84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (2024)

Last updated on November 6th, 2022

Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country mostly located in Europe. It has a total area of 505,370 square km. Madrid is its capital and largest city. Spanish is the official language of Spain. Euro (€) (EUR) is its official currency. Its four land bordering countries are Andorra, France, Portugal, and Gibraltar. Here are 84 interesting facts about Spain that tend to be either unknown or are ignored by many.

Historical Facts

1. Constitutional Monarchy: As history would dictate it, Spain is one of the oldest constitutional monarchies in the world. Spain’s former king, King Juan Carlos I came to power after General Franco – a ruthless dictator, died in 1975. Presently, former King Juan Carlos I abdicated his throne to his son. As of 2014, King Felipe VI is the new king of Spain.

2. The first ‘novel’ is attributed to a Spaniard:Spanish author, Cervantes’ is known for his Don Quixote novel which was written in 1605. Don Quixote is considered to be one of the first modern novels.

3. Spain has 47 World Heritage Sites:all throughout Spain, there are several pre-historic rock art, historic cities, and buildings. Additionally, there are also bridges, national parks and landscapes.Originally, Spain was known as Iber.

4. Spain’s connection to the modern stapler: According to records, the first known stapler was made in the 18th century in the Basque country for the French King Louis XV.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (1)

5. Contribution to modern society:Spain is responsible for giving the world the mop and bucket. This occurred in 1856.

6. Developed cigarettes: the precedent to the modern cigarettes, which was developed around the 17th century was first developed in Spain.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (2)

7. Spain’s contribution to space exploration: The first astronaut’s space suit was developed in Spain in 1935.

8. Wind power and electricity: Red Eléctrica de España (REE), is one of the main operators of the electrical system in Spain.

9. Spain’s contribution to the arts:Some of the most renowned artist that have impacted today’s knowledge in the arts include Valázquez from the 17th century, Goya from the 18th and 19th centuries to Picasso, Miró and Dali throughout the 20th century.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (3)

10. Spain attraction to old cuisine: Guinness World Records awarded the title of oldest restaurant to El Restaurante Botín, which originally opened in 1725 and continues to be open today.

11. The Spanish civil war(1936-1939)–was an armed conflict between the Republicans and Nationalists led by General Francisco Franco–killed over 500,000 people.

12. In A.D. 711 Muslims from Africa invaded Spain.

13.Valencia –the third-largest city in Spain, was once under Muslim control for five centuries.

Spain on the map

Spanish Culture

14. Nudity is legal in Spain: unlike other countries in the Mediterranean coast, Spain is known for providing nude beaches for those who do not want to wear bathing suits or bikinis while attending the beach on hot summer days.

15. Spain’s high life expectancy: those who live in Spain are said to have a life expectancy of 82.5 years. Overall Spain ranks 6th in the world for longest life expectancy. Additionally, Spanish women are said to live longer than men: 86.3 compared to 80.9 years.

16. Will Spain be the world’s oldest country by 2050? According to some statistics, Spain has 20 percent of the population aged over 65 years.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (4)

17. Limited after-school care: in Spain, about 25% of all grandparents are known to take care of their grandchildren every day since there are not that many after-school care opportunities.

18. Spaniards love to hang out: on average, Spaniards are known to spend approximately 16 out of every 24 hours laying around, eating, drinking (including alcoholic beverages) and sleeping. There is nothing better than taking a Siesta! After lunch.

19. No tooth fairy in Spain: just as any other child in the world, Spanish kidsplace their fallen teeth under their pillow right before they go to sleep. However, unlike American children who are visited by the tooth fairy, Spanish children are visited by El Ratoncito Perez, who brings them a gift in exchange for their tooth.In Spain, kidstypically have their father’s and mother’s last names.

20. Age of consent lowest in the world: back in the day, Spanish law claimed that the age of consent for sexual intercourse was 13 while the legal age for marriage was 14. As of today, Spanish law has changed. That being said, the age of consent and legal marriage age have been changed to 16.

21. The Spanish and their views on same sex marriage:As of 2010, 80 percent of Spanish citizens claimed that gay, lesbian, and any other individual who does not fall under the “norm” when it comes to gender identity and sexual orientation, has the right to live their lives as they please without being controlled by those in power.

22. The Spanish national football team: La Roja, La Furia Roja, La Furia Española, or La Furia, are some of the many names awarded to the Spanish National Team. From 2008 to 2013, Spain holds a total of 28 wins, which makes it the longest world record for winning the most consecutive competitive matches.

23. The ‘Tomatina’ (the world’s biggest food fight) and the ‘Running of the Bulls’ (six bulls chase people) are two of the most famous Spanish festivals.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (5)


24. The Puerta del Sol “Gate of the Sun” located in Madrid, is directly in the center of the country.

25. The national anthem of Spain has no words.

26. Would you believe that a 47-story skyscraper in Spain has no elevator?

27. Spanish rice is unknown in Spain.

28. Roman walls surround the old Spanish city ofTarragonaon three of its four sides.

29. Spain was accidentally invaded by Britain in 2002 when the British marines disembarked inSpain instead of Gibraltar. However, the invasion happened briefly for aperiod of 5 minutes and no harm was done.

30. Prostitution in Spain is not illegal but profiting from the sale of sex by another is. Moreover, prostitutes in Spain were ordered to wear florescent vests for their safety on the road while touting for customers.

31. During the New Year, Spaniards typically eat twelve grapes as the bell is going down on the midnight of December 31. Some believe that thisleads to a year of prosperity while others say thatthe tradition wards away witches and general evil.

32. In 2000, Spain’s Paralympic basketball team had to return their gold medals afterit was found that 10 of the 12-strong squad suffered no handicap.

33. Almost 700 people in a town of Spain share their surname “Japon”.

34. There are two names given in Spanish to the Spanish language: español (“Spanish”) andcastellano (“Castilian”).

35. The U.S. has more Spanish speakers than Spain.

36. Did you know that Spain did not participate in either the first or second world war?

37. A Zipline connects Spain and Portugal. It only takes 60 seconds to cross the border on this Zipline. It is built on a river, 150 meters wide, between the two countries.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (6)

38. Remember that there are at least 43 million native Spanish speaking people in Spain.

39. It is illegal in Spain to name a kid: Judas, Cain orMandarina. These are the names of fruits and hence not suitable for a human being.

40. Anyone daring to walk the streets of downtown Palma de Mallorca without a shirt can be slapped with a fine of €600.

41. It is illegal to dog walk in the streets of Madrid with more than 8 dogs.

Madrid facts for kids

42. Madrid is one of the most environmentally friendly places in the world.

43. The official symbol or mascot is the bear.

44. People who live in Madrid are often called “gatos” meaning cats because they sleep all day and are out all night.

45. One of the most famous art museums is located in Madrid. It is known as Museo del Prado.

46. Madrid is located on a plateau 650 meters above sea level.

47. The Madrid subway is the second largest underground system in Europe

Spain’s Economy

48. It is the 14th largest economy in the world.

49.France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and the U.K. are Spain’s major export partners.

50. Spain’soriginal monetary unit was the pesetas.

51. Currently, just like the majority of European countries, Spain uses the Euro.

Tourism in Spain

52.The Sagrada familia, a cathedral that is still under construction is one of the most visited buildings in Spain. It is under construction for over 130 years.

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (7)

53. Spain was the3rd most visited country in the world in 2013.

54. Gaudi’s architectural places are some of the most visited.

55. Spain has the second highest number of bars per inhabitants in the world. Cyprus leads the tally.

. . . continue reading on the next page

84 Interesting Facts About Spain That You Should Know - The Fact File (2024)


What are 3 interesting facts about Spanish? ›

5 Interesting Spanish Language Facts
  • Spanish is a Romance language derived from Vulgar Latin. ...
  • Spanish is spoken by 559 million people around the world. ...
  • Spanish uses inverted exclamation and question marks. ...
  • Like most languages, Spanish has its own very unique words which can't be translated in other languages.

What Spain is famous for? ›

Spain is known for its food, Flamenco music and dance, siesta, bullfights, horses, arts and literature, architecture, a Moorish heritage, its islands, Mediterranean beaches, wines, fruits and vegetables, and football (soccer).

What is amazing about Spain? ›

Spain is truly blessed with the overwhelming Mediterranean Sea on 3 sides and with the sea and the coast come the jaw-dropping and beautiful Mediterranean beaches. Spain has almost 3,000 cataloged beaches, the most in all of Europe.

What are the 10 most interesting facts? ›

Interesting World Facts Trivia You Should Know About
  • Snowfall in Sahara Desert. ...
  • Fastest Gust of Wind. ...
  • You Can't Buy Coca-Cola Here. ...
  • Sudan Has More Pyramids in the World Than any Other Country. ...
  • Do You Like Rainbows? ...
  • Go Further Than the Sky Rainbow!! ...
  • Whale Songs Help Mapping the Ocean Floor. ...
  • Flowers are Changing Colours.
Dec 7, 2022

What are the top 10 amazing facts? ›

The 60 Most Interesting World Facts You'll Ever Hear
  • Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69 percent of the world's freshwater. ...
  • The fastest gust of wind ever recorded on Earth was 253 miles per hour. ...
  • Recent droughts in Europe were the worst in 2,100 years. ...
  • The best place in the world to see rainbows is in Hawaii.

What are 50 interesting facts? ›

50 Absurd Facts That Will Make You Question Everything
  • You typically only breathe out of one nostril at a time. ...
  • "Vegetables" don't really exist. ...
  • More people drown in fresh water than in salt water. ...
  • Your brain uses up around 20 percent of your body's blood and oxygen. ...
  • Ravens' moods are affected by others.

What are 5 benefits of Spanish? ›

9 Major Benefits of Learning Spanish
  • One of the best languages to learn for travel. ...
  • Learning Spanish makes you more employable. ...
  • It'll keep your mind sharp. ...
  • You'll become a better person. ...
  • A world of art, literature and beauty will open up to you. ...
  • Get a better handle on pop culture. ...
  • It won't take you too long.
Jan 22, 2021

How old Spanish is? ›

The oldest Latin texts with traces of Spanish come from mid-northern Iberia in the 9th century, and the first systematic written use of the language happened in Toledo, a prominent city of the Kingdom of Castile, in the 13th century.

What is Spain's real name? ›

Spain (Spanish: España, [esˈpaɲa] ( listen)), or the Kingdom of Spain (Reino de España), is a country primarily located in southwestern Europe with parts of territory in the Atlantic Ocean and across the Mediterranean Sea.

What are 5 interesting facts about Spain for kids? ›

24 Spain Facts for Kids

The primary language spoken in Spain is Spanish. The capital city of Spain is Madrid. The population of Spain was estimated to be 44.66 million in 2018. According to the estimates by the United Nations in 2019, Spain is the 30th most populated country in the world.

Is Spain rich or poor? ›

Being rich in a poor country also has costs.
RankCountryGDP-PPP ($)
38Czech Republic47527
141 more rows
Aug 1, 2022

How do you say fun facts in Spanish? ›

In a fun fact.
fun fact.
Principal Translations
fun fact noften pl (amusing piece of trivia)dato curioso nm + adj

How did Spain get its name? ›

The term Spain (España in Spanish) is derived from the Roman name for the region: Hispania.

What language does Spain speak? ›

The official language of Spain is Spanish (or rather castellano) and is understood everywhere in the country. More often than not, the people of Spain refer to their language as castellano rather than español because the latter can be any of the other languages spoken in the country.

What is Spain national animal? ›

The bull is the national animal and an important cultural symbol of Spain. Its cultural status stems from the popularity of bullfighting, which dates back to the 8th century.

What are some weird facts about Spain? ›

20 odd and interesting facts about Spain
  • Spain produces 43.8% of all of the world's Olive Oil. ...
  • A whopping 98% of the country used to be Roman Catholic. ...
  • Whilst many English celebrate St George in a most lacklustre style, in Spain old Jorge is merrily lauded.
Jan 13, 2015

What was Spain first called? ›

Hispania, in Roman times, region comprising the Iberian Peninsula, now occupied by Portugal and Spain.

What was Spain first known as? ›

Hispania was the name used for the Iberian Peninsula under Roman rule from the 2nd century BC. The populations of the peninsula were gradually culturally Romanized, and local leaders were admitted into the Roman aristocratic class.

Who founded Spain? ›

1479 - The Kingdom of Spain is formed when Isabella and Ferdinand are made King and Queen uniting Aragon and Castile.

What are 100 facts? ›

100 is a perfect square number and its square root is 10. 100 is the basis of percentages ("per cent" meaning "per hundred" in Latin), with 100 percent being a full amount. There are 100 pennies in one dollar.

Did you know facts for 7 year olds? ›

Each of your hands has 14 finger bones. After about age 30, people start shrinking – they get a bit shorter every year. People can go without drinking water for as long as a week without dying. They can go without food for about a month.

What are some 5 interesting facts? ›

52 of the best random facts
  • Avocados are a fruit, not a vegetable. ...
  • The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller during the summer, due to thermal expansion meaning the iron heats up, the particles gain kinetic energy and take up more space.
  • Trypophobia is the fear of closely-packed holes. ...
  • Australia is wider than the moon.
Jul 8, 2022

What are 3 unusual facts? ›

Fun Facts and Trivia
  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. ...
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

Did you know top 20 most amazing facts? ›

20 Fun Facts About the World That Sound Absurd But Are Actually...
  • 1) It snows in the Sahara Desert. ...
  • 2) There are only two countries in the world where Coca Cola does not exist. ...
  • 3) Sudan has the most pyramids in the world (not Egypt) ...
  • 4) Colombia's brightest rainbow is in its river.
Jul 2, 2020

What are some creepy fun facts? ›

The 20 Creepiest Scary Facts to Spook Your Friends 2022
  • There is an ancient book full of strange symbols no one can translate. ...
  • In 1872 a ship was discovered floating in the ocean with no signs of its crew or passengers! ...
  • The Tower of London is haunted by lots of ghosts. ...
  • A dead Pope was once put on trial.
Oct 6, 2022

What is a fact about Spain? ›

Spain – or the Kingdom of Spain, to give the country its official title – is the second-largest country in the European Union after France. It measures up at around 506,000 square kilometers if you include the Canary Islands and the Spanish territories along the North African coastline.

What is special about Spain? ›

Spain is known for its food, Flamenco music and dance, siesta, bullfights, horses, arts and literature, architecture, a Moorish heritage, its islands, Mediterranean beaches, wines, fruits and vegetables, and football (soccer).

Why is Spanish so popular? ›

War and culture. Territorial and literary expansion. These are the two things which the Spanish have excelled at over the years. Put simply, this is why so many people around the world speak Spanish.

What is Spain's full name? ›

Spain (Spanish: España, [esˈpaɲa] ( listen)), or the Kingdom of Spain (Reino de España), is a country primarily located in southwestern Europe with parts of territory in the Atlantic Ocean and across the Mediterranean Sea.

What did Spain discover? ›

In 1493, during his second voyage, Columbus founded Isabela, the first permanent Spanish settlement in the New World, on Hispaniola. After finding gold in recoverable quantities nearby, the Spanish quickly overran the island and spread to Puerto Rico in 1508, to Jamaica in 1509, and to Cuba in 1511.

What makes Spain rich? ›

Spain's diversified economy includes manufacturing, financial services, pharmaceuticals, textiles and apparel, footwear, chemicals, and a booming tourism industry.

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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