Lost Ark Thar Rapport Unlock (2025)

1. How to Unlock Rapport With Thar (South Vern) in Lost Ark - Zockify.com

  • Thar is one of the Lost Ark rapport NPCs in South Vern besides Candaria Neria and three others. He is not immediately available and has to be unlocked first.

  • Thar is one of the Lost Ark rapport NPCs in South Vern besides Candaria Neria and three others. He is not immediately available and has to be unlocked first. This takes several days. In this guide, you will learn which quests you have to complete and what rewards Thar has to offer.

2. Thar - Lost Ark Rapport - Inven Global

  • 1. To unlock Rapport. The Sun Rises Again. Required XP. Neutral - Level 1, 500. Neutral - Level 2, 1500. Amicable - Level 1, 5300. Amicable - Level 2, 8000.

  • Lost Ark Rapport, Lost Ark Global, News, Guide, Strategy, Tips, Screenshot, Community

3. How to Unlock Rapport With Thar in Lost Ark | The Nerd Stash

4. Thar - NPC - Lost Ark Codex

  • Missing: unlock | Show results with:unlock

  • A Knight Commander who once led the Solar Knights in Vern. He passed away a century ago, but he was resurrected for reasons unknown.

5. South Vern Adventure Tome Guide for Lost Ark - Maxroll.gg

  • Feb 21, 2024 · 40% ➜ Legendary Rapport Item 50% ➜ Secret Map. 60% ➜ Masterpiece ... Vernese Brandy Magica is acquired by reaching Trusted with NPC Thar .

  • South Vern Adventure Tome Guide for Lost Ark. Learn about Rewards, Maps, Quests, Zone completion, Wandering Merchants, Cooking Guides and Hidden Story Locations.

6. Lost Ark Rapport Guide: Best Tips & Tricks - Zockify.com

  • Here you'll find a collection of tips and tricks for building Rapport with NPCs in Lost Ark. Popular guide categories: Lost Ark Gold ...

  • Select the tooltip language after you hover over items, spells, NPCs, or quests. The names you see in the document itself don't change and will still be in English.

7. Rapport Tool for Lost Ark - Maxroll.gg

  • Learn the required EXP and Rewards for each Rapport stage with NPC's with their preferred Sheet Music, Songs, Emotes and Gifts.

8. Lost Ark Rapport Full Guide in GoldenEyeVault.com

  • Oct 28, 2022 · The Rapport tab is located in the Adventure section of the in-game menu, and you can also access it by pressing ALT+N. This tab allows you to ...

  • A complete Rapport Guide in Lost Ark ✔ Rapport scale - how to increase levels in Lost Ark (talks, quests, emotes, songs, gifts) ✔ Best Rapport NPCs: recommendations for interaction with NPCs, rewards, and benefits for players

9. How To Unlock Rapport With Sasha in Lost Ark | The Nerd Stash

  • Mar 23, 2024 · Unlocking Sasha's Rapport in Lost Ark ... Being able to unlock the ability to work through Sasha's Rapport requires you to complete the World ...

  • Sasha is one of Rapport characters that you can befreind in Lost Ark. This time, however, you can earn a Giant's Heart for it.

Lost Ark Thar Rapport Unlock (2025)


How to get thar rapport? ›

Thar Unlock Requirement: Quest The Sun Rises Again
  1. To be able to engage with Thar you need to complete the quest. ...
  2. Note: Besides The Sun Rises Again you'll also need Courage 150 and. ...
  3. Once you've finished the main story of South Vern up to and including. ...
  4. After finishing the time-gated quest chain you can accept the quest.

How do you get rapport fast in Lost Ark? ›

Gift items, play songs and perform actions to raise Rapport Stages with NPCs daily. Choose Rapport NPCs depending on what you want to pursue in the game. Obtain Virtue Points from Sidequest, Una's Task reputation, Collectible and Rapport NPC completions. You can invite and place Trusted Stage NPCs in your Stronghold.

How to unlock neria South Vern? ›

You need to finish the South Vern story as well as the Kadan story on Isteri. Specifically, you must have completed these quests: South Vern story (up and including. An Invasion of Chaos)

What is the daily rapport limit in Lost Ark? ›

Give gift: You can give out up to 99 rapport gifts to NPCs each day. These can increase Rapport by anything from 300 to 10,000 points. See our Eight Ways To Get Rapport Gifts guide for more detailed information on gifts. Play instrument: You can play songs for Rapport increases five times per day.

How do you unlock Tanay rapport? ›

Tanay Rapport

To unlock Tanay as an NPC that you can do rapport with, you must fulfill a quest condition and a virtue condition. The quest you must complete is called Do you want to see hat magic?. You receive this quest as part of a quest chain on Peyto.

Can you complete the South Vern Adventure tome? ›

Finally, once you've fully completed South Vern's Adventurer Tome, you'll be rewarded with its Ignea Token.

How do you unlock tharis Island? ›

By playing through the campaign, Prospectors will eventually unlock Tharsis Island, where hazards and missions are unlike anything seen just yet.

What is the hidden quest in South Vern? ›

The first hidden quest, Fallen Black Leaves, has two prerequisite quests: Serious Search, which is a main story quest for South Vern, and the Missing Family's Whereabouts, which you can find in Wishnel Village. Once you've done both, interact with Bragi's body, which is to the south of the Collapsed Northern Ruins.

How do you unlock Bernard? ›

Big Chungus is a secret boss who is unlocked after defeating The Flame in the "One Last Fight" DLC.

How to skip nineveh rapport? ›

Preparations for the Nineveh Rapport Skip
  1. Get 5 of the same relic rapport gifts OR 21 of the same legendary rapport gifts.
  2. Bring all virtues up to 230.
  3. Bring rapport with Nineveh up to the following brackets: Skip with relic rapport gifts: 10,000-10,299 at Friendly 1.

Is rapport useful in Lost Ark? ›

Rapport in Lost Ark is essentially the players' level of relationship with various unique NPCs in the game. As players' Rapport increases with each NPC, they will be rewarded with perks such as Gold, Cards, Skill Runes, Stat and Vitality Increase Potions, and Collectibles.

How many daily users does Lost Ark have? ›

Lost Ark
MonthAvg. PlayersPeak Players
Last 30 Days20,075.532,987
July 202419,612.232,987
June 202419,317.932,179
May 202455,778.294,636
27 more rows

Where do I get legendary rapport? ›

Rapport gifts are most reliably bought (and grindable) through providence stones. Typically, if you go to the exchange rapport vendors in any city, they'll give you a chest that contains three random gifts (with a chance at a legendary one, though the baseline is three epics) for 2,500 stones.

How do you unlock Gillock rapport? ›

Gillock Unlock Requirement: Quest Meeting Louvere Again

To be able to engage with Gillock you need to complete the quest Meeting Louvere Again starting at Gillock in Candaria Territory . This quest is the penultimate quest in a chain of quests started by a hidden object in Rania Village.

Where is thar lost ark? ›

Thar is a knight, the players will meet the first time in North Vern's Port Krona. He appears as a defender, when Necromancer Sigmund attacks the port. Vern's Knight Commander, who once was called the Silver Spear.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.