableness and wisdom of such a belief, ibid. 274-277.

Natural religion, the duties of it, v. 277, 278. Vide Duties.

Natural religion, the foundation of instituted, v. 305.

Nature, the perfect knowledge of, only in the Author of it, i. 317.

Nature, what to be understood by it, iii. 112.

Nature, human, its corruption and impotence, viii. 491. this no excuse for our negligence, 499. no discouragement to our endeavours, ibid. 500.

“Necessity and power, neighbours,” a saying of Pythagoras, ii. 511. Vide 483.

Necessity, the power of that argument, ii. 93.

Necessity or chance, iii. 105. 1 15.

Necessity and safety, recommendations to the practice of religion, ii. 495, 496.

Negatives, impossible to be certain of, i. 360, 361. 399, 400.

New creature, what it implies, v. 363-365. certain false doctrines founded upon this phrase disproved, 371, 372. this phrase compared with other parallel texts, 416-418.

Nice, the second council of, a character of, with reference to the worship of images, x. 429.

Nineveh, that God’s sparing, after his threatening was no way inconsistent with his veracity, iii. 85.

Nonnus, his interpretation of εν αρχη, (John i. 1.) iii. 289.

Nursing of children by the mothers themselves, considerations upon, iii. 487-490.


Oaths, their lawfulness to Christians, and their obligation, ii. 283-309.

Oaths, rash and customary, the sin of, ii. 15. 300.

Obedience, necessary to salvation, ii. 147-149. iv. 285. v. 26. 416. vi. 123. 131, 132. viii. 560. ought to be universal, ii. 129, 130. v. 26. vii. 405, 406. 549, 550. ix. 63. the difficulty of it, iii. 64-66.

Obedience to the gospel, how promoted, i. 453, et seq.

Obedience to the laws of God, perfect liberty, ii. 489, 490.

Obedience, the necessity of, to salvation, entirely different from the doctrine of merit, vi. 123. altogether consistent with free grace, 127, 128.

Obedience, the condition of the gospel, iv. 565. how this included in the notion of faith, ix. 298.

Obedience, gospel, what, vi. 110-112. the possibility of it, viii. 234-238.

Obedience, actual, what, vi. 110. virtual, what, ibid, in what cases this last sufficient, ibid. 111.

Obedience, perfect, what, vi. 110. sincere, what, ibid.

Obedience, the condition of pardon, v. 417, 418. ix. 313. how this consistent 509with the freeness of God’s grace, 321, 322. how different from the doctrine of the papists about justification, 322. the bad consequences of the contrary opinion, ibid. 331, 332.

Obedience to the laws of God, motives and encouragements to it, v. 201-204. vi. 63. 135. vii. 44. 209. 224. 383-385. viii. 341. ix. 44. an exhortation to it, 24-27.

Obedience of Christ, a pattern for our imitation, viii. 240.

Obedience of Christ to human laws, viii. 246.

Obedience to superiors, our obligation to it, ix. 26. 46.

Obedience to magistrates how far our duty, iv. 234-236. Hobbes’s notion of it, 233, 234.

Objections against vice unanswerable, ii. 486-488. against religion, how vain, x. 404, 405.

Obstinacy, the evil of, iii. 8. 246. x. 266, 267. a concomitant of infidelity, ix. 609.

Oil, anointing with, how used by the apostles, ix. 378. the unreasonableness of the church of Rome in making this a sacrament, ibid.

Old age, happy and vigorous but to few, ii. 362.

Old age, how unseasonable a time to begin religion, v. 270.

Omission, sins of, to be accounted for, v. 463. viii. 72.

Omnipotence of God, what, vii. 153. the extent of it, 156, 157. things that imply a contradiction exempted from it, 157, 158. objections concerning this answered, 160-163.

Omnipotence proved to be an attribute of God, vii. 164-167. inferences from it, 168-170.

Omnipresence of God, vii. 188. Vide Immensity.

Omniscience of God, iii. 427. Vide Knowledge.

Opinion, the good, of men how far to be valued, viii. 265. not to be preferred to our duty, 266. our Saviour an example herein, ibid.

Opinions, false, the danger of obstinacy in, i. ccxcv.

Opinions, doubtful, iii. 530.

Oppression, the folly and mischiefs of, vii. 307. 477, 478. arguments against, 484.

Oracles of the heathen considered, iii. 336. vi. 387.

Oral tradition, no rule of faith, x. 233. Vide Tradition.

Oral or unwritten law among the ancient Jews, what, x. 386.

Origen, his opinion of hell torments, iii. 86. his opinion concerning the Lord’s supper, and how misunderstood by some in the church of Rome, ii. 420,421.

Original sin, the apprehensions of the philosophers concerning it, ii. 478. 482.


Pacify, the ways men are apt to take to pacify God, v. 275. devices of the church of Rome for this purpose, 276. the course directed by God himself, 277-281.


Pain, absurdity of the stoics in affirming it to be no evil, i. 458.

Papias, a character of, and his errors, x. 393.

Papists, their uncharitableness, ii. 549. Vide Church of Rome.

Papists, their doctrine and practice how corrupted, |iv. 97. et seq. the absurdity of their way of proving their church to be the only true church, 139-141. their disingenuous arts in maintaining their religion, 173, 174. an account of some of their gross forgeries, 175.

Parables, how to be taken, ii. 153, 154. iv. 353.

Parables in Scripture, several to the same end, the purpose of this, ii. 153.

Parable of the ten virgins treated of, ii. 542-564.

Parable of the prodigal son, ii. 153.

Parable of the ten talents, ii. 547.

Parable of Dives and Lazarus, vi. 189. some observations from it, 190, et seq.

Παράκλητος, what it signifies, viii. 399, 400. ix. 139.

Pardon of sin, how promised by the gospel, v. 184, 188. viii. 574. the conditions of it, v. 190, 191. how this an engagement to future obedience, v. 201, 202. viii. 574.

Pardon of sin, the method of it not fully discovered but by the gospel, v. 344.

Parents, their miscarriages in the education of their children, iii. 520, 521. 539, 540.

Parents, their example, the power of it, iii. 507, 508-531, 532.

Parents, their absolute power over their children before the law, iv. 36.

Parents, the transgression of our first parents, its punishment how reconciled with God’s goodness, vii. 31.

Partiality, a property of infidelity, ix. 602.

Passion, the government thereof to be taught early, iii. 500.

Passion, inordinate, the mischiefs of, iii. 156, 157. 534.

Passion, the Divine nature altogether free from, ii. 154.

Passion, an obstacle to the receiving of truth, v. 570, 579. a concomitant of infidelity, ix. 616.

Passions, not destroyed but regulated by religion, x. 87.

Passions, irregular, the mischiefs of, vii. 302. their tyranny, x. 27, our freedom from them how purchased by the gospel, ibid. 28.

Passover, Jewish, a type of what, iii. 398, 399.

Pastors and teachers in the church, their authority, ii. 264, 265.

Patience, its reasonableness, i. 472. how learned, 459.

Patience of God, how abused by sinners, i. 411, 412. ii. 109, 110.

Patience of God, a famous passage of M. Antoninus concerning it, iii. 54.

Patience of God, what to be understood of it, vii. 79. this a perfection of the Divine nature proved, 80. instances of it, 82-90. this no ground of presumption, 91, 92.

Patience of God with sinners, the design of it, vii. 96, 97. viii. 112. et seq. objections against it answered, vii. 97-100. the use we should make of it, 100, 101. the danger of abusing it, 102-104. viii. 113, 114.


Patience, the virtue of, vii. 81.

Patience in afflictions, motives to, iv. 277. 478. vii. 46. 59-61 . 232, 233. viii. 223, 224. ix. 150, 151. Vide Affliction. Our Saviour an eminent example of it, viii. 268, 269. ix. 149.

Patriarchs, ancient, their faith, obedience, and happiness, ii. 322-324.

Paul, St. his preaching, vii. 241. his charge to Titus, viii. 551. his doctrine of justification, how reconciled with that of St. James, ix. 23. 314-319.

Peace, the effect of religion, i. 427-430. ii. 61, 62. objections upon this subject answered, 75-79.

Peace of conscience only in religion, iii. 165. 171. ix. 70-72.

Peace, public, how promoted, i. 414-416.

Pelagius, his heresy, x. 338.

Penalties, how to be regulated, iii. 82-85.

Penance, among the papists, how unprofitable, vii. 266. how practised in the ancient church, ibid, abuse of it among the papists, 312.

Penitent thief, the use of that example, ii. 514. 557.

Penitent, the description of a true, vii. 399. et seq.

Penitentiary, his office in the primitive church, vii. 266.

Pentecost, day of, viii. 378, 379.

People, how the ruin of a sinful, to be prevented, iii. 127.

People, the sins of the, a just cause of grief, iii. 188.

Perfect happiness, wherein it consists, vi. 327 330.

Perfect, what meant by being “perfect as God is perfect,” vi. 112. 299-301. the possibility of obeying this precept, 301-307. motives to endeavour after it, 308, 309.

Perfect, what meant by Christ’s being “made perfect,” vi. 92, 93.

Perfections of God, i. 324-326. what meant by knowledge of them, iii. 234, 235.

Perfection in this life how far required, vi. 112, 113. 300-302.

Perfections, Divine, what, vi. 283-285. rules for governing our opinions about them, 287-289.

Perfections of God how far imitable, vi. 300-302.

Perfections of God, the surest reasonings in religion grounded upon them, vi. 310. the imitation of them the truest religion, 313. how far the church of Rome deviates from the rule, 320, 321.

Perfidiousness, the folly of this sin, vii. 307.

Perish, what that word signifies in Scripture and other writings, iii. 87.

Perjury, the sin of, ii. 302-307. the ruin of society, 307-309.

Perron, Cardinal, his absurd arguments for transubstantiation, ii. 451.

Persecution directly opposite to the spirit of Christianity, ii. 216-218.

Persecution for Christianity, the lot only of a few, i. 478, 479.

Persecution, a very unfit method of propagating religion, ix. 617.

Persecutions and sufferings, the ancient Jews and philosophers, their notion about them, iii. 355-357.

Persecution, a concomitant and argument of error, ix. 616, 617. the sin of those who kindle it, iv. 495, 496,


Persecution for righteousness sake, v. 209, 210. 215-220. how far good men supported under it, 224-227.

Persecution, not to be rashly run upon, vi. 221.

Persecution for mistakes, or unnecessary truths, vi. 222.

Persecution, how violently practised in the church of Rome, iv. 178. v. 218, 219. no proper method of conversion, iv. 176, 177.

Persecution, how a time of trial, ix. 554. the utmost proof of sincerity, iv. 9, 10.

Persecution, the lot of the righteous, iv. 494, 495.

Persecutions of the apostles and primitive Christians, foretold by our Saviour, ix. 529, 530. this an argument of his prophetic spirit, ibid.

Persecution, the constancy of the first Christians under, iv, 445. an exhortation to the imitation of it, 120, 121. The danger of apostatising for fear of it, 122, 123.

Persecution, the last persecution of Christians pointed at in the Revelations, iv. 454. whether yet begun, 479-484. how this an argument against the fear of death, 479.

Perseverance in religion necessary, iv.442-446. vi. 170. 185. a serious exhortation to it, iv. 214-216. Vide Constancy.

Persians, their manner of education, iii. 524.

Persuasion, the worst actions done from a false persuasion, iv. 523. no excuse for a bad action, 524-526.

Perverseness, a concomitant of infidelity, ix. 609.

Peter, the last chapter of his second Epistle where and by whom written, vii. 94.

Pharaoh, his sin, iii. 8. how hardened by God, v. 519.

Pharisees, how reproved in Scripture, ii. 156. their sin against the Holy Ghost, 173, 174. their false notion about the happiness of heaven, 312, 313.

Pharisees and Sadducees, their notion about a future state, ii. 315.

Philosophers, ancient, blamed, iii. 47, 48.

Philosophy, rules given by it for gaining peace of mind, ii. 494, 495.

Piety, sincere, the nature and properties of it, iv. 1-13. persuasive to it, 14-25.

Piety of the primitive Christians, vi. 31.

Piety, motives to it, iv. 415. 475-477. viii. 205-208.

Piety of our Saviour a pattern to us, viii. 239.

Pity, in what sense God is said to pity us, vii. 52.

Plato, the word by him made the principal or efficient cause of the world, iii. 286. his discourse of God’s unchangeableness, vi. 349.

Plays, the profaneness and immorality of our modern plays, and the evil of frequenting them, ix. 114.

Pleasure, the pleasure of religion, i. 425-427. 475, 476. only to be found therein, ii. 72. 75. 128. 347.

Pleasure of virtue and vice compared, i. 483 487.

Pleasure, true pleasure not taken away by a Christian course of life, ii, 487-490.

Pleasure, sensual, the danger of it to youth, iii. 562.


Pleasure, Epicurus’s notion of it, vii. 335.

Pleasures of sin, the vanity and folly of them, vii. 308, 309. 334, 335. remembrance of them how an ingredient of the future misery of the wicked, 362.

Pleasures, sensual, the temptation of them, v. 514.

Pliny, his account of the first Christians, i. 495.

Political wisdom, how often baffled, iii. 226, 227.

Polytheism, i. 357. x. 349. inferred by the Socinian doctrine, iii. 311.

Πονηρω, εν τῳ πονηρω, Interpretation of that phrase, ii. 185.

Poor, charity to them, ii. 197. Vide Charity.

Poor, the gospel preached to the poor, v. 564. upon what accounts best disposed for it, 567, 568. how much despised by the Jewish doctors, 564.

Pope Joan, divers Romish writers, their accounts of, x. 408.

Pope Pius IV. his new articles of religion, ii. 467. v. 16.

Pope’s supremacy, ii. 525, 526. iii. 496. iv. 97. x. 375-377. not to be supported by Scripture, iv. 165. rejected by the greatest part of the Christian church, 167, 168.

Popes, a character of divers, of the ninth and tenth centuries, x. 366, et seq. their wicked lives, 377. v. 59, 60.

Popes and cardinals, how raised to those dignities in certain ages, x. 377.

Popes pretended power in deposing princes, contrary to Christianity, iv. 173. vi. 320, 321.

Popery, how destructive to Christianity, ii. 452.

Popery, its tendency to profaneness and infidelity, viii. 119.

Possibility of the practice of Christian duties, i. 473-475.

Possibility of salvation iii the church of Rome, that argument considered, ii. 54-59.

Poverty, no ground for contempt of a good man, iv. 399. no argument of God’s displeasure, \i. 214. motives to contentment under it, viii. 269, 270.

Power, sufficient given us to enable us to observe God’s commandments, i. 473.

Power of God, x. 81. Vide Omnipotence. How far it exceeds the power of man, x. 81-86. inferences from this, 87-98.

Power of man, how far limited, x. 75, 76. not to exceed God’s per mission, 76.

Power and greatness, how apt to ensnare men, v. 512, 513. how much men in power are obliged to the practice of virtue, iv. 444, 445.

Practice of religion, a necessary condition and qualification for future happiness, v. 485-487. motives to it, 488, 489.

Praise and thanksgiving to God, iii. 241, 242. motives to it, vii. 48, 69, 60. 100, 101. 230.

Prayer, i. 469. iii. 120. 436. 466.

Prayer, the neglect of it, to what owing, iii. 114.

Prayer, to be made for all men, iii. 410.

Prayer, forms of, to be taught children, iii. 522-526.


Prayer, how made acceptable, iii. 195. how effectual, ii. 197. God the proper and only object of prayer, notwithstanding the popish doctrine of invocation of saints, iii. 218-220. iv. 327.

Prayer, the several parts of, iv. 533. the benefits and advantages of, v. 243-245.

Prayer, the condition of God’s blessing, v. 243, 244. importunity in it, why recommended by our Saviour, 245.

Prayer, the necessary qualifications of, x. 106-108. for whom we ought to pray, v. 533-535. motives to frequent prayer, viii. 120, 121. ix. 170.

Prayers, the efficacy of, how insured by faith in Christ, ix. 145, 146. this consideration a remedy against trouble, viii. 122, 123. ix. 148. 170, 171.

Prayer, the efficacy of, how peculiar to the first ages of Christianity, ix. 145, 146. 333, 384.

Prayers of wicked men, iii what sense said to be an abomination to the Lord, viii. 531, 532.

Prayers in an unknown tongue, ii. 532-534. iii. 237. iv. 100. 168. v. 478. vi. 311. ix. 375. 399. why practised by the papists, x. 14, 15.

Prayers, to be offered up in the name of Jesus only, iv. 312-314. ix. 147.

Prayers to saints, the practice of the church of Rome, therein how contrary to the Christian religion, iv. 326. how contrary to the practice of the Christian church, ibid. Vide Invocation of Saints.

Praying by the Spirit, men’s vain pretences to it considered, viii. 459, 460.

Preaching, what kind of, most useful, vii. 252-254.

Preaching above ordinary capacities, in what cases convenient, ix. 257.

Precepts, the Divine, for the most part negatively expressed, i. 322, 323.

Predestination, a melancholy doctrine, grounded neither upon Scripture nor reason, ii. 78. vi. 294, 295. 310.

Prediction of future events, vi. 379. Vide Events.

Predictions of Scripture compared with heathen oracles, vi. 387.

Predictions of our Saviour, ix. 481-484. a clear evidence of his Divine authority, 481.

Prediction of our Saviour concerning the destruction of Jerusalem, and the end of the world, explained, ix. 485-489. how accomplished 400, et seq. Vide Jerusalem.

Pre-existence of souls, the ground of that opinion, viii. 491.

Prejudice, i. 380, 381. 404, 405. ii. 96, 97. 192, 193. iii. 156. 312. the power of, vi. 44. a concomitant of infidelity, ix. 604.

Prejudice, the mischiefs of, vi. 44, 45. the happiness of escaping the common prejudices against religion, 46.

Preparations for death and judgment, what, ii. 554-556.

Presence of God. Vide Immensity.

Presumption, its definition, iii. 65. 235. the danger of it, vii. 39, 40. cautions against it, 72.


Pride, i. 472. iii. 159. an obstacle to truth, v. 570, 580. arguments against vii. 168, 169.

Priests, Romish, their reverence how raised, ii. 439.

Priests and monks, their wickedness and debauchery, x. 370, &c.

Priest, Christ how our priest, vi. 466.

Priests, why forbidden to marry in the church of Rome, vi. 265.

Primitive Christians, how supported under sufferings, iii. 353, 354. the account given by Pliny of their manner of worship, i. 495.

Primitive Christians, their exemplary piety, iv. 360, 361, vi. 30. why they are more especially to be imitated by us, iv. 422, 423. wherein we ought to imitate them, 426-428. encouragements to it, 429, 430.

“Prince of this world is judged.” what meant by that phrase, viii. 409.

Princes, why more especially to be prayed for, iv. 541-545. the temptations they are exposed to, 543.

Principles, ancient notion of two, a good and bad, iii. 416. vii. 20. Principles, false, iii. 169, 170. how the cause of unbelief, ix. 558. Principles of morality, to be early instilled into youth, iii. 563. Principles, the necessity of teaching the principles of religion, iii. 521-524.

Probability, i. 378, 379. how to be judged of, 333-335. a sufficient ground for belief, 358, 359.

Probation, this life is a state of, vii. 112, 113.

Prodigal son, the parable of the, ii. 92. 162, 163. iii. 134.

Profaneness, the folly of, i. 422. iii. 18. vii. 305.

Profession, outward, of religion, i. 436, 437. ii. 542.

Profession, an orthodox, of Christianity, how far available, viii. 507, 508.

Promises and threatenings of the gospel, their end, i. 438. 491, 492.

Promises made to the patriarchs, the quality of them, ii. 321-328.

Promises, God’s faithfulness in his, vi. 504. objections against it answered, 505-511.

Promises of God conditional, vi. 513.

Promises of God and their conditions, how to be understood, x. 119.

Promises of the gospel, the nature of them, v. 182. the greatness of them, 187-189. that they are conditional, 189-192. no prejudice to the freeness of God’s grace, 193. when we may be said to have a right to them, 205.

Promises of the gospel, what influence they should have upon us, v. 197. 199. a Divine temper of mind the proper effect of them, ibid, by what means they effect this, 199. 202. ineffectual only through our own fault, 206, 207.

Promises of the gospel, a powerful motive to obedience, viii. 573-576.

Prophecies of the Old Testament, how fulfilled by Christ, v. 325.

Prophecy, an evidence of a Divine mission, ix. 481, 482. how this gave testimony to the authority of our Saviour, 482.

Prophecy, the apostles endowed with he gift of, ix. 377.


Prophets, false, ii. 255, et seq.

Prophet, how Christ a, vi. 466.

Prophets, God’s inspiring, with false messages, what meant by it, vi. 505, 506.

Prophets, “the blood of all the, to be required of this generation,” &c. how to be understood, iv. 493, 494.

Prophetic, arguments of the prophetic Spirit of Christ, ix. 481, 482. how this an evidence of his Divine authority, 482.

Proselytes, our Saviour’s method of making, iv. 222. how different from those of the church of Rome, 132-139.

Prosperity of the wicked, i. 412. ii. 326, 327. no argument against a Divine Providence, iii. 199, 200.

Prosperity, how apt to ensnare men, v. 513. how one cause of the de cay of Christian piety, vi. 35.

Protestants, brethren, ii. 247.

Protestant rule of faith, x.238. how much they allow to oral tradition, 249.

Protestant religion, the antiquity thereof, ii. 466-469.

Protestants in England, iii. 147.

Proverbial and moral sayings, how to be taken, ii. 62. the notion of Aristotle therein, iii. 485.

Proverbs of Solomon, not to be understood literally, ii. 158.

Providence of God, ii. 283, necessity of the belief of it, i. 364. 411. i. 328. iii. 99. 218.

Providence of God conspicuous in the preservation of the Scriptures, x. 297.

Providence, its care of King William in the field of battle, iii. 247.

Providence of God in the government of the world, vi. 440. vii. 10-14. the belief of this how the foundation of religion, vi. 443, 444. the truth of a Providence vindicated from the objection of the disorders in the affairs of the world, 444, 445. denied by Epicurus, 291. 442.

Providence of God peculiarly concerned for good men, v. 234, 235. vi. 445. ix. 52. how this reconciled with their afflictions, vi. 445, 446. vii. 14, 15. ix. 52, 53. 165, 166. 171.

Providence of God, how an argument to cast our care upon him, vi. 445-448. how an argument against anxiety and discontent, 450, 451. 456. ix. 165-167. 170, 171.

Providence of God, motives to resign ourselves to it, vi. 453 455. Epictetus an eminent example of this resignation, 454, 455.

Providence of God, how reconciled with the promiscuous dispensations of good and bad men, vi. 480, 481. 494, 495. vii. 544, 545. ix. 133, 134. good men, how they may be comforted under them, viii. 94.

Providence of God, its justice in punishing one man’s sin upon another, how accounted for, vi. 496, 497.

Providence of God vindicated from the objection of the delay of the sinner’s punishment, vii. 112-114.

Providence of God, the whole design of it not known in this world, vi. 441. 451-453.

Publicans, why so infamous among the Jews, viii. 448, 449.


Punishment, [the transferring it from one to another, how consistent with God’s justice, vi. 496, 497.

Punishment of sinners, how consistent with God’s patience, vii. 96, 97. why sometimes deferred, 51.

Punishment, God’s unwillingness to enter upon that work, vii. 85, 86.

Punishment, future, of sinners in another world, iv. 64-66. how clearly discovered by the gospel, 438-441. the extraordinary manner of its discovery, 441. the certainty of it, 442. vii. 127. the eternity of it, 30.

Purgatory, the doctrine of, disproved, ii. 43. 57. 357, 358. iv. 98. 169. 472. viii. 169. the design of the church of Rome in this doctrine, vi. 266.

Purity of good men in their future state, viii. 168. how far attainable in this life, ibid, the necessity of it in order to our future happiness, 171-175. motives to endeavour after it, 176-178.

Pythagoras, his two great encouragements to virtue, ii. 511. his doctrine concerning the reasonableness of virtuous actions, i. 486. his rule of self-examination, ii. 85.


Quakers, their notion of the light within them, ix. 571.

Qualification, the practice of religion, a necessary one for happiness, v. 487.

Qualifications of prayer, x. 106-108.

Quarrels. See Controversies and Disputes.


Rabanus Maurus, a quotation from him, shewing his opinion of the doctrine of transubstantiation, when first broached, ii. 431-435.

Rabbi Jonathan, his rule concerning swearing, ii. 105.

Race, “the race is not to the swift,” &c. (Ecclesiast. ix. 11.) iii. 99. the sense of this passage how restrained by the Chaldee paraphrast, 101.

Railing, the sin of it, vi. 197-200.

Reason, its rules the laws of God, ii. 484, 485.

Reason, how much intemperance and lust tend to darken it, i. 425, 426.

Reason, the mysteries of religion being above our reason, no just objection against it, iii. 331.

Reason not to be renounced in matters of faith, iv. 41-43. 226, 227.

Reason in religion. Vide Religion.

Reason, by what ways it directs us in our duty, v. 284-286.

Reasonings, concerning religion, the wisest and surest grounded upon the Divine perfections, iii. 236.

Rebellion, how encouraged by the papists, vi. 320, 321.

Redeemer, why our Saviour called the, viii. 374.

Redemption of the world by Christ, i. 326. the universality thereof, iii. 208, 209. ix. 590-595.


Redemption, the means of our, vi. 459, et seq. the wisdom and goodness of God in them, ibid. 464. vii. 15, 16. ix. 305, 306.

Reflections, personal, the mischiefs of this practice, vi. 198, 199.

Reformation, whence the gospel called the time of, ii. 462.

Reformation from popery, novelty a vain objection against, ii. 466-469.

Reformation in England and elsewhere, some account of the, iii. 449.

Reformation of vicious habits, the difficulty of it, ii. 498, 499.

Reformation, whence called “the northern heresy,” ix. 606.

Regeneration, the nature of, v. 365, 366. 404 406. ix. 303. Regeneration and sanctification the same thing, v. 400.

Regeneration not always effected by irresistible grace, v. 371. the bad consequences of the contrary opinion, 373-375.

Regeneration, how the grace of God operates in it, v. 393, 394. the several opinions about it, ibid. 395, 396. men not merely passive under it, 378. this doctrine freed from Pelagianism, 382. objections against it answered, 385-393.

Regeneration, not usually effected in an instant, v. 399-404. this evident from the experience of the ordinary methods of God’s grace, 406-407. most agreeable to Scripture, 408, 409. some cautions concerning this doctrine, 413-415.

Regeneration, capable of degrees, v. 401, 402.

Regeneration, the condition of our justification, v. 416. the reasonableness of this condition, 421-424.

Regeneration, why upon account of it Christians are called the children of God, vi. 52, 53.

Relations, our religious practice derives a blessing upon them, i. 434.

Relics, counterfeit, among the papists, ii. 451.

Religion, no hazard in it though it should prove a mistake, i. 369-371. ii. 66, 67.

Religion, the advantages of, to society, i. 414-416.

Religion, Christian, the excellency of it, i. 444. 462. ii. 212.

Religion, the inward peace it affords, i. 415, 416. ii. 61-82.

Religion, the advantages of it to particular persons, i. 424-442.

Religion, the whole of it in Scripture often intended by one part of it, i. 317, 318.

Religion, the best wisdom, i. 324.

Religion, natural, i. 450. ii. 257. v. 24. Vide Natural.

Religion, the certain advantage of the practice of, i. 400, 401. the necessity of it, iii. 63. 569-571.

Religion, not a politic invention, i. 417-422.

Religion, how it improves men’s understandings, i. 425, 426.

Religion, constancy in professing the true, iv. 124-142.

Religion, the practice of, easy, i. 462, 463. ii. 76, 77. 96. 97.

Religion, controversies about it, how vain, ii. 202, 203.

Religion, no nation without some sort of, ii. 456.

Religion, by whom to be supported, ii. 457, 458.

Religion, true, the usual prejudices against, ii. 460,461.


Religion, the pretended difficulties in the practice of, answered,” ii. 477-492.

Religion, the principles of, to be taught children by degrees, iii. 524, 525.

Religion, wherein it consists, iv. 257, 258. vi. 313. viii. 517, et seq. how willing men are to deceive themselves in it, ix. 2, 3. the importance of it, iv. 119. v. 128-144.

Religion, to be our great care and employment, v. 133-135. viii. 68. 114. ix. 62-64. arguments to induce us to make it so, v. 128. ix. 69-77. men’s pretences for their neglect of it, how frivolous, v. 155-161.

Religion, the reasonableness of, v. 164. ix. 261. the wisdom of, v. 165-175. the necessity of, ix. 262.

Religion, the only true perfection, v. 171. motives to the practice of, vii. 376-383. viii. 91-96. the folly and danger of neglecting, v. 157, 158. ix. 78, 79.

Religion, the form of, wherein it consists, viii. 501-517. the power of, wherein it consists, 517-550.

Religion, the form of it, when separated from the power, how insignificant to the ends of religion, viii. 531-535. the disadvantages of a mere form, 536, 537. marks whereby we may distinguish it, 524-530. cautions to prevent our mistaking the form for the power, 541, 542. the church of Rome an instance of this mistake, 542.

Religion, the power of it how much neglected, ix. 546-549. an exhortation to the minding of it, 549, 550.

Religion, the design of, viii, 560. how conducive to our present happiness, 561, 562.

Religion, the present advantages of, vii. 370, et seq. its tendency to our prosperity in this world, v. 154. vii. 378. how much it conduces to our peace and comfort, v. 174. vii. 376-378. how it tends to the prolonging our life, vii. 379. how it procures for us esteem and reputation, 381, 382. how it derives a blessing on our posterity, 382, 383.

Religion, how comfortable upon a death-bed, vii. 380, 381. viii. 183, 184. 194, 195. 204. some exceptions in this case accounted for, 188-192.

Religion, the wisdom of it justified by the different ends of good and bad men, viii. 193-196. inferences from this, 206-209.

Religion, directions about, v. 139-144. two dangerous mistakes in, 20, 21.

Religion, the sincere practice of it how difficult, v. 148-150. 175. this no excuse for negligence in it, v. 155. how this a motive to care and diligence, 148, 149. the danger of miscarrying in it, how a motive to diligence, 151.

Religion, how it contributes to men’s courage, vi. 22.

Religion, a matter of free choice, vi. 39.

Religion, the profession of it not to be concealed or dissembled, v. 216. the bare profession of it insufficient, vi. 179, 180.

Religion, how known to be from God, ix. 433.


Religion, the danger of denying our, iv. 447-449,

Religion, constancy in it, how far commendable, iv. 89-92. in what respects our duty, 107, et seq. motives to it, v. 443-445. hearing objections against our religion, how consistent with constancy, iv. 86, 87. this why forbidden by the church of Rome, 88.

Religion, the true ground of men’s opposing it, x. 9, 10.

Religion, the use of reason necessary in it, iv. 41-43. 226. ix. 270. this doctrine cleared from Socinianism, 271. the absurdity and bad consequence of the contrary opinion, iv. 45. ix. 271, 272.

Religion, the grounds and reasons of it to be examined, iv. 76. by whom, 76-79. this how much discouraged by the church of Rome, 80-82. the benefits and advantages of, 84 86.

Religion, the duties of it how subordinate to one another, v. 141, 142. viii. 549.

Religion, natural, what, ix. 23, 24. Vide Natural.

Religion, mistakes in, the bad consequence of, iv. 528, 529.

Religion, instituted, not designed to undermine natural, v. 315, 316.

Religion, reformed, compared with that of the church of Rome, iv. 171-178. advantages of the reformed religion, 169, et seq.

Religion, reformed, the purity of its doctrine, iv. 170. how agreeable to Scripture, 171. how agreeable to the ancient doctrine, ibid, upon what accounts the safest, 177-180.

Remember, what that word often imports in Scripture, iii. 554-556.

Repent, how God is said to repent, iii. 124, 125. vi. 351-353. 509.

Repentance, the danger of delaying, i. 386-388. ii. 33-35. the errors of the papists about this, 42. the pleasure of sincere penitence, 79-81.

Repentance, the nature of, ii. 84-86.

Repentance, the pretended trouble and difficulty of it no reasonable objection against it, ii. 106-108.

Repentance, sundry arguments against the delaying of, ii. 115-121.

Repentance, mistakes concerning, ii. 136-139. how repentance is to be expressed, 139-142.

Repentance of a sinner, the joy in heaven on account of it, ii. 151-170.

Repentance, precepts of the Jewish rabbies concerning, ii. 159.

Repentance, the methods of proceeding in it compared, ibid. 160.

Repentance, the case of late, ii. 513. 553, 554. iii. 571.

Repentance, how God calls men to, ii. 124-132. not to be put off, 553, 554. iii. 570.

Repentance, true, the conditions of, ii. 128-130.

Repentance, what it implies, vii. 244 246. 472. in what sense a doctrine of the gospel, 249, 250.

Repentance, a necessary part of religion, ix. 64. why more especially necessary when we come to the Lord’s table, ibid. 65.

Repentance, true, the essential parts of, vii. 399. wherein the formal nature of it consists, 415. mistakes about it, 312, 313. how abused by the papists, ibid.

Repentance, how far in our own power, vii. 418, 419. the necessity of God’s grace to assist us in it, 279, 280. 512. why it ought to be accompanied with charity to the poor, 280.

Repentance to be accompanied with shame, vii. 343.

Repentance, a Christian’s obligation to, vii. 516-518. directions and motives to, vii. 63, 64. 101. 147, 148. x. 31, et seq. the danger of delaying, vii. 130. 448. 277-279. 314-316. 409. viii. 220. x. 51, 52.

Repentance, the danger of relapsing after, viii. 113, 114.

Repentance, the hazard of a death-bed, v. 269-271. vi. 187. vii. 295. viii. 563. the folly of sinning now in hopes of repenting hereafter, iv. 62-64. v. 173, 174.

Repentance of dying criminals considered, vii. 132, 133.

Repentance, imperfect, what, viii. 512.

Repentance, why said to be “towards God/ and faith “towards our Lord Jesus Christ,” vii. 244.

Repentance and faith, the sum of the gospel, vii. 244-248. the necessity of them, 248, 249. when ministers may be said to preach these doctrines, 253.

Repentance to be frequently renewed, viii. 220. the benefits of this, ibid.

Reprobation, doctrine of, ii. 139, 140.

Reprobation, absolute, the absurdity of that doctrine, v. 533, 534. vi. 419-422. vii. 28, 29. 491, 492.

Reproof, how to be ordered, ii. 193. vi. 198, 199. the necessity of it, iii. 509-512.

Reproof and correction of children, ibid.

Reputation to be gained by religion, ii. 434.

Reputation, the value of, iv. 403, 404. not to be regarded when it comes in competition with our duty, viii. 265.

Reputation, how good men, while living, are sometimes defrauded of it, iv. 406-408. vii. 381, 382. why this permitted by God, iv. 409, 410. what security they have of it after death, 411-413. vii. 382.

Resolution, the power of, ii. 511.

Resolution in religion, ii. 483, 484. 563. iii. 66, 67.

Resolution, sincere, what it implies, vii. 312. 402. the nature of it in general, 400, 401. the special object of it, what, 403.

Resolution, holy, the essence of repentance, vii. 415. how far in our power, 418-421.

Resolution, holy, the necessity of it, v. 132. vi. 168. vii. 273. 399. 431, et seq. viii. 266. x. 32. how far available, 34, 35. the wisdom and reasonableness of it, vii. 422-429. the comfort of it, 429, 430.

Resolution, holy, the power of, vii. 431-433. motives and encouragements to it, 418-430. x. 33-35. the folly and danger of delaying it, vii. 409-413.

Resolution, holy, motives to steadfastness in it, vii. 437-439. directions for it, 442-446. the danger of breaking our holy resolutions, 440-442.


Resolution, holy, why more especially to be renewed before we go to the Lord’s table, vii. 446.

Resolution, the inconstancy of human, viii. 493. 520. how strengthened by the grace of God, 520, 521.

Restoration of King Charles the Second, iv. 532-550. viii. 359. 376.

Restitution, the nature of that duty, vii. 451. the extent of it, 452-454. the manner how it is to be made, 454-456. the measure of it, 456-460. by whom to be made, 460-463. some useful cases about this resolved, ibid, to whom due, 462-464. some cases about this resolved, ibid, when to be made, 465, 466. the danger of delaying it, 466-468. a particular case about this resolved, 468, 469. the order to be observed in it, 470. a necessary fruit of repentance, 471. our obligation to it, ibid. 472-475. a persuasive to the practice of this duty, 475, 476. how it tends to advance our present interest, 477-481. some objections against it answered, 481. men’s disability to make restitution considered, 482. the case of such as have compounded with their creditors, 483.

Resurrection, the certainty of it, ii. 313, 314. of the manner of it, 356.

Resurrection of the body, the hope of it how confirmed by the resurrection of our Saviour, iii. 357.

Resurrection, a principal article both of the Jewish and Christian religion, iii. 148, 149. the mighty power of the consideration of it to a good conscience, 161.

Resurrection of the flesh, Justin Martyr’s account of such as denied it, x. 397.

Resurrection of Christ, the evidence of it, viii. 308, et seq. the appearance of Christ after his resurrection. Vide Appearance. That he did really appear, ix. 473, 474.

Resurrection, that Christ was really alive after his, viii. 313, 314. ix. 464, et seq.

Resurrection of Christ, an evidence of his Divine authority, ix. 464. the testimony given to it, 464-470. the credibility of the witnesses, 470. some exceptions against it answered, 472.

Resurrection of Christ, cleared from the Jewish tradition, that his body was stolen away, ix. 472, 473.

Resurrection of Christ foretold by himself, ix. 483. this how an argument of his prophetic spirit, 538, 539.

Resurrection, Christ why called the Son of God upon the account of his, vi. 56. why upon this account Christians called the children of God, 50, 51.

Resurrection of Christ, how an evidence of the truth of his doctrine, vi. 59, 60, what assurance it gives us of a future state, 62, 63. how a proof of immortality, viii. 19, 20. how a proof of our resurrection, 339, 340. how powerful an argument for heavenly-mindedness, 351-358.

Resurrection of the dead, by some thought incredible, viii. 330. the unreasonableness of such a supposition, 331.


Resurrection of the dead above the power of nature, viii. 332. not above the power of God, ibid. 333.

Resurrection of the dead, not incredible to natural reason, ibid, objections against it answered, ibid. 334-339.

Resurrection, of the identity of the body at the, viii. 336. of the alteration of the body at the, 140-143.

Resurrection of the just, wherein the blessedness of it shall consist, viii. 140-148.

Resurrection of our bodies, x. 73. how this a support under the misery of this life, viii. 340, 341. how an encouragement to obedience, 341, 342.

Resurrection, how the resurrection of Christ is a proof of our’s, viii. 138, 139.

Revelation, the principles of natural religion its foundation, iii. 236.

Revelation, Divine, how to judge of it, ii. 258. the certainty thereof, 259, 260. the use of human understanding in discerning revelation, 260-262.

Revelation, Divine, what, iv. 39-41. vi. 47. 227. the several kinds of it, 228-232.

Revelation, the sufficiency of a standing, vi. 226, 227. 242, the advantages of the Scriptures as a standing, 233-235.

Revelation, how known to be Divine to those to whom it is made, iv. 39. ix. 212, 213. how known to others, 219. full satisfaction in this point attainable, iv. 39, 40. ix. 212, et seq.

Revelation, Divine, to be consistent with our natural notions of God, iv. 40. ix. 216, 217.

Revelation, the various ways of Divine, ix. 198-200. the particular matters of it, 202, 203.

Revelation, a persuasion of things supernaturally revealed, how a part of Divine faith, ix. 198, 19J). this properly called faith, 204. arguments whereby it is wrought, ibid. 205. the degrees of it, 205207. the effects of it, 207210.

Revelation, Divine, Becanus the Jesuit, his wild notion concerning it, ix. 206.

Revelation, a persuasion of a Divine, how distinguished from a per suasion of the matters revealed, ix. 211. how a part of Divine faith, 209. this properly called faith, 211. by what arguments wrought in us, 212, et seq. whether it doth admit of degrees, 235, 236. what is the highest degree of assurance in this case, ibid, the effects of such a faith, 242. in what respects said to be a Divine faith, ibid, in what sense attributed to the Spirit of God, 243-255.

Revelation, Divine, how miracles are a proof of it, ix. 226-229. what assurance they give us that the Scriptures are a Divine revelation, 229-235.

Revelation of the gospel, universal, ix. 586-590. how this agreeable to the goodness of God, 587.

Revelation, the gospel the only general, ix, 590, et seq.


Revelation, external, how it directs us in our duty, v. 291. Revelations, the Book of the Revelations, its authority, iv. 453. Revenge, i. 428, 429. iii. 31, 32. 259. no real pleasure in it, ii. 487. Revenge, the uneasiness of a desire of, viii. 302. 309. arguments against, ix. 157.

Reverence, due to God, vi. 392. 416, 417.

Reviling, the indecency of it in religious controversies, iv. 393, 394. v. 198-200.

Rewards and punishments, future, i. 372. 378. 386, 387. 437. 476. their certainty, iv. 194-196. how more cleared by the gospel, 187, 188. viii. 12, 13. 16-18. the wisdom of believing this doctrine, iv. 193-196. the folly of neglecting them for want of better assurance of them, 197-199.

Rewards, future, a sufficient recompence for our greatest sufferings, iv. 59, 60. the belief of them how a support under our sufferings, 438-442. ix. 135, 136. the reasonableness of such a belief, 277-279.

Rewards, future, the degrees of them, iv. 465, 466. how proportioned to our actions in this life, viii. 84-89. the grounds of the contrary opinion examined, 90, 91. the reason of this proportion in our future rewards, 91-93.

Rewards, future, what influence they should have upon us, vi. 63, 64.

Riches, how precarious, iii. 101. the folly of glorying in them, 232, 233.

Riches, how great a temptation to irreligion, v. 90, 91. 104. Riches, abundant, not necessary for the support of life, v. 96-98. not necessary to our happiness and comfort, 100-102. no security from worldly evils, 103. nor comforts at the hour of death, 109. their uselessness in the other world, 97.

Riches, how they contribute to our sorrow and misery in this life, v. 112-114. the account to be given for them hereafter, 115.

Riches, their uncertainty, v. 117. how laid up for us in the other world, iv. 475.

Rich man and Lazarus, parable of, the design of it, ii. 358. explained, vi. 189-258.

Rich men, their proper employment, v. 260, 261. their grandeur how far blameable, vi. 190, 191.

Righteousness, the true meaning of that word in Scripture, i. 410. Righteousness, not to be made over to another, ii. 560. Righteousness, “doing righteousness,” in Scripture, what it means, ii. 128-130.

Righteousness, as referred to men, how to be understood, ii. 156. Righteousness, when relating to God, how to be understood, iii. 78. Righteousness and wickedness, the difference of men’s future state, according to the practice of them, iii. 76, 77.

Righteousness, what it signifies, v. 130. viii. 472. “kingdom of God and his righteousness,” what it implies, v. 130, 131. what meant by “seeking them,” 132-144. motives to seeking them, 145-162.


Righteousness, the value and excellency of it, v. 147, 148. how necessary a part of religion, viii. 478, 479.

Romance, a probable account of the derivation of that word, ix. 393.

Romanists, not Christians, according to the reasonings of some of their own champions, x. 423. by what means they keep their followers to them, x. 445.

Romanists, implacable against those who leave them, ii. 165. their manner of introducing novelties in religion, 437, 438.

Romans, ancient, whence their great prosperity, i. 411. 413.

Romans, their severities against the Jews, how provoked, iii.136-138.

Romans, their armies how employed in times of peace, iv. 296. how this contributed to the propagation of the gospel, ibid. 297.

Rome, church of, its practices how corrupt, ii. 469, 470. iv. 97-101. 166, et seq. how erroneous, ii. 470. an account of its ignorance in the ninth, tenth, and succeeding centuries, x. 366.

Rome, church of, her infallibility examined. Vide Infallibility. An instance of her fallibility, vi. 65, 66.

Rome, church of, the pretended mother of all churches, iv. 97. 166, 167.

Rome, church of, not the true catholic church, iv. 145-149. remark of Æneas Sylvius (afterwards Pope Pius the Second) concerning this, 150.

Rome, church of, her practices how inconsistent with the peace of civil government, iv. 173. their tendency to promote worldly interest, vi. 264, 265. ix. 8. 410, 411. 420-422.

Rome, church of, her casuists, their looseness, v. 48, 49.

Rome, church of, her degeneracy, v. 578. her false claims and pretences to heaven considered, vi. 184.

Rome, church of, our differences with them how great, viii. 547.

Rome, church of, wherein the chief of their religion is placed, ix. 9, 10. their way of seducing men, 411-413. 421.

Rome, church of, her partiality, ix. 603. her uncharitableness and cruelty, iv. 496. 512. her sin in denying the people the use of the Scriptures, ix. 375, 376. how great a promoter of atheism, x. 11.

Romish writers, many of them rejected by the Romanists themselves, x. 407.

Romish interpretations of Scripture, how false, iii. 337.

Romish doctrines, their absurdity, iii. 450-452.

Romish arts of making proselytes, iv. 131-134. ix. 411-413.

Romish religion, compared with the reformed, iv. 164-178.

Rudeness, a concomitant of infidelity, ix. 616.

Ruin of a sinful people, the way to prevent it, iii. 132-135.

Rulers, “thou shalt not speak evil of the rulers of thy people,” how those words are rendered by Josephus, i. 396.

Rushworth, his Dialogues in great vogue with the papists, i. cccix. et seq. ii. 520.


Sabbath, the sin in the profanation thereof, iii. 484.


Sabbath) the profanation thereof, objected to our Saviour, answered, v. 577. ix. 607, 608. the law of it how far obligatory, 608.

Sackcloth, “clothed in sackcloth,” and “repenting in sackcloth,” what meant by these expressions, vii. 320, 321 .

Sacrament of the Lord’s supper, i. 494, 495. ii. 438. preparation for it, 396-404. iii. 167, 168.

Sacraments, whereon their efficacy doth not depend, iii. 50. 237. Sacrament of baptism. Vide Baptism.

Sacrament of the Lord’s supper, the end of it, iv. 566. upon what account repentance a necessary preparation for it, vii. 256. the receiving of it how a remedy against worldly troubles, ix. 151.

Sacrament, Romish doctrine of seven sacraments, the novelty of it, iv. 169.

Sacrament in one kind, the reason of this practice in the church of Rome, vi. 266.

Sacraments, the intention of the priest necessary to their efficacy, this doctrine examined, iv. 110. v. 126. vi. 311. ix. 411, 412. the design of the church of Rome in this doctrine, 380, 381.

Sacrifice and satisfaction of Christ, iii. 382. proved against the Socinians, 383408.

Sacrifice and propitiation, iii. 388-391.

Sacrifices, expiatory, their nature and end, iii. 397.

Sacrifice, Christ our only, ix. 159-161. the merit of his, 334-336.

Sacrifice, repetition of Christ’s sacrifice in the mass, the absurdity of it, iv. 103. ix. 398.

Sacrifices of the Jews and heathens, v. 275. their original, iv. 318, 319.

Sacrifices, why enjoined the Jews, iv. 319. ix. 574.

Sadducees, their error concerning the resurrection, vii. 539. viii. 8.

Saints, departed, their knowledge of human affairs, ii. 164.

Saints, their happiness in heaven, iv. 461-463. vii. 385. viii. 140-148.

Saints, the opinion of the ancient fathers concerning the time of their admission into the beatific vision, iv. 330. this how an argument against praying to them, ibid.

Saints, glorified, how capable of improving, vi. 306.

Saints, how to be honoured by us, iv. 430, 431. their virtues how to be imitated by us, ibid, motives to it, 434. 467, 468.

Saints of the church of Rome, iv. 424, 425. viii. 515.

Saints, the vanity of the church of Rome in honouring dead, and persecuting the living, iv. 485-497.

Saints, invocation of. Vide Invocation.

Saints, their praying for us no reason for our praying to them, iv. 344.

Saints, whether it is to be supposed they can hear our prayers, iv. 348 351. the church of Rome’s authority for this examined, 352 354.

Salvation, the hazard of it in the Romish church, ii. 37-60.

Salvation, the possibility of, in the church of Rome, ii. 50, 51. their absurd reasoning about it, 54, 55.

Salvation, merited by Christ, ix. 316-318. 338. this denied by the Socinians, 337.


Salvation merited by Christ alone, ix. 338. the doctrine of the church of Rome in this matter, ibid.

Salvation, how Christ is the author of our, iii. 354. by his doctrines ibid, by his example, 355, 356. by his merits, 363, 364. by his intercession, 365 367. how this a motive to thankfulness, vi. 133.

Salvation, obedience the condition of, vi. 109-111. Vide Obedience. The terms of it offered by the church of Rome, iv. 127. 137, 138.

Salvation, what the means of, before the coming of Christ, vi. 12, 13.

Salvation of our souls, how not to be attained, viii. 530. et seq. motives to care and diligence in this work, 415. et seq. wherein the care of it consists, v. 258, 259. viii. 478-481.

Salvation, the like means of, to us as to the Jews, ix. 39. the uncertainty of their continuance, 40. our duty and obligation to improve them, 42. the danger of our neglect, 43-45.

Salvation, by what means God may be provoked to deprive a people of the means of it, ix. 46-48. the most likely way to prevent such a judgment, 49-51.

Salvation, to promote the salvation of others the proper work of ministers, v. 261, 262. Vide Ministers. How far this the concern of others, v. 264.

Salvian, his false consequence from the wicked lives of Christians, i. 503.

Samaritans, who, ii. 213. their differences with the Jews, whence, ibid. 214.

Sanctifying faith, what, ix. 306.

Sanctification, what, v. 400. Vide Regeneration.

Sanctorius, his experiment concerning the continual change our bodies undergo, viii. 538.

Sands, Sir Edwin, his observation concerning needless ceremonies in religion, vii. 185.

Satisfaction of Christ, iii. 382. ix. 333. objections of the Socinians concerning it considered, 337, 338.

Saving faith, what, ix. 305. Vide Faith.

Scandal, the, brought on religion by a wicked life, i. 500-503.

Scandal, the case of, considered, ix. 32. 36, 37.

Scepticism, i. 333, 334. 341, 342.

Schism, how prevented by catechising, iii. 515.

Schism, the danger of, i. 459, 460. iii. 459. the papists notion of it, x. 288.

Schism, the church of Rome guilty of, iv. 157. 218.

Schlinctingius, the most ancient interpretation of Scripture rejected by him, iii. 327-329. Chaldee paraphrase perverted by him to his own opinions, 306.

Schoolmen, in what they oppose the Scriptures and the fathers, ii. 624.

Schools, their vain speculations, iii. 420.

Schools, the doctrine of the schools how far to be regarded, v. 402, 403.

Schools, founding them an excellent charity, ii. 194. 344.


Scoffers, their question, “Where is the promise of his coming?” answered, vii. 75, 76. the ground of the question, 91, 92.

Scoffing at religion, the nature and aggravation of that sin, i. 391, 392. 420. ii. 187.

Scotus, his opinion of transubstantiation, iii. 433. x. 405, 406.

Scribes, among the Jews, who, ii. 517. their character, iii. 186.

Scriptures, a Divine revelation, iii. 429.

Scriptures, the necessity of the knowledge of them, ii. 517-541.

Scriptures, the horrid abuse of them, i. 404. 421. ii. 187.

Scriptures, plain, ii. 523. iii. 392, 393. figurative expressions therein how to be taken, ii. 258. x. 300.

Scriptures, the interpretation of them, ii. 258. how wrested by Socinus and others, iii. 309-314.

Scripture, its perfection, ii. 522, 523. how earnestly the ancient fathers exhort to the reading them, 523.

Scripture, objection of its obscurity answered, 522.

Scripture, the wresting of it by the ignorant not the true cause of heresy, ii. 535, 536.

Scripture, concerning the literal interpretation of Scripture, ii. 106.

Scripture in an unknown tongue, pretences of the papists for it, ii. 533-538.

Scripture, of its Divine authority and sanction, iii. 336, 337. x. 244. 272.

Scripture, how perverted by the papists, x. 236, et seq.

Scripture, its style, x. 240. the primitive Christians, their love to the Scripture, 248.

Scripture, in what age first denied to the people in a known tongue, ii. 525, 526.

Scripture, when and for what end written, x. 251.

Scripture, not to be interpreted by oral and practical tradition, x. 258.

Scripture, cavils of the papists against it answered, x. 276, et seq. their differences about the interpretation of it, 287. their certainty about the original not superior to that of the protestants, 281.

Scripture, easily understood in all the passages that relate to faith and manners, x. 289. 297-299.

Scripture, the sense of it not likely to be mistaken, except by those who want common understanding, x. 302.

Scripture, all objections may be answered from, x. 319.

Scripture, its uncorruptness and certainty, x. 324.

Scripture, the rule of faith, x. 441, 442.

Scriptures, why called the word of God, vi. 232. their Divine authority, 236. 512. ix. 231. how far the penmen of them inspired, 232, 233. what assurance we have of the canon of Scripture, 234, 235. a persuasive to the belief of them, 277.

Scriptures, a standing revelation, vi. 232. the advantages of such a revelation, ibid, 233-235. their sufficiency for our conviction, 236-238. the unreasonableness of expecting any other means of conviction, 240, 241. upon what accounts as convincing as one risen from the dead, 241. 242.


Scriptures to be esteemed and obeyed, vi. 254. the desperate case of those who reject and despise them, 255, 256. men’s lusts how the cause of this, 247, 248.

Scripture, the only rule of faith, iv. 112. this how contrary to the doctrine of the church of Rome, ibid, 113.

Scriptures, plain in all necessary points, v. 8, 9. 39, 40. sufficient means allowed for understanding them, 40. the difficult parts of them how to be managed, 532.

Scriptures, how interpreted by the papists, iv. 160-162.

Scripture, the only authentic record of our religion, to be read by all people, iv. 100, 101. the use of them disallowed by the church of Rome, 88. 100, 101. 507. v. 475. vi. 253. 265. ix. 376. 399. 411. their reasons for this practice examined, v. 475-481.

Scriptures, why to be in the vulgar tongue, vi. 252, 253. the unreasonableness of the church of Rome in keeping them in an unknown tongue, iv. 168. vi. 311. their reasons for this practice inquired into, v. 475-481. x. 14, 15.

Seasons, how the changes of them are a proof of a Divine Providence, i. 387.

Secret actions, to be accounted for, viii. 74.

Secret sins, arguments against, vii. 197, 198. viii. 79, 80.

Sects, wherein their heat and fury principally seen, i. 444, 445.

Sects, natural for them all to admire their founder, iii. 316.

Seculum futurum, what meant by, vi. 69. 151.

Seculum spiritus sancti of the enthusiasts, ii. 377.

Security, cautions against, vi. 83. vii. 111-113. Seditions and intestine divisions, the miseries thereof, iii. 137, 138.

Seducers, the doctrine of, destitute of goodness, ix. 408. the church of Rome how an instance of this, 409.

See, what meant by “seeing God,” viii. 154. what by “seeing him as he is,” 158.

Seek, what it is to “seek the things above,” viii. 347-350. motives to it, 351-356.

Self-confidence, the folly of, iii. 116.

Self-denial, the reasonableness of that duty, i. 471, 472.

Self-denial, that duty explained, iv. 223-232. mistakes about it exposed, 224-229.

Self-denial, renouncing sense or reason in matters of faith no part of Christian, iv. 225. to be willing upon any account to renounce eternal happiness, no part of this duty, 227.

Self-denial, or suffering for Christ, our obligation to this duty, iv. 232, 233. the reasonableness of it, 240. our Saviour how far an example of it, 243. viii. 255-257. the reward of it, iv. 245, 246. inferences from it, 249-253. Vide Suffering.

Self-flattery, the cause of censoriousness, x. 134.

Semi-Dei and Deastri of the heathen, iii. 414.

Seneca, the philosopher, his definition of sin, ii. 489.



Senses, outward, what power they have in religious doctrines, ii. 447. the absurdity of those who reject them, ibid. 448. x. 406.

Senses, our, not to be renounced in matters of faith, iv. 225.

Separation from the church of England, the unreasonableness of it, viii. 245-247. 548, 549.

Seriousness, motives to, viii. 66. 216. ix. 115.

Sermons, popish, Erasmus’s account of them, ii. 535.

Servants, care to be taken of them by their masters, iii. 471.

Service, Divine, in an unknown tongue, ii. 47. Vide Prayer. Erasmus’s censure of it, 527.

Severity to children, iii. 532.

Severity of God to some sinners in this life, how reconcilable with his patience, vii. 96-100.

Severity of God against sin, an objection concerning it answered, vii. 18, 19. 121.

Shame, one of the restraints put by God upon human nature, i. 321.

Shame, the perpetual consequence of sin, ii. 90, 91. the restraints of it soon got over by very wicked men, 502, 503.

Shame, the nature of that passion, vii. 335. how necessary an ingredient in repentance, 271. 343, 344.

Shame for sin, to be accompanied with amendment, vii. 350. motives to it, 344-349.

Shamefulness of sin, v. 289, 290. vii. 305. 324, 325.

Sickness, how unseasonable a time for the business of religion, v. 270.

Signs of the destruction of Jerusalem foretold by our Saviour, ix. 492-513.

Simon Magus, his heresies, ii. 124.

Simplicius, his counsel concerning swearing, ii. 293, 294.

Sin, of forsaking, i. 322.

Sin, the greatest of all slavery, ii. 506.

Sin, greater trouble in, than in virtue, i. 484.

Sin, the unprofitableness of, i. 440, 441. how men usually advance in the ways of sin, ii. 19-31. to be hardened in sin, what, 25. the evil and unreasonableness of it, 90. 498. very necessary to warn men of its danger, 27.

Sin, the guilt thereof how done away, iii. 405.

Sin, deliberate, how some mistake, ii. 186, 187.

Sin, objections, concerning the proportion its demerit bears to an eternal punishment, considered, iii. 79, 80.

Sin, the degrees and approaches of, to be avoided, ii. 187.

Sin, God not the cause of, iii. 8-13.

Sin, its sad effect, iii. 8, 9. 382, 383. mankind how delivered from sin by Christ, 387-389.

Sin, its aggravations, iii. 80, 81.

Sin, its expiation by the sufferings of Christ, iii. 352-354. 387-389.

Sin, its enjoyments mixed and imperfect, iv. 61. the shortness of them, ibid. 62. the sad issue of them, 63, 61.


Sin, base and dishonourable, vi. 528. vii. 328, 329. the mischiefs of it, 287, 288. the danger and folly of it, vi. 520, 527. 534-536. vii. 210, 211. x. 31, 32. the unreasonableness of it, vii. 334, 335.

Sin, the evil of, vii. 116. 300. 424. God’s deferring to punish it, no argument against this, vii. 116, 117.

Sin, the shamefulness of, v. 289. vii. 305. 324, 325. the ill consequences of it, 301-303. its unprofitableness, 305. 322, 323. its deformity, 328. the slavery of it, 330. 372, 373. x. 26. our freedom from it how purchased by Christ, vii. 374, 375. x. 29.

Sin, the highest ingratitude against God, vii. 340.

Sin, God not the author of, v. 508. 510, 511. how cautious we should be of any doctrines tending to this, 533. what doctrines they are that do so, ibid. 534, 535.

Sin, chargeable upon ourselves only, v. 509. vii. 336. that God tempts none to sin, 336, 337. the impiety of such an assertion, v. 523, 524. this argument enforced, 525, et seq.

Sin, why permitted by God, vii. 26, 27.

Sin, God’s halved to, vii. 118, 119. this how reconcilable with his forbearance of sinners, ibid.

Sin, the pretended pleasures of, examined, vii. 306, 307. the pretended profitableness of some sins considered, ibid.

Sin, arguments against, vii. 197-199. 296. 352, et seq. 365-369.

Sin, its own punishment, vii. 137.

Sin, the danger of continuing in the practice of any one, v. 442-444. vi. 185.

Sin, the wrath of God how clearly revealed against, v. 458.

Sin, the terror of its future punishment, v. 463-465. vii. 354, 355. how this an argument to repentance, vii. 352, et seq.

Sin, pardon of. Vide Pardon.

Sin, forsaking of. Vide Forsaking.

“Sin unto death,” what, iv. 212. vi. 76.

Sin against the Holy Ghost. Vide Holy Ghost.

Sincerity, iii. 171. 499. how known, ii. 133, 134.

Sincerity towards God and man, what, iv. 1-25.

Sincerity towards God, what, iv. 2. the properties of it, 3-7. why called integrity, 9. a persuasive to it, 14-16.

Sincerity towards men, what, iv. 10. the great evil of the contrary vices, 12, 13. a persuasive to it, 14-16. the great want of this virtue among men, 15-17. motives to it, 18-24. viii. 73-75. 224, 225.

Sincerity, Christ an eminent pattern of this virtue, viii. 241.

Sincerity, a necessary qualification of prayer, x. 106.

Sinful course, the unreasonableness of it, ii. 90, 91.

Sinful life, the danger of it, v. 432. this how clearly discovered by the gospel, 436, Vide Punishment.

Sinful life, the uneasiness of it, vi. 532, 533. the grounds of it, vii. 365 369.

Singularity and novelty, the unreasonableness of these objections against the protestant religion, ii. 461-466.


Sinners, the greatest to be encouraged to repent, ii. 153-155.

Sinners, heinous, their punishment how aggravated, vii. 97, 98.

Sinners, their unreasonableness and disingenuity, vii. 143, 144. their folly and danger, vi. 195. vii. 210, 211. 297. x. 64-67.

Sinners, what severe reflections they will have hereafter, x. 68, 69.

Sinners, that God’s presence ought to be an awe to them, vii. 339, 340.

Sinners, God’s goodness towards them, vii. 134, et seq.

Sinners, their impunity in this world accounted for, vii. 114.

Sinners, their state while in this life, not desperate, vi. 225.

Sinners, their ruin owing to themselves only, vii. 100.

Sinning, what reason there is to loathe and detest it, iii. 406, 407.

Sins against knowledge, the danger of them, and their aggravations to Christians, viii. 98, 99. Vide Christians.

Sins, the danger of those commonly called little sins, viii. 80.

Sins, secret, their danger, ibid.

Sins against mercies, their aggravations, vii. 62, 63.

Sins, presumptuous and wilful, their danger, vi. 84, et seq.

Sins of omission, the danger of them, v. 463. viii. 75.

Sins, wilful, and of infirmity, ii. 141.

Sins of omission and commission, the danger of them, v. 460-462.

Sirmondus, a remark of his concerning transubstantiation, ii. 430, 431.

Slander, iii. 251.

Sleep, why death so called, viii. 127. what meant by “sleeping in Jesus,” ibid. 128. this no argument for the sleep of the soul, 128-132.

Societies, how supported by religion, i. 362. 409-423. ii. 284. 455, 456.

Socinians, their manner of writing, iii. 309-311. how much they wrest the Scriptures, 291-293. the original of their opinions, 285, 286. the novelty of their doctrines and interpretations, 305, 306. 312, 313.

Socinians, their error concerning God’s corporeity, vii. 180. their error concerning Christ’s satisfaction, ix. 337.

Socinus, his error concerning the natural knowledge of God, v. 450. Vide God. Scripture, how wrested by him, v. 454.

Socrates, in what he exceeded the most part of mankind, ii. 510.

Socrates, his notion of the immortality of the soul, viii. 4, 5.

Sodom and Gomorrah, the severity of their punishment how reconcilable with God’s goodness, vii. 32, 33.

Solifidianism, the protestants cleared from the charge of it, ix. 331.

Son of man, what it is to “speak against the Son of man,” and what to “speak against the Holy Ghost,” (Matt. xii. 31, 32.) ii. 172.

Sorrow, the nature of that passion, vii. 286.

Sorrow, what sort of it forbidden by Christ, ix. 119, 120, 121.

Sorrow for sin, what, ii. 89. ix. 122. the grounds and reasons of it, vii. 287-289. the measure and degrees of it, 289, 290. how to judge aright of the truth of it, 293, 294. how far tears necessary to it, 293.

Sorrow for sin, not the whole of repentance, vii. 294, 295.


Sorrow, the insufficiency of a death-bed, vii. 295.

Sorrow for sin, how necessary to repentance, ix. 121, 122. the excess of it, vii. 296. motives to a proper sorrow for sin, 297.

Sorrow for worldly evils, how far allowable, ix. 119, 120. remedies against it, 125-128.

Soul of man, its immortality, i. 324. 371. ii. 313. 495. its active nature, i. 322. its happiness, 331, 332.

Soul, the care of it the one thing needful, iii. 55-75.

Souls of men, their salvation how much to be sought, ii. 166.

Souls of men, the ways of doing good to them, ii. 191-194.

Soul, the sleep of the, till the general resurrection confuted, ii. 255. viii. 128-132.

Soul, “lest my soul depart from thee,” how that phrase might be literally translated, iii. 125.

Souls of men and brutes, their difference, vii. 565-567.

Souls, the value of our, v. 146, 147. x. 64-66. the necessity of caring for them, v. 78.

Souls, the misery and terror of the loss of our, x. 65, 66. an exhortation to a timely consideration of this, 70, 71.

Soul, how little valued by men, x. 70.

Soul, what meant by it, vii. 530. what meant by its immortality, 531. the immortality of the soul a doctrine of natural religion, ix. 194. 275. x. 73. why not expressly declared in Scripture, vii. 173. ix. 194. how far known before the coming of Christ, vii. 529. viii. 123.

Soul, the immortality of the, how far discovered by natural reason, vii. 530. how far proved from the being of a God, 531, 532. what kind of evidence sufficient for the proof of this, 532534.

Soul, the immortality of the, a natural and general notion, vii. 536. by whom only denied, 539. this accounted for, 540.

Soul, its immortality how agreeable to our notions of God, vii. 542. how agreeable to our notions of good and evil, 551, 552. how suitable to our natural hopes and fears, 554-558. its tendency to our happiness and perfection, 559-561.

Soul, its immortality how discovered by sensitive perception, vii. 563, 564. the difficulty concerning the souls of beasts solved, 565. 566. how discovered by the other faculties of man, 566-569.

Soul, reason’s over-ruling sense, how this an argument of its immortality, vii. 570, 571. Epicurus’s absurdity about this, 569.

Soul, its immortality discovered from our contemplation of spiritual things, vii. 570. a remarkable passage of Tully upon this argument, 571.

Soul, objections against its immortality answered, vii. 573 576.

Soul, what assurance the heathens had of the soul’s immortality before Christ’s coming, viii. 1, et seq. the reason why it had no better effect upon them, 2-4. what assurances the Jews had of this, 6-9. what farther assurance of it afforded by the gospel, 12-23.

Soul, its immortality denied by Epicurus, viii. 3. the notion of the wisest of the heathens concerning it, ibid. 4-6.


Soul’s immortality, what effects this doctrine had upon the primitive Christians, viii. 20, 21. what influence it ought to have upon us, 21, 22.

Speculation, the vanity of it without practice, iii. 523.

Speech, the right use of, iii. 265. ix. 101. the abuse of, 102. want of speech better than the abuse of it, 115.

Σφραγὸς, of the signification of that word, (1 Tim. ii. 19.) i. 488.

Spira, his despair, the reason of it, vi. 78. 91.

Spirit, the assistances of the blessed Spirit, i. 474. ii. 94. 512.

Spirit, the testimony, seal, and earnest of the Holy Spirit, mentioned in Scripture, what, ii. 144. 354. vi. 54, 55. Vide Holy Ghost.

Spirits, the “trial of the spirits,” why enjoined, ii. 255.

Spirit, what it is, vii. 174. that God is a spirit, 175. Hobbes’s notion of it consulted, 177. objections against it answered, ibid. 178. inferences from this, 178-187.

Spirit, what meant by “worshipping God in spirit and in truth,” vi. 181-184. the force of this consequence from God’s being a spirit, 182, 183.

Spirit of God, how far he contributes to all our good actions, vi. 546.

Spirit, Holy, his influences upon Christians, v. 184, 185. his assistance, upon what conditions promised, 188. the power and efficacy of it, 199-201. vi. 171. this how clearly promised by the gospel, v. 49. ix. 138, 139. how a remedy against worldly troubles, 139. how powerful an argument to piety, v. 202, 203.

Spirit, Holy, how far he directs us in our duty, v. 292.

Spirit of God, how he contributes to our belief, ix. 244-250. this no excuse for infidelity, 255.

Spirit, the testimony of the Spirit to the truth of the gospel, ix. 245-248. his inward efficacy in producing faith, 248, 249.

Spirit of God, in what manner he works in us, ix. 248-254. mistakes about this rectified, 249, et seq.

Spirit, the gift of the Holy Spirit, its nature and excellency, x. 104, 105. how to be asked of God, 106-108. how assured to those that ask, 108-110. this an encouragement to constant prayer, 114, 115. an objection against this answered, 117.

Spirit, how a man that hath not the Spirit, can be said to ask it aright, x. 118.

Spirit, his general influence upon all men, x. 122, 123.

Spirit, the promise of it, how an encouragement in our duty, x. 127-129.

Spirit, Holy, to be prayed for, x. 129-131. motives to this, 130, 131. how to be entertained by us, 131. the danger of grieving or resisting him, ibid.

Spirit of God, how he helps us in our prayers, ix. 148.

Spirit of God and of the devil, how they act upon good and bad men, 423. the Spirit of God how more powerful than the devil, 425. in what ways he assists good men, 427, 428.

Spirit, the nature and use of its miraculous gifts, iv. 372, 373. how bestowed 535upon the first publishers of the gospel, ibid, the gospel how confirmed by them, 373. Vide Holy Ghost.

Spirit of truth “will guide you into all truth,” the meaning and limitation of this promise, viii. 422. this no ground for the infallibility of the church of Rome, 427.

Spirit, men’s pretences to it examined, viii. 458.

Spirit, the fruits of the, visible in the lives of men, viii. 473. how to know whether the Spirit of God dwelleth in us, 473-475. 482, 483.

Spirit, the fruits of the, of an immutable and eternal nature, viii. 475. the same with moral virtues, 476. how necessary a part of religion, ibid. inferences from this, 481-484.

Spirits, the gift of discerning, in what manner bestowed upon the apostles, ix. 379.

Spirits, their existence, iv. 379.

Spirituality of the Divine nature, vii. 170-187.

Stars, why “the stars in their courses said to fight against Sisera,” iii. 109. 231.

Stage, English, its impiety, ix. 114.

State, future, considerations arising from that doctrine, ii. 325, et seq. wherein it is different from the present, 312, 313. Vide Future.

State, the different state of good and bad men hereafter, vi. 215-217. the vast difference between men’s present and future state, 225, 226.

State, future, that it is fixed and unchangeable, vi. 223. what influence this consideration ought to have upon us, 225, 226.

Steadfastness in religion, ii. 544. vii. 443-463. Vide Constancy. Stillingfleet, his writings, i. ccxcvi. ccxcvii. Stoic philosophy, its obstinacy, i. 458, 459. its imperfection, ibid. Stoics, their doctrine of fate, vi. 378. their notion of pain, the folly of it, ix. 119.

Strangers, good men how, upon earth, iv. 260, 261.

“Strive to enter in at the strait gate,” what that phrase imports, vi. 163, 164.

Striving, the difference between “striving” and “seeking” to enter in at the strait gate, v. 149.

Styx, why the heathen gods swear by it, according to Aristotle, i. 335.

Submission to God. Vide Patience.

Success, not always answerable to the probability of second causes, iii. 98-121.

Success, no sure argument of a good cause, iii. 246.

Suetonius, his testimony of the Messiah, iv. 298.

Sufferings of Christ, iii. 352 357.

Sufferings of this life, motives to patience under them, iv. 478. ix. 124-129.

Sufferings of the primitive Christians, the courage under them, whence, iv. 447.

Sufferings of Christ, men’s prejudices against this doctrine, viii. 288, 289. 292. how unreasonable, 297.


Sufferings of Christ, a proper means of our salvation, viii. 288, et seq. the wisdom and goodness of God in them, 305, 306. what effect they ought to have upon us, 306, 307.

Suffering for Christ, our obligation to it, iv. 232. Hobbes’s notion of this, 233, 234. the reasonableness of this duty, 240, et seq. that we ought to be always prepared for it, 450, 451 .

Suffering for Christ, attended with more than ordinary assistance from God, iv. 245-247. motives and encouragements to patience under it, ibid. 437-442. 449-451. ix. 135, 136. 150-157.

Suffering for the cause of religion, in what cases men may be said to do so. Vide Persecution. How far God may be expected to support men under it, 223-229. in what cases God may suffer good men to faint under it, 329, 230. the case of Archbishop Cranmer, 230.

Sufferings, the ground of good men’s confidence in God under them, v. 234, 235. the conditions of it, 237-249.

Sufferings, not to be rashly run upon, v. 221. 238. not to be avoided by any unlawful means, 239, 240.

Sufferings, our duty to commit ourselves to God under them, v. 241, 242. our duty to pray for God’s assistance under them, 244. the danger of confiding in our own strength, 245, 246. St. Peter an example of this, 229. 246. charity how a qualification for relying on God under them, 247, 248. sincerity a necessary qualification for this, 249. God’s being our faithful Creator, what ground of comfort under them, 250-252.

Sufferings of Christians in the last times, iv. 454, 455. 479, 480. Vide Persecution.

Supererogation, the doctrine of the church of Rome, ii. 560. v. 160, 161.

Superstition, how avoided, ii. 551. 559, 560.

Superstitions of the church of Rome, iv. 170-173.

Supremacy of the Pope, by what numbers of Christians rejected, ii. 465. Vide Pope.

“Swear not at all,” (Matt. v. 33.) the meaning of those words, ii. 291.

Swearing, the sin and folly of rash swearing, ii. 300, 301. vii. 305.


Tacitus, his testimony of the Messiah, iv. 298.

Talents, motives to improve them, viii. 81.

Teaching, the outward, of God’s word to continue in all ages of the church, ii. 377.

Temperance and chastity, two necessary duties in every Christian, i. 451, 452. 469. iii. 64. 502.

Tempers of children, to be carefully considered in their education, iii. 517-519. some bad tempers, a great instance of the degeneracy and corruption of human nature, 535.

Temple, the second, in what respects more glorious than the first, iv. 537292. the second, standing when our Saviour came, 299, 300. how after wards destroyed, ibid, in vain attempted to be rebuilt, ibid.

Tempt, how God may be said to tempt men, iv. 28.

Tempt, to tempt God, what it signifies, v . 536. the danger of it, ibid. 637.

Tempt, the evil of tempting one another to sin, v. 535, 536.

Temptations to apostacy, overcome by the wise virgins, ii. 542-544. how temptations to sin are to be conquered, ii. 93, 94. 106-108. the power of temptations and their remedy, 481-484. the fatal consequences of yielding to them, 513, 514.

Temptations of the devil, of several kinds, i. 402, 403. from him and his instruments, v. 521. the end of bad men’s tempting others, 527, 528. the end of the devil’s temptations, 521. 528, 529. how far the cause of our sins, 539 544. no excuse for men’s sins, 551.

Temptation, what it is, v. 510, 511. the several kinds of it, 511-514. why God sometimes permits good men to faint under it, 514. why God permits ill men to fall into great temptations, 519.

Temptations, the end of God’s permitting good men to fall into them, v. 515, 516. the ways God uses to bring about his ends herein, 517, 518.

Temptations, good men preserved from such as are above their strength, v. 224. 517. how supported under them, v. 225, 226. 518.

Temptations, their prevalence to be ascribed chiefly to our own lusts, v. 536, 537. 546-548.

Temptations of the world, what, iv. 115, 116. arguments against yielding to them, ibid. 117119.

Temptations, by what means resistible, v. 548. how far this is naturally in our power, ibid. 549. how this is assisted by the grace of God, 550. to be prayed against, 551. how we may resist them, 552, 553.

Tempted, God cannot be tempted by evil, v. 525. that God cannot tempt others to it, how a consequence of this, 530. the nature of this argument of the apostle’s considered, ibid. 531.

Tempter, every man his own, v. 537-542.

Tenderness and pity, to be promoted in children, iii. 499.

Terrors of the Lord, a proper argument for repentance, vii. 355. x. 87. 95, 96. 137.

Terrors of the world, iv. 120-122. how to be overcome, 123.

Terrors of a guilty conscience, not to be avoided, iii. 169, 170.

Testimony, Divine and human, i. 333, 334. human, of two sorts, ibid, of the validity of human testimony, i. ccxcviii. ccxcix.

Testimonies concerning the rule of faith, x. 425.

Thanksgiving, to be offered up to God, iii. 409. 466. thanks to be rendered to God for the benefit and refreshment of our daily meals, 467. a thankful sense of God’s goodness at all times testified by good men, 3, et seq.

Θεμέλιος, an account of the meaning of that word in the Epistles to Timothy, i. 488. ii. 334.


Theodoret, a famous passage of his against transubstantiation, x. 403.

Thoughts, blasphemous, sometimes the effect of a bodily disorder, ii. 187. blasphemous and despairing, whence they ordinarily proceed, vi. 374.

Thoughts, our, known to God, vi. 367 369. known to none but God, 372, 373. the uncharitableness of judging men’s thoughts, 399.

Threatenings of God, the certainty of them, vii. 126, 127. how consistent with God’s mercy, 127. the objection of God’s not punctually per forming his threatenings, answered, vi. 508, 509.

Threatenings of the gospel, how clearly delivered, v. 434 436. the terror of them, 436, 437. the certainty of them to the impenitent, 442. how powerful an argument for repentance, 444, et seq. viii. 571, 572.

Thuanus, Erasmus, and Father Paul, a short account of them, ii. 228.

Thummim, Urim and Thummim, what, vi. 230.

Time, to be greatly valued and improved, ii. 115, 116. to what sort of persons a burthen, 496.

“Time and chance happeneth to them all;” Aben-Ezra’s interpretation of these words, iii. 102.

Time, the preciousness of it, v. 265. the folly of mispending it, ibid. 266.

Time for working out our salvation limited, v. 267. the danger of neglecting it, 268, 269. motives to a careful improvement of it, viii. 221.

Time, the want of, how weak a pretence for the neglect of religion, v. 157.

Tongue, directions concerning the mischiefs of the, iii. 265. children to be taught to govern their tongues, 502.

Tongue, the government of it a necessary duty, iii. 251. Tongue, the service of God in an unknown, contrary to Scripture, v. 478, 479. viii. 526. Vide Prayers.

Tongues, the gift of, how conferred on the apostles, viii. 381, 382. the folly of their conceit who impute the miracle to the hearers, and not to the speakers, 382. the strangeness of this miracle, 385 387. how an evidence of Christ’s exaltation, 388. the reality of the miracle of the gift of tongues, 387, 388. the wonderful effect of it, 390. how necessary for the first publication of the gospel, 391, 392. ix. 374. whether this gift of tongues be yet necessary, or to be expected, viii. 392, 393. in what cases it may be so, 393.

Torments, future, the fear of them how avoided, ii. 68.

Τοῦτῳ, ἐν τοῦτῳ these two words (Acts xxiv. 16.) explained, ii. 126. iii. 149.

Tradition, an universal, about the creation of the world, i. 334. 352. Tradition, oral, received by the pharisees, ii. 316. 317. what regard to be shewn to it, x. 249.

Tradition, great regard to be shewn to general, iii. 330.


Tradition of the church, Origen means by it the mystical interpretations of Scripture, x. 432.

Tradition, its failing, x. 349.

Tradition, Mr. Rushworth’s and J. S’s absurdities about oral, shewn in their consequences, x. 423.

Tradition, no certain rule of faith, x. 326. Bellarmine’s, Perron’s, and Knot’s marks of oral tradition, 410, 411. the danger of relying upon tradition, 413. pretended authorities for popish tradition answered, 425. how the papists rely on the equivocal sense of the word, 413. the temper of those who contend most for tradition, 431, 432.

Traditions, popish, are innovations, x. 390.

Traditions, some called apostolical, x. 411.

Tradition, oral, no certain rule, iv. 113 115. an instance of its fallibility, vi. 65, 66.

Tradition, its uncertainty, vi. 233, 234. ix. 289. x. 553.

Traditionary Jews, their opinion, x. 384, 385.

Transubstantiation, its beginning both in the Greek and Latin church, ii. 429, 430. the scandal and absurdity of this doctrine, 442-446. how it overthrows the faith of miracles, 447. how disclaimed by the outward senses, ibid, so rivetted by the council of Trent, that the church of Rome cannot part with it, if they would, 451. how they endeavour to uphold it by their infallibility, ibid, their arguments answered, 430-432. transubstantiation rejected by Scotus, iii. 433. 405, 406. the newness of the word and contradictions of the doctrine, iii. 433, 434. 403, 404.

Transubstantiation, the impossibility of that doctrine, i. ccci. hocus pocus supposed to be a corruption of hoc est corpus, in contempt of this absurd doctrine, ii. 443.

Transubstantiation, a very unreasonable and absurd opinion, ii. 43. vii. 159. viii. 412. ix. 398. 412. 603. a doctrine not to be proved by a miracle, ii. 262, 263. yet vigorously maintained by the church of Rome, iii. 430, 431. notoriously contrary to the sense and reason of mankind, iii. 451,452. supposed to have been chiefly maintained in the tenth century, x. 362. some account of the time and occasion of this absurd doctrine, ii. 429. Bellarmine’s fond observation about the antiquity of it, 430. testimonies proving that it was not the belief of the first five centuries, 417-428.

Transubstantiation, no miracle, ix. 356.

Trinity, the doctrine thereof founded on Scripture, ii. 452. iii. 291. 421, et seq. arguments proving this doctrine, 330, 331. 421, et seq. a confutation of the Socinian errors concerning it, 337. 422, et seq.

Trinity, the doctrine thereof cleared from contradiction, vii. 159.

Trouble, what kind of, forbidden by our Saviour, ix. 119 121.

Trouble for sin, necessary, ix. 122.

Trouble for worldly evils and afflictions, how far lawful, ix. 119. remedies against it, 124, 125.

Troubles, how removed by religion, ii. 62, 63.

Trust in God, how a support under worldly trouble, ix. 165, 166. directions 540in it, 167, 168. motives to it, vi. 440, 441. vii. 46. 150, 151. 208, 209.

Truth, what it is, how to be entertained, and the sinfulness of resisting it, ii. 186, iii. 65-67. 72.

Truth, the advantages of, in opposition to error, viii. 472.

Truth, Divine, the clear evidence of, ix. 405, et seq. that it is attended with external confirmation, 414. how good men led into it by the Divine Spirit, 415. the motives to adhere to it more powerful than those on the side of error, 417, et seq. an exhortation to steadfastness in it, 428, 429.

Truth, bad men’s enmity to, x. 1-6. the grounds and reasons of it, 6-9. inferences from it, 9-12.

Truth, a sincere endeavour to do the will of God the way to it, v. 30.

Truth, of God, what, vi. 499. how distinguished from his faithfulness, 500. this perfection proved to belong to God, 501 503. objections against it answered, 505. inferences from it, 511-514.

Truth, all truths not necessary to be preached at all times, viii. 423. to be inculcated gradually according to the capacities of men, ibid. 424.

Tully, the philosophers upbraided by him for living unsuitably to their doctrines, i. 501. 503. his excellent discourse of death, viii. 5, 6.


Valentinus, the divinity of Christ denied by him and others, iii. 285.

Vaninus Caesar, his objection against Christ’s miracles answered, ix. 478. his objection against our Saviour’s prediction of false Christs answered, 540.

Vespasian flattered with the belief that he was the Messias, iv. 298.

Vice, one great cause of error and infidelity, v. 28, 29. 62, 63. ix. 620, 621. x. 380.

Vice, its natural deformity, v. 282. vii. 300, 301.

Vice, how it darkens the understanding, v. 27.

Vigilance. See Watchfulness.

Virgin Mary, our Saviour’s seeming disrespect towards her accounted for, viii. 278.

Virgin Mary, the worship paid to her by the church of Rome, how contrary to Scripture, ii. 48. iii. 220, 221. iv. 327, 328. how contrary to the ancient practice of the Christian church, 328-330. this practice charged with idolatry, viii. 281.

Virtue and Vice, no arbitrary things, i. 419. their intrinsic difference, vii. 551, 552.

Virtue, its natural excellency, ix. 50.

Virtue, the practice of some particular virtues not true religion, viii. 513.

Visibility of the church of Rome examined, iv. 53.

Visibility of Christ’s church, how consistent with some errors and corruptions, iv. 156, 157.

Ulpian, his observation about swearing arising from a contempt of religion, ii. 330.


Unbelief, some account of that great sin, ii. 184-186.

Unbelief, the unreasonableness of, vi. 471, 472. ix. 401. Vide Infidelity.

Uncharitableness to the poor, the aggravations of this sin, vi. 202. the inhumanity of it, 203, 204. the impiety of it, 204, 205.

Uncharitableness to the poor, a damning sin, vi. 202.

Uncharitableness of the church of Rome, ix. 172. 218.

Unction, sacrament of extreme unction added in the church of Rome, ii. 560, the unreasonableness of making it a sacrament, ix. 378.

Understanding and knowing God, the import of, iii. 234.

Union betwixt Christ and Christians, viii. 485, 486.

Unity, exhortations to it, ii. 541. iii. 144, 145.

Unity of the Divine nature, iii. 415.

Unity, the advantages of, viii. 379.

Universality, no inseparable property or mark of the true church, ii. 464. Bellarmine’s error therein, ibid.

Unknown tongue, praying in it contrary to Scripture, ii. 47. iii. 460 Vide Prayers.

Unregenerate men, how they may be said to pray aright, x. 124, 125.

Vows, the breach of, an aggravation of sin, ii. 88.

Urim and Thummim, what meant by this, vi. 230.

Uzzah, the severity of his punishment, how reconcileable with the patience of God, vii. 99.


Walking by faith, what, iv. 184.

Walking humbly with God, what this phrase imports, v. 279, 280.

Want, riches no security to a covetous man against, v. 106.

War, success in, not always to the strong, iii. 101. strength a reasonable ground for hope, not for certainty of success in war, 102.

War, how to end war without bloodshed, iii. 36, 37. a good cause necessary in war, 1 14. the event of war a proof of a Divine Providence, 227, 228.

War, a sort of, carried on by the church of Rome against princes, x. 379.

Washings, ceremonies among the Jews, x. 392.

Watchfulness for Christ’s second coming, the great duty of Christians, ii. 553.

Watchfulness against temptations, ii. 553.

Watchfulness, motives to Christian, vii. 445. viii. 111. 117. ix. 170. directions in it, viii. 110-118.

Way, the signification of that word in Scripture, vi. 165.

Wicked men, their present prosperity no objection against the providence of God, vi. 493-495.

Wicked men, their dismal end, viii. 182. 187. x. 66-69. some exceptions from this accounted for, viii. 190, 191.

Wicked men, in what sense qualified to pray to God, x. 124 126.

Wickedness, a just cause of fear, viii. 195.

Wilful sinning, the sad consequences of, iii. 61.


Will, freedom of, accessary to virtue or vice, i. 388. ii. 454.

Will of man, its great influence upon the understanding, vi. 248, 249.

William III. (King) prayers used by, on various occasions, x. 212-224.

Wind, how a fit emblem of the Holy Spirit, viii. 380.

Wisdom and understanding, their signification in Scripture, i. 317, 318.

Wisdom, true, wherein it consists, i. 387, 388. nothing more contrary to it than sin, ii. 90-92.

Wisdom and righteousness, how to be understood in Scripture, i. 410. ii. 63, 64. their signification often the same, ibid.

Wisdom, what the greatest effect of it, iii. 484.

Wisdom, a character of the counsels of, ii. 149.

Wisdom, the, of being religious, i. 317-389. v. 165-181.

Wisdom and Valour, why the Romans dedicated no temple to, iii. 111.

Wisdom of God, vi. 403. that this perfection belongs to God, proved, 408. in what sense he is said to be “the only wise God,” 404, 405. inferences from the subject, 411-413.

Wisdom of God, how manifest in the creation, vi. 423-432. inferences from the subject, 432-437.

Wisdom of God manifest in his providence, vi. 438-458.

Wisdom of God in our redemption, vi. 459-477. the sufferings of Christ no objection against it, 470.

Wisdom, the imperfection of man’s wisdom, vi. 407, 408.

Wisdom of this world, vi. 275, 276.

Wit, the use and abuse of, i. 403-406.

Wolsey, Cardinal, a remarkable saying of his, i. 355, 356. v. 152.

Word, “the Word was made flesh,” (John i. 14.) what that phrase signifies, iii. 282.

Word, why our Saviour called the, iii. 284, 285.

Words, idle, what our Saviour meant by, v. 462. ix. 106. to be accounted for, viii. 74.

Works of supererogation, ii. 546. 557-559.

Work, what is the work assigned every man by God, v. 255, 256. that the time for this work is limited, 267. the danger of neglecting it, 269-271.

Works, the necessity of good, vi. 211. ix. 12. this doctrine how necessary to be inculcated upon Christians, 1, 2. objections against it answered, 16-27.

Works, good, the genuine fruits of faith, viii. 528, 557-566.

Works, the doctrine of good, how abused by the papists, ix. 9. by the Antinomians, 11. the purity of the church of England in this doctrine, ibid, this doctrine how reconciled with St. Paul’s doctrine of justification, 21-24. 314-320.

World, the notion of its eternity confuted, i. 330-332. 341-344.

World, why God hath made it so full of trouble, i. 524..

World, the unreasonable love of it condemned, ii. 61. iii. 66, 67.

World, how overcome by Christ, i. 349.

World, the creation of it how an instance of the wisdom of God, vi. 543425-432. Epicurus’s notion of its being made by chance, 433, 434. Alphonsus, his blasphemous speech concerning the creation of the world, 435.

World, the like phrases for expressing the end of the world, and the end of the Jewish state, how to be distinguished, vi. 150, 151.

World, its temptations, what, iv. 115, 116. v. 512, 513. its terrors, what, iv. 119-122. motives to steadfastness against them both, 124, et seqq.

World, its uncertainty, iv. 265. v. 117.

World, the things of it how little to be valued, viii. 222, 223. how much, despised by our Saviour, 241, 242. how far his example herein to be imitated by us, ibid, 243.

World, whence men are so concerned about the things of this, vi. 271, 272. “What is a man profited, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” that text explained, x. 54-71.

World, how inconsiderable the value of it, x. 58, 59. the uncertainty of all its enjoyments, ibid, the impossibility of their yielding true content, 61, 62.

World, the love of this, how far allowable, v. 71, 72.

World, the whole, how poor a purchase for the loss of our souls, x . 60, 61.

World, the wisdom of this, how far commendable, vii. 270, et seq.

World to come, why frequently to be thought on by us, v. 139. the wisdom of providing for it, 119. vi. 221, 222.

Worldly greatness, the vanity of, iv. 62.

Worldly evils, arguments to patience under, vi. 220, 221. Vide Patience.

Worldly goods, the folly of setting too great a value upon, vi. 218, 219.

Worship of God, i. 320. iii. 113. 436. 448, 449. 466. the design of it according to Lactantius, ii. 497.

Worship, God the only object of, iii. 466.

Worship, public, children to be brought up in, iii. 522.

Worship of God, wherein it consists, v. 258. vi. 316. how necessary a part of religion, ibid. 317.

Worship of God, how to be performed under the gospel, vii. 184, 185. our Christian liberty as to the outward circ*mstances of it, ibid, how we are to use this liberty, ibid.

Worship, external, how far to be regarded, vi. 185. the church of Rome’s abuse of it, ibid, motives to decency and reverence in God’s public worship, iv. 391, 392.

Wrath, the mischiefs of, vii. 302.

Wrath of God, the terrors of it, v. 432-435. how clearly revealed by the gospel, 439. how powerful a means for salvation, 459, et seq.

Writing, upon what accounts the most proper way of conveying to us the knowledge of the gospel, ix. 281, et seq. 552, 553. advantages of it above oral tradition, vi. 232-235.



Xenophon, his method in the education of Cyrus, iii. 505. his account of the education of children among the Persians, 524.


Youth, of the education of, iii. 483-551. education of youth a noble charity, ii. 194. 196. an example of it, 194.

Youth, why bound to remember their Creator, iii. 559-576.

Youth, upon what account the most seasonable time for religion, v. 268.


Zacharias, who was slain between the temple and the altar, who ho was, iv. 492, 493.

Zaccheus, his character, vii. 448, 450.

Zeal, in religion, i. 420. ii. 219. iii. 62, 63. the papists, their abuse of it, ii. 220.

Zeal about indifferent things, iii. 62, 63.

Zeal, apt to represent speculative points as of equal importance with fundamental articles, ibid.

Zeal, true and false, how distinguished, ibid,

Zeal, the mischiefs of furious, iii. 157.

Zeal, what, iv. 498. when commendable, ibid. 499. the difference between a regular and a misguided zeal, ibid.

Zeal according to knowledge, the properties of, iv. 501-504. characters of a zeal without knowledge, 505-507.

Zeal for ignorance, how far peculiar to the church of Rome, iv. 507.

Zeal, ignorant, how far it extenuates a crime, iv. 507, 508. the danger of it, 523. how apt to transport men to the worst actions, 511. 518, 519. the church of Rome, an eminent instance of this, 512.

Zeal for God, the nature of actions not altered by it, iv. 512, 513. the mischiefs of it when abused, 524-526.

Zeal, misguided, the danger of, iv. 513.

Zeal for a party or opinion, no sign of true religion, viii. 513.

Zeal for religion, how far available, vi. 185. how much abused by the papists, iv. 9. 607. 511. 512.

Zealots, a character of them, iii. 258.

Zealots, about the time of the siege of Jerusalem, who, iii. 138. how they contributed to the destruction of it, ix. 509, 510.

Zuinglius, some account of his death, x. 144.

Ζωὴ, and λόγος, what, iii. 286.


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