Cyrannus Star System (2025)

The Cyrannus Star System is a group of four stars, in a double binary configuration. The four stars are denoted as Helios Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Helios Alpha and Beta orbit each other at a distance of 63 SU from their barycenter. Helios Gamma and Delta orbit each other at a distance of 70 SU from their barycenter. Ragnar orbits the Helios Gamma and Delta barycenter at a distance of 110 SU. Both binary systems orbit a barycenter and are separated by 0.16 light-years (10,091 SU)[1].


  • 1 Interactive Map
  • 2 Helios Alpha
  • 3 Helios Beta
  • 4 Helios Gamma
  • 5 Helios Delta
  • 6 Sources

Interactive Map[]

Helios Alpha[]

Archaeological evidence confirms that the first landfall in the Cyrannus occurred around 2,000 years ago before the Fall, on the planet Gemenon. However, for most of recorded history, Helios Alpha has taken a back seat to the richer and more populous worlds of Helios Beta. Up until 200 years ago, Picon and Tauron were colonies of Virgon and Leonis, but they both gained their independence by the time first Colonial Government was formed with its capital on Caprica.

Helios Alpha is the largest star in the Cyrannus Star System and has a mass of 1.0 Helios Units. It is in the G2V Spectral Class.

  1. Icarus
  2. Picon - "The Ocean Colony"
  3. Caprica - "Capital of the Colonies"
  4. Gemenon - "The First Colony"
  5. Tauron - "The Old Colony"
    1. Minos - Home to Tauron's mining colonies, and is unsupportive of life.
  6. Erebos Asteroid Belt - Heavily used by Taurons for mining.
  7. Zeus
    1. Hebe
    2. Nike
  8. Persephone

Helios Beta[]

Helios Alpha may have been the first system settled by the ancient Kobolians 2,000 years ago, but for many centuries, Helios Beta was the intellectual and commercial heart of the colonies. The great empires controlled by the rival worlds Virgon and Leonis spread throughout the Cyrannus system, and introduced many of the technologies, traditions, and cultural values that we enjoy today.

Helios Beta has a mass of 0.79 Helios Units and is in the K1V Spectral Class.

  1. Troy - a small planet used by Leonis and Virgon for extensive mining operations.
  2. Leonis - "Heart of the Colonies"
  3. Ouranos Asteroid Belt - the unofficial border between Virgon and Leonis, mined extensively for centuries and the site of various skirmishes during the height of their respective empires.
  4. Virgon - "Imperial Virgon"
    1. Hibernia - Virgon's moon, populate by the Celtans.
  5. Pallas - Home to several colonies, but is no longer naturally supportive of life.
  6. Hera - A gas giant with 29 moons.
    1. Euboea
    2. Iris

Helios Gamma[]

During the long proxy war between Virgon and Leonis, Sagittaron was one of the key battlegrounds. Both sides occupied the planet for a time and exploited its population, along with its two less populous neighbors. Since the formation of the Colonial Government, the system has been a model of stability, due in no small part to the fleet based at Scorpia, as well as the Inter-Colonial Court on Libran.

Helios Gamma has a mass of 0.89 Helios Units and is in the G9V Spectral Class.

  1. Thanatos
  2. Acheron Asteroid Belt
  3. Scorpia - "Playground of the Colonies"
  4. Sagittaron - "The Lone Colony"
  5. Libran - "The Colony of Justice"
    1. Pondrossos
    2. Herse
  6. Ophion

Helios Delta[]

The last of the Four Systems to be settled, Helios Delta's remote location meant that for hundreds of years, it was largely ignored by the imperial powers of Helios Beta. Only in recent years has Canceron's and Aerilon's proximity to the gas giant Ragnar proven to be a boon for manufacturing and military research, resulting in a system-wide tech revolution.

Helios Delta is the smallest of the stars in the Cyrannus Star System, with a mass of 0.74 Helios Units. It is in the K2V Spectral Class.

  1. Phoebe
  2. Aeolus Asteroid Belt
  3. Hestia
    1. Kronos
    2. Rhea
  4. Aerilon - "Food Basket of the Colonies"
  5. Canceron - "The Largest Democracy"
  6. Styx
  7. Aquaria - "The Ice Colony"
  8. Ragnar - A very unstable orbit causes Ragnar to periodically shift between the Helios Gamma and Delta systems.


  1. Battlestar Galactica 2004, licensed product: "Battlestar Galactica Map of The 12 Colonies".

United Colonies of Kobol

Helios AlphaIcarus · Picon · Caprica · Gemenon · Tauron (Minos) · Zeus (Hebe · Nike)
Helios BetaTroy · Pallas · Leonis · Virgon (Hibernia) · Ouranos asteroid belt · Pallas · Hera (Euboea · Iris)
Helios GammaThanatos · Acheron asteroid belt · Ophion · Libran (Pandrossos · Herse) · Scorpia (Scorpion Fleet Shipyards) · Sagittaron
Helios DeltaPhoebe · Aeolus asteroid belt · Aerilon · Canceron · Hestia (Kronos · Rhea) · Aquaria · Styx
Other PlanetsDjerba · Ragnar (Sigurd) · Marathon · "Ambrosia Planet"
Cyrannus Star System (2025)
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